At this moment, those Martial Artists who repaired swords, whether they were golden bodies or Dharma images, really Primordial Spirit, suddenly stood up.

Looking at the field, the will that is several times stronger than Blade Intent, the mouth went wide in astonishment!


That is realm above the mind.

Martial Dao Road, comprehend the difficulty of a realm, which is unmatched by the cultivation realm.

And like Innate Realm's Perfection will, even Peak will, are extremely rare existences.

Like Heaven's Chosen on the Heaven Ranking, apart from being Shen Tianlian in the Law Manifestation Realm world, everyone else is also Peak Will.

The power is more rare than the Peak will. It is almost ten thousand li. In the Great Grandmaster, there are very few who understand the power.

In the Primordial Spirit Realm, momentum is common.

But let me ask, how many Martial Artists are there in the entire Southern Tang Dynasty, and how many of them can advance to Primordial Spirit Realm?

So, like Yunyang, with the golden body realm, it is almost unique to touch the'potential'.

Although his will at this time, it is not considered a sword posture.

But it's far better than Blade Intent, so much better!

"Damn, what is this, it's too terrifying!"

"Yun Yang touched the sword, no wonder he can suppress the Primordial Spirit power, too, too Strong too terrifying!"

"Ling Tian is strong, there is no doubt, but there is no way, this time Yunyang is really well prepared, the background is too deep!"

Yun Yang got up again, tilting the balance of this battle again.

At this time, everyone is looked towards Ling Tian.

If Ling Tian doesn't have a hole card, then he might really lose to Yun Yang.

"hehe, it's just touching the'potential', then look at it, what is this!?"

However, Ling Tian under the boundless swordsmanship, the faceplate Next, a pair of dazzling star pupils did not put the sword force in their eyes at all.

In the laughter, Feng raised his head and grew hair, and the corner of his mouth under his visor was smiling. This smile is like a demon.

With laughter, Ling Tian's sword hanging on the ground slowly raised.

And the one hundred thousand sword shadow gradually became solidified and manifested.

Hundreds of thousands of thin sword shadows, like hairsprings, surround the sword edge. From a distance, it is a blazing fire.

At this moment, all the swords in the hands of Sword Dao Martial Artist could not stop shaking.

As if to come out of the sheath, worship the emperor!

"This is the sword power!"

Lu Chen held the sword in his hand tightly. Even if he lost to Yun Yang, his face never changed. This Time is full of coldness.

It seems that his unyielding and fighting intent are in his heart, and he is also aroused by this sword!

In the stands, all the powers of the Primordial Spirit Realm suddenly stood up and looked at the sword of fire on the Yuelong battle stage. , Just swallowed away!

At this moment, almost everyone can't feel the momentum of the sword. In their eyes, there is only the rising sword, that eye full of...flame!

"Flame Swordsmanship! This is definitely not just touching the edge of the swordsmanship!"

"Yes, this is the real Swordsman, my God, Ling Tian actually In the realm Peak of the golden body, the comprehended swordsmanship, is this still a human, this is the real evildoer?!"

"Yes, it is really too exaggerated. The whole Nantang seems to have not Record, if someone is in the realm of the golden body, they can understand the sword's power?"

"Hey, there seems to be one, do you still remember the sword Hou Gainie three hundred years ago? He was, It seems to be a comprehended sword power!"

"That Gai Nie who was sealed in the realm of the golden body, indeed, now Ling Tian is still Yunyang, and it is enough to be tied with Gai Nie three hundred years ago , I saw it back then, but Gai Nie’s sword power is not as powerful as Ling Tian!"

"Yes, this sword power carries flames, it is not comparable to ordinary sword power!"

The terrifying flame sword power permeates the entire Leaping Dragon Square. Among myriad swords cry, the light-armored youth on the battle stage dance with long hair flying upwards, wearing a mottled armor, hunting and hunting in the wind. A sword power, turned into a violent wind, washed away in all directions of the Yuelong battle stage.

Compared with him, the original dazzling rays of light, Yunyang, was completely covered up.

"The world is like chess, it is really touching."

"Is Ling Tian going to win this final battle?"

This kind of scene , Like a dream, one after another, called miracles, really appeared in front of everyone.

A Ling Tian who is not optimistic about everyone, has been killed all the way, and at the moment, it seems that he still has to win the final battle before the leader.

Since the Dragon Sect grand competition started, something that has never been done by an Academy has to be done by this Ling Tian.

At this moment, everyone at Xiaoyao Academy finally settled down.

On the high platform, the head of the madhouse touched his beard, hehe smirked, excited.

With the immediate imposing manner, Yun Yang could no longer stop Ling Tian in this battle.

The people in the audience were shocked, but if they were shocked, they were far incomparable to Yun Yang on the stage.

Feeling the astonishing sword power of the opponent, his face is extremely stiff, coldly said: "Sword power, this is impossible! How can you understand the sword power!"

"Why, only you are allowed to touch, and I am not allowed to comprehend it? Don't you want me to see what's going on, then take a look!"

The voice fell, Ling Tian's eyes bloomed in the depths A little brilliance, dazzling like a star


The one hundred thousand sword shadow on his body rushed away in the blink of an eye, turning into a Fire Dragon, Yuelong Plaza The long sword in the hands of the Chinese Quartet watching the battle, can no longer control, buzzing and trembling.

"Damn it, I can't control it!"

"This sword is too powerful..."

The previous few times, I could barely control it. With his own sword, Ling Tian is urging the sword power at the moment, and many people can no longer control it.

"This sword is the first time I have used it. It is dead or alive, it depends on your ability!"

The cold glow in Ling Tian's eyes suddenly shot out cold The killing intent.


An indescribable flame sword glow blooms from Ling Tian's hands. This sword is like the morning sun, rushing to thunder as fast as you want to kill the earth.

Three Yang True Fire cut!

Finally, on the Dragon Sect grand competition, Ling Tian displayed the first layer of the sword technique secret technique!

"Damn, I will never lose, never!"

A crazy look broke out in Yun Yang's eyes, his blood energy exploded, and he roared, urging the cultivation technique. Move to the limit. Under the skin on his face, faint blood lines appeared, which looked very strange.

The terrifying blood-colored vitality agitated again in his body, and his body burst out with a more terrifying aura than before.

Even if Ling Tian mastered the flame sword power, he was so loud that he would not allow himself to lose to Ling Tian again, even at the expense of everything!

When he raised his hand, a blood-colored blade glow was cut out on the barren dust.

Facing Ling Tian's sword, cut the past.

"Blood Silence!"


Only a moment, at the moment when the sword touched, this huge yuelong battle stage was no longer impossible to support, and it fell apart and collapsed completely.

It seems like a high mountain, before everyone's eyes, it collapsed.

"Everyone, take action!"

A referee screamed, and in an instant, a dozen more Primordial Spirit Realms flashed over and joined hands to bless Formation.

hong long long!

The battle stage of aloof and remote, completely turned into a ruin, turned into countless waste rocks, pits and pits, piled up on the ground.


In the center of the storm, someone saw a silhouette of breakthrough dust.

In midair, blood sputtered out suddenly.


Under this sword glow containing the flame sword power, even if he has exhausted everything, he still cannot resist.

He was struck by a sword in his chest, and the wound was terrifying incomparably. It penetrated his top grade armor, and there was blood still ticking down.

Yun Yang, completely defeated.

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