
Xiaoyao Academy.

Ling Tian just returned to the Academy, he was about to leave for Heavenly Absolute Mountain.

Heavenly Absolute Mountain is the first dangerous place in Zhong Prefecture of Southern Tang Dynasty.

For many years, I don’t know how many young and younger leaders have been born here.

But Ling Tian has no choice.

Now his battle strength is already Peak bottleneck.

It is more than enough to defeat Yunyang.

But in the face of Shen Tianlian, it is far from enough.

If he wants the breakthrough cultivation base and battle strength, he can only go to Heavenly Absolute Mountain.

Go to find the remaining Taichu Sutra.

Ling Tian does not know whether the remaining Taichu Sutra can make him a cultivation base breakthrough.

But now he has no choice but this one way.

Before that, Ling Tian also thought about the Dragon and Phoenix Seal.

After all, when the breakthrough of Martial Sovereign is restricted, it is the cultivation technique of cultivated heavenly demon.

The dragon and phoenix seal is the same as the heavenly demon tripod, it is a thing of the same rank, and his dragon seal also contributes to the dragon elephant battle.

However, Ling Tian has already been to Cui Family.

In the end, he couldn't ask.

Because once asked, his identity will be completely exposed.

He can't trust Cui Family, so he must not reveal any news.

He also went to the East Palace.

But Cui Tuer said he didn't know where Feng Yin was, so he still had to go to Heavenly Absolute Mountain. Even there, he would get nothing and even take his life.

He does it for himself, but also for Liu Yiyi.

Ling Tian concluded that Shen Tianlian had absolutely no guts to choose Taiping Princess, then Liu Yiyi, Changle Princess, was Shen Tianlian's only choice.

Although he has no intention of having anything to do with Liu Yiyi now, he will never allow others to praise Liu Yiyi.

Absolutely not!

Outside the mountain gate, on Ling Tian's armor, there are all blood stains, behind him, Qin Mingyue, the head of the lunatic asylum, and the others, are all waiting there.

"Ling Tian, ​​it's better than..."

"You also know, that person told you that Heavenly Absolute Mountain is by no means as simple as you think, he is nothing The first dangerous place, but the place that will really kill you."

The head of the madhouse, Zhang Kuangyi, now mentions Heavenly Absolute Mountain, but he still doesn't want Ling Tian to take risks.

"Dean, I also know what kind of character I Ling Tian is. I will never regret what I have said. Even if the Gates of Hell is hell, Heavenly Absolute Mountain, I have to go. It happened!"

Ling Tian looked towards everyone behind him, "You don’t need to worry about me, your future is boundless, Ling Tian will never die, you just wait for me to return!"


"God, don't say anything, I, Shaoyang Qin, never thought that anything could overwhelm you. The younger brother is waiting for you to come back and blow up the head of Shen Tianlian's dog!"

"Ling Tian, ​​don't worry, if you don't come out after half a month, I will go to Heavenly Absolute Mountain to find you!"

"Yes, if you don't come out, we will pick you up together! "

Qin Shaoyang, Zhang Kaifeng and Ye Fan are both advancing.

"Good brother, it is enough to have you!"

Ling Tian turned around, summon went out of Xiaoqing, and got on the horse.

"Ling Tian, ​​I will send you to Heavenly Absolute Mountain!"

Qin Mingyue pursed her mouth and walked to Xiaoqing.


Ling Tian pulls this Qin Mingyue on the horse, and when the two of them are on a horse, they turn into a golden light and fly away into the sky.

Along the way, Ling Tian urges Xiaoqing, dashing and daring not to stop.

Since he left the Xiaoyao Academy, there have been more than a dozen Primordial Spirit Realm breaths behind him, among them are full of killing intents and protective meanings.

On a mountain top, Cui Zhan wears purple armor, loudly said: "Brother Ling Tian, ​​I have been ordered to lead people to escort you to Heavenly Absolute Mountain!"

"You are a man Man!"

"many thanks Brother Cui!"

Ling Tian is also loudly replied.

Those who protect Ling Tian are not the people of Taiping Princess, nor the people of Donggong, but the powerhouse of Concubine Yi and Cui Family.

Among them, Cui Family is the most.

If it weren't for so many Primordial Spirit protections, Ling Tian might not be able to reach Heavenly Absolute Mountain.

Because there are too many people who want to kill him!

Heavenly Absolute Mountain, the first dangerous place in Zhong Prefecture.

Here, it used to be the hunting ground of the Imperial Family.

Among them, there are ferocious demonic beast cubs searched by the Imperial Family from all over the Nine Provinces, and they have been raised in captivity for thousands of years.

Heavenly Absolute Mountain is located in the place where Dragon Vein flourished earlier. It is located in the south of Zhong Prefecture and in Jiuhua Mountain, forming a north-south symmetry.

According to the legend, at the time Ling Guo was so successful, Martial Sovereign hereby appointed the end of the Dragon Vein in Jiuhua Mountain for the Ling Family to open up a resident.

Heavenly Absolute Mountain is the other end of Dragon Vein.

Heavenly Absolute Mountain is above the endless mountain range, shrouded in perennial mist. Anyone who exceeds the golden realm Martial Artist into it will be killed.

In this mountain range, there are countless ancient trees supporting the sky, and it will always be dim.

There are countless demonic beasts in it, and even the outside of the mountain range are the king-level Rank 5 Monster Beast.

Stepping into the depths, there are also many strong Great Demon beasts of Overlord level. There are even more rumors that in the hinterland of this mountain range, there are even a lot of scary demonic beasts of the sixth rank.

Let this Heavenly Absolute Mountain vein add some mysterious color.

Furthermore, the demonic beast in Heavenly Absolute Mountain, legend has a touch of magic, much stronger than the external demonic beast.

The same King Rank Rank 5 Monster Beast may be equivalent to battle strength in the outside world, but in this Heavenly Absolute Mountain, it has all added up to battle strength.

But the more fierce the land, the more chance there is to give birth to all kinds of Heaven and Earth Treasure.

Even, the legendary red cloud crystal is produced in Heavenly Absolute Mountain.

The four university palaces, as well as the leaders of the major Aristocratic families and sects, have never lacked boldness of execution stems from superb skills, who have come here to take risks and experience.

Looking for treasure, but in the past hundreds of years, apart from Shen Tianlian, I have never heard of anyone else who has come out of it.

At this moment, at the edge of Heavenly Absolute Mountain.

It is still late at night, and the dim mountain range is even more dark. Even if it is the Law Manifestation Realm Martial Artist, in this dark place, the vitality is poured into the eyes, and it can't touch the sight of kilometers away.

Ling Tian owes Xiaoqing, with the other hand, he is pulling Qin Mingyue.

"Mingyue, just send it here, the rest of the road, I should go by myself."

Ling Tian is left with his body, giving Qin Mingyue a warm smile.

"No, Ling Tian, ​​I want to accompany you."

Qin Mingyue grasped Ling Tian's hand.

Looking at the Heavenly Absolute Mountain pulse, she gave birth to a sense of fear from her heart, but despite this, she still didn't want to be separated from Ling Tian.

"No, you heard, wait for me here, after half a month, I will definitely come out."

Ling Tian shook his head.

"I know you will come out, then, take down the leader of Dragon Sect and get Liu Yiyi."

Qin Mingyue sighed.

She is not afraid of anyone, except that she cares about Liu Yiyi.

After all, Ling Tian met Liu Yiyi first.

"Mingyue, you believe me. I am not trying to get her, but, I don't want her to be a tool and pawn of Martial Sovereign."

"Dragon Sect leader, I must win , But I would never be Prince Consort. Even if I disobey the emperor’s order, I will never bear you."

"Wait for me!"

After that, Ling Tian After taking a deep look at Qin Mingyue, she put Xiaoqing away, and disappeared into the depths of the pitch-black forest.

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