This sword of Ling Tian is really too strong.

Although Ling Tian is holding the sword qi and has not yet cut it down, the fire-colored sword qi, like the sun of fire, emits this dazzling rays of light, hanging high in the sky, almost covering the entire Sixth Layer mountain. , Are shrouded in it, so that the dark mountain range is shrouded in a fiery red color.

That panic sword power shook the huge space.

"No, I can't lose. No matter how strong your sword is, Yan Zhou is impossible to lose!"

"Flame Dragon Burning Heaven!"

It was another roar that shook the sky again, Yan Zhou once again disturbed the animation Heavenly Fire cloud, this time he urged his Blade Intent to the limit. The majestic fire cloud condensed into dazzling firelight, and the blade glow fell, almost splitting the void in half.

He is stake all on one throw this time, and he is about to fight Ling Tian with a stab at life and death!

"hehe, as you wish!"

Ling Tian can't wait for a break directly.

Because at this time the energy of the pure Yang finger and the three Yang True Fire slashes has not been perfectly integrated and blessed, the two energies are too strong, and raging in his body, such a terrifying impact, even His rock crystal body is not bad, but it is still tearing!

If this energy is not released, he may explode and die before he kills Yan Zhou!

Sword and finger are one, cut!

So, watching Yan Zhou's horrible blade light cut down, Ling Tian also pressed down with both hands, Heavenspan took a sword to smash the void, and went down!


When the swords were connected, the air was all evaporated at the moment the air burst, and in a moment, Heaven and Earth was completely silent!

The golden light burst, and there were countless rays of light exploded at the place where the swords were handed over. The fire was full of flames and Heaven and Earth.

This time is really shocking.

The huge Sixth Layer mountain, at this moment, began to tremble for a long time.

The silent explosion, the sonic boom and shock wave, swept away, the rocks melted, the giant hall collapsed, and the Monster Race camp was directly affected by the flat ground, several dozen li of vegetation and rocks. , All in this brief moment, melted into ashes and lava.

Both are cut with fire, and the amount of heat generated is so amazing that Jane is appalling.


Finally, after a dozen breaths, a figure flew out in the skyrocketing light group.

Like two meteorites on fire, bursting out of the air with a rumbling sound, blasted into the ground.


In the deep pit, Ling Tian groaned in pain.

At this time, he was covered in blood, and the Heavenly Lantern armor was completely unrecognizable.

The bare fleshy body is also covered with hideous wounds, and blood is constantly pouring in, which is very miserable.

"hehe, he he he..."

At this time, Ling Tian grinned, and although he was spitting blood, he still laughed.

He is not dead.

He won this battle...


Although he was seriously injured, Ling Tian’s fleshy body was in With the efforts of one hundred thousand sword shadows, it was quickly repaired.

After a while, Ling Tian recovered some strength.

The thunder sword in his hand did not let go.

Standing up with the sword, step by step towards the place where the sun fell.

Where is the phantom sting bee swarm, where is the suspension covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

Even if Ling Tian loses this blow, the magic sting bee swarm will directly engulf Yantian,

"You lost!"

Ling Tian walked to the front of the pit and looked at the dying Yantian who had fallen into the pit.

Although Blast Wyvern's fleshy body repair ability is also very strong, but the injury he suffered is much more miserable than Ling Tian.

At this time, half of Yan Zhou’s shoulders were missing, and the nameless swords were also scattered aside,

He could not directly die under Ling Tian’s sword, Already rely on his powerful fleshy body.

"Hehe, you are indeed amazing, better than all the Human Race Martial Artists I have ever seen!"

Yan Zhou closed his eyes tightly, from his mouth, mixing Bloody said.

He didn't want to open his eyes, he still couldn't accept the fact that he was defeated.

He is naturally proud, how can he accept such an ending.

"I don’t need to kill you, I just want some of your blood essence, but I want to know what is Prince Rong's relationship with you? He arranged this array to provide you with Dragon Vein energy, and for what purpose !?"

Ling Tian squatted in front of Yan Zhou, leaning on a thundering sword and asked.

"Hehe, you really came for this!"

Yan Zhou still sneered, "But since you know that Prince Rong arranged this place, you should understand. If you want to know the secret here, it means death!"

"Anyone, without Prince Rong's permission, passes this Sixth Layer mountain, it is dead end!"

Ling Tian’s face turned cold, "You mean, don’t you want to say it?"

"If you don’t say it, you are about to die now!"

Ling Tian stretched out the long sword, Pressed on Yan Zhou's neck.

"hehe, hehe, do you think I'm afraid of death?"

"My clan once swore an oath and will never tell any secrets of Heavenly Absolute Mountain! Do you know? Soon, my clan will complete all the plans, when the time comes, my clan must reclaim Monster Race and regain its former glory! But you have cut off all my expectations, I am not afraid of death, but my scorching day Even if you die, I have to pull your back!"

Suddenly, Yan Tian suddenly opened the bloody dragon's eyes, deep in his eyes, crazy death, surging to the extreme, Dragon Clan in his body Within the crystal nucleus, a trace of flame burst out quietly!

At this moment, he actually wants a self-destruct Monster Race crystal core!

How powerful is his crystal nucleus, if it is self-destruct, the formidable power generated in an instant can definitely destroy everything here, and Ling Tian can't bear it at all.


However, at this moment, Yan Zhou’s eyes just opened, and he saw the top of Ling Tian’s head. I don’t know when, it rose. A small ice blue bell.

The ice blue clock is floating, and in a moment, a layer of Power of Ice Cold is laid.

The Power of Ice Cold is so utterly complete, it instantly freezes him, unable to move.

Even the flame on his body, the blood in his body, and even the flame rising from the point in the crystal nucleus, instantly froze.

No matter how he uses his mind to urge him, he can't continue to detonate the crystal nucleus!

At this moment, he wants to perish together with Ling Tian, ​​but he can't!

"Damn Human Race, you actually have this Treasure Item!"

Yan Zhou gnashing teeth, waiting for Ling Tian, ​​his eyes are full of anger and despair.

"So, if I really wanted to kill you, you would have died. Fighting with you for so long is just a test of myself that's all!"

"However, Since you are a stubborn, then I am as good as you wish, die!"

The voice fell, Ling Tian used his hands hard, and his body and head separated instantly in the heat of the day!


Yan Zhou died, and suddenly his figure swelled. After a few breaths, he recovered its original red Dragon Clan body that was several hundred zhang long!

"Hehe, how do you say, give me the spirit of this guy?"

Hell Yanyi rushed out, greedy drooling.

Ling Tian looked at the thunder sword in his hand and found that Xiao Lei had any interest in the fleshy body of the Flying Dragon Beast, so he nodded.

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