"it's impolite not to make a return for what one receives! You also receive my move!"

On the battle stage, all the smoke and dust are dispersed, Ling, whose whole body is wrapped in the flames of vitality Tian also appeared slowly, he looked down at Shen Tianlian below, with a sneer, and then his big hands condensed into palm prints again, descending from the sky!


Giant palm descends from the sky, with a huge force of suppression, as if it is crushing mountains and rivers, moved towards Shen Tianlian swallowing it.

"haha, inviting humiliation to oneself!"

A trace of contempt flashed in Shen Tianlian's eyes, and he did not see any movement. A brilliant shock wave burst from his body. When opening, it was actually Ling Tian's broken Yue seal that was directly shattered away, and Shen Tianlian's strength was beyond doubt.

"hehe, is it?!"


However, Ling Tian's palm is just a blinding technique, just in his When Yue Yin was shattered, a ghostly figure appeared in front of Shen Tianlian, and then the sound of thunder rang out. A long sword gleaming with the light of fire and thunder pierced Shen Tianlian's throat from an extremely tricky angle.


However, facing such a swift offensive, Shen Tianlian is coldly snorted. The long sword from the violent stabbing, resisted.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

The offensive is blocked, Ling Tian's feet are full of gossip, body moved, it turns into afterimages, and then the sword shadow dances, which is powerful enough to bombard any Primordial Spirit Realm powerful powerhouse. , Is to cover all the vital points of Shen Tianlian's body.

"ding ding ding~!"

The sound of the explosion of gold and stone, constantly resounding on the battle stage, everyone can only see a vague figure like ghost-like Surrounding Shen Tianlian, countless fierce sword lights burst out, but whenever these attacks are about to touch Shen Tianlian's body, a splendid gun shadow will emerge and resist it.

Ling Tian's offensive is like a storm, endless and fierce, while Shen Tianlian is calm as a mountain, without moving, the offensive turns into nothingness.

"Do you only have such a little ability? It seems that it is not enough to watch?"

In the middle of the battle stage, Shen Tianlian, who has been besieged by Ling Tian, ​​sneered.

For his ridicule, Ling Tian is as unheard of, his offensive is getting fiercer, but no one has noticed it. With Ling Tian’s offensive, the fiery fleshy body around him The strength of the fire glow was actually slowly squirming at this moment, and it looked like a Fire Dragon, and it began to slowly condense.


Another sound of gold and stone exploded. It turned out that in a flash, Shen Tianlian was like electricity with one hand. In the sword shadow, brilliance flashed, unexpectedly It directly clamped Ling Tian's sword body, and his fingertips flashed with tenacious light, which actually clamped the thunderous Flaming Sword in front of him, making Ling Tian unable to use it.

"Overestimate one's capabilities, in front of me, you are jumping like a clown."

Shen Tianlian controlled Ling Tian's long sword and looked at the tip of the gun with a sneer. The silhouette on the other end of the gaze, but when he looked over, he saw a pair of dark eyes of the latter. I don’t know when a layer of fiery red rays of light flooded with that kind of rays of light, which implies With the fiery fighting intent, it was full of a taste that made his heart palpitate slightly.


The pair of pupils glowing with fire-colored rays of light stared at Shen Tianlian. In the next instant, Ling Tian's figure trembled, and he actually condensed all the flames on his body on the other hand, and then, Hit directly!


At the moment when Ling Tian punched out, the dragon blood in his body surged with bloodline power, vast and endless, rushing out.

A golden roaming dragon roared out, but this time, the golden roaming dragon turned into a blood-red color, full of violence!

You dragon roared out, looking up to the sky, the terrifying coercion, compared to the previous Dragon Boxing by Ling Tian, ​​I don’t know how many times stronger!

This is fleshly body strength that has been blessed by the Dragon and Phoenix Supreme, and there is no need to switch, it suddenly broke out!


The space in front of Ling Tian almost burst into a huge Space Crack at this time, and the dark space storm raged in it. At this moment, the complexion of Shen Tianlian finally changed, Ling Tian The attack at this time has risen several times compared to before.


With a low voice, Shen Tianlian had no time to do any effective defense, so he could only hold a long spear horizontally in his hand, spinning like the wind, and propped up one in front of him Fire-colored gun shield!

Above the gun shield, the brilliant brilliance surges, and the endless vitality condenses on the shield surface, permeating an astonishing firmness.


Ling Tian’s wandering dragon world blasted heavily on the spear shield. At the moment of contact, everyone could feel the heart beating violently. After a while, then, an indescribable shock of energy swept away from that game. The huge battle stage of thousands zhang was about to collapse!

The nine golden dragon phantoms under the battle stage sank a hundred zhang in an instant!


The shock wave swept across, shaking Formation into countless small cracks.

In the surrounding stands, countless line of sight stared at the direction of the battle stage's core, and immediately, everyone’s eyes shrank suddenly heard a clear cracking sound, a figure, It was directly from the source of the energy impact that the embarrassed one shot out the thousand zhang like a cannonball, and directly hit the Formation before falling down!


One after another, looking at the figure that was almost landing, bursts of uproar erupted suddenly. In those gazes, there was an incredible look, because the person who was shaken out was actually Shen Tian Lian!

The Dragon World is too strong, Ling Tian actually broke Shen Tianlian's defense!

"What a great guy!"

Some people looked at each other in blank dismay. They all saw the vibration in the other's eyes. Ling Tian, ​​with the attitude of a dark horse, moved south What kind of terrifying battle strength is needed for Tang Xin's first leader to be like this?

The two finalists in the Dragon Sect grand competition are indeed not ordinary people!


In midair, Ling Tian's figure also slowly appeared, his body was shrouded in fire, and its powerful fleshly body strength and bloodline sprayed long, which made people eye-catching!

At this moment, they seem to have seen Ling Tian's body, vaguely, there is a Fire Dragon swimming, and that cold gaze is looking down at all the creatures, that kind of terrifying pressure makes With countless powerhouses, even breathing has become a little difficult.

No one can imagine why such a powerful coercion would appear on a person so young, and the degree of purity of that coercion is almost close to the Primordial Spirit Realm Early-Stage Peak !

On the VIP table, Li Kan and the others, their complexions at this time also became gloomy, obviously, from Ling Tian's body, they also felt the horror!

Moreover, this is absolutely unacceptable to them.

They are betting too many things on Shen Tianlian's body!

It will never be tolerated to lose.


A soft cough sounded from the other side of the king's battle stage, and the almost embarrassed Shen Tianlian extended the hand palm, slowly applying it. He wiped away a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, and then he lifts the head, staring at Ling Tian in the distance, the corner of his mouth cracked, and in the smile, a thick bloodthirsty meaning rose!

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