
Ling Tian whispered hoarsely.

Immediately, he lifts the head slowly. Although he can't see his face, his eyes are full of sneers!

However, Ling Tian didn't look like it at this time, so he felt so comfortable.

His body of bathing inflammation is very strong now, especially after the blessing of Dragon Phoenix Supreme.

However, Shen Tianlian’s spear skills belong to the secret technique level, and his attack power is still very strong. When Ling Tian was swallowed, there was no battle armour protection, he was directly torn apart. Mouth, but the recovery ability of Ling Tian fleshy body is too strong, and it is repaired almost in a blink of an eye. From the outside, there is no big problem with Ling Tian at all.

If it weren't for Ling Tian's fleshy body nowadays, it was placed before him, even if he had all his cards, I'm afraid he wouldn't die, but he would have to be seriously injured.

Ling Tian's hand touched the corner of his mouth and wiped away that trace of blood.

Then, a pair of fighting intent eyes stared at Shen Tianlian, and in those fiery eyes, there was a little bit of murdering intent climbing and surging.


The killing intent in the pupils suddenly became extremely strong!

At this time, he is like a War God descending, with the flames and wings of that body, he is extremely rampant.


The deep sound of dragon's roar sounded again. It was also at this time that from Ling Tian's body, the blood began to boil, and a faintly discernible dragon's shadow appeared in Ling Tian. The flames on Tian's body flickered.

"Shen Tianlian, what other tricks do you have, just let go!"

Under the dragon blood battle, the Bloodline Strength in Ling Tian's body already has some Dragon Clan the taste of.

Even the audience in the square almost thought that the one standing on the battle stage at this time was a Dragon Clan demonic beast!

Shen Tianlian looked at Ling Tian, ​​who was astonishing and becoming stronger, his eyes also gloomy.

"Hehe, are you? Then you are trying this!"

Immediately, Shen Tianlian placed one hand on his chest and made a profound seal, in a flash, Behind him, the black and red rays of light burst with the black Qilin Martial Spirit, becoming more and more dazzling.

"I don’t believe it. I have Shen Tianlian's Supreme Glory all my life, but I can’t help you, such a humble Martial Artist!"

The sound of angry laughter also came from Shen Tianlian’s mouth. In the face of Ling Tian who seemed to be on the same level as him, he was obviously also aroused real anger. If even Ling Tian can't clean up today, then the rhetoric that he released before half a month is to let him Has he lost his face?

"Black Qi phase!"

Shen Tianlian's handprints changed, and that face became sacred in an instant.


next moment, a scream of Qilin, also resounded in the body refinement since Shentian, behind him the black and red rays of light turned into a black Qilin illusory shadow, not big, but lifelike, in All eyes were concentrated on Shen Tianlian's body!

The head of Qilin appeared in front of Shen Tianlian's body, and the tail of Qilin was after Shen Tianlian's body.

With the pair of red cloud wings, at this moment, Shen Tianlian seemed to be demonized!

For a time, it's fierce and powerful!

But anyway, Shen Tianlian’s imposing manner, at this time, has skyrocketed again! !

"This is the phase!"

"Yes, Shen Tianlian, as the number one genius of the Southern Tang Dynasty, has indeed completed the phase method!"

"This is a real phase determination. Compared with Lin Feifan's previous one, it is much stronger!"

"It is simply a heaven and an underground, incomparable!"


"Now it seems that Ling Tian is still dead!"

Seeing that Shen Tianlian took out the Qilin aspect at this time, the martial artists who suppressed Shen Tianlian were all panicked, came back to his senses.

After all, if Shen Tianlian loses, many of them will go bankrupt!


On the VIP seat, coldly snorted sounded, and at the same time, a cold general trend spread and spread. Everyone followed the prestige, but found that the theme On top of Dragon Throne, a figure appeared unexpectedly.

"Prince Rong!"

"Pay respects to His Royal Highness."

Everyone was surprised, didn't expect, Prince Rong, who had never appeared, but It was at this time, it suddenly appeared!

"Get up all!"

Prince Rong's face was gloomy and black to the extreme, as if he was holding back the anger in his heart.

However, at this moment, one person suddenly stood up from the VIP seat and said grimly: "His Royal Highness, this seems wrong to you, it is Dragon Throne. Only now Martial Sovereign has it. Qualified to sit, what kind of status are you, how qualified to be Dragon Throne?!"

"In addition, I also want to ask, this Dragon Sect grand competition, Martial Sovereign Your Majesty, are you not ready to host it? Your Majesty, where is he now?!"

The voice of this person fell, and on the VIP table, keep quiet out of fear.

Who would dare to talk to Prince Rong like this, not letting you die?

Everyone looked at it, but found that the person who was speaking turned out to be the Supervisor Yushi, Chen Xuanling!

He is the duty of supervising hundreds of officials. He holds a fake Tai'a sword. In Chang'an, few people dare to provoke him.

didn't expect, now even Prince Rong, he is not afraid.

"hmph, you are also worthy to inquire about the whereabouts of Martial Sovereign? Moreover, this king is ordered by the emperor to host the grand competition. Your Majesty is not here, so what if this king sits!?"

Prince Rong coldly said.

"In this case, Chen Xuanling can only do things impartially!"

As Chen Xuanling said, he would pull out the Tai'a sword on his back.

"Xuanling, don't be impatient!"

Behind him, Li Ke pressed Chen Xuanling's shoulder.

"You don't need to persuade me, I'm monitoring Yushi, if this kind of arrogance is not heard, I am worthy to be a minister?"

Chen Xuanling is determined.

Seeing the thrilling moment when Chen Xuanling was about to challenge Prince Rong’s majesty, a dragon roar roared, and suddenly sounded from the king’s battle stage. The sound of the dragon roar carried waves of Dragon's Might through Formation, sweeping away, the purity of Dragon's Might, Chen Xuanling, who stood up with a sword on the VIP table, all made a sound and looked over in amazement!


Sure enough, on the king's battle stage at this time, the body is as hot as Ling Tian of War General, and there is also a mutation!

At this time, the Dragon Phoenix Supreme decided to open directly, Ling Tian's body, the overbearing Flame Dragon bloodline began to boil, surging like a torrent, Bloodline Strength passed through the body surface, and the ancient and overbearing dragon roar resounded, and then , The flames all over the body are condensed on the surface of Ling Tian's body, looking from a distance, it turns into a Winged Dragon with flames shining all over!

The fire-colored Winged Dragon snakes around Ling Tian's body. An unspeakable coercion permeates this world, making everyone feel a sense of suppression, that feeling , Just like Ling Tian in front of you, an invincible king!

"This, this is also a phase! Ling Tian actually has the power of a phase!"

Those Martial Dao elders stared at Ling Tian's gradually easy Fire Dragon figure, suddenly The body trembled fiercely. Even the voice became a little trembling.

Ling Tian is too terrifying, and the cards keep going!

Gradually, their confidence in Shen Tianlian is gone.

Now, they are beginning to feel pain for the large amount of spirit coins they bet out!

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