Ling Tian pushed the door and entered, but at the moment he entered the door, his whole body was slightly shaken, and in his eyes, light flashed.

Immediately, Ling Tian did not change his expression, swaggered into the room, and began to take off his clothes.

"Rogue, shameless!"

Sure enough, Ling Tian just took off his coat and armor, and just about to take off his pants, a cold scolding sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the black mist filled the table, and a beautiful lithe and graceful figure appeared.

"Who are you!"

Ling Tian pretended to be surprised.

"Come on, you are all advanced, can I hide from you?"

That Qianying was dressed in black cloth and sat at the table.

"Hehe, then what are you doing hiding? When did you come back?"

Ling Tian didn't pretend anymore, put on his armor, and sat down opposite him.

And the woman who appeared in Ling Tian's room in front of her is exactly the Yin Biluo that hasn't appeared in two years!

In those days, Yin Hong led the Ling Family's dark guards and disappeared before Ling Tian went to Zhong Prefecture.

In two years, Ling Tian has not received any news from Dark Lingwei.

If it weren't for the absolute trust in the Dark Lingwei, Ling Tian would really suspect that Yin Hong had fled with the Dark Lingwei.

However, it will not be a coincidence that Yin Biluo chose to come to Zhong Prefecture at this time.

"I also just arrived not long ago. It's a coincidence that I saw your one leap becomes a dragon in Yuelong Mountain."

Yin Biluo shrugged, still familiar Yes, the voice is neither male nor female.

"Hehe, what one leap becomes a dragon, I don't care at all."

Ling Tian waved his hand, "However, when you come back this time, is there a major event, right? "

"Hmm, why, don't you bribe me, you just want to get news from me?"

Yin Biluo gave a smile, that voice felt a little fondling .

"Hey, I am your master!"

Ling Tian spreads hands, "Bi Luo, why are you skinned? This is not like you!"

"Che, it's been two years, do you think I haven't changed? Besides, I don't admit that you are my master. It's nothing to come to the master and servant."

Yin Biluo rolled the eyes .

"Okay, okay, just right, this thing is for you."

Ling Tian thought for a while, turned over the palm, and then thundered the purple thunder from the ring The bead took it out.

"Nuo, I just came out of the stone, and it’s still warm, I'll give it to you."

"It’s almost the same!"

Yin Biluojiang The thunder bead took it and played with it for a while, and then he put it away with great satisfaction.

This purple thunder bead department is a good thing, although now the cultivation base of the dark blue has also arrived in the Law Manifestation Realm world, it is still very much needed.

"Now, let's talk about it."

Ling Tian poured another cup of tea water channel for Yin Biluo.

"I'm coming back this time, I do have a mission."

Yin Biluo's expression was put away, cold again, "Two years ago, we dark Lingwei except for a part Staying outside Xiaofeng Town, the rest followed Master and went to the Mobei battlefield!"

"Mobei battlefield?!'

Ling Tian raised his brows, "Go What is there to do? I don’t know if I’m in deep water in Zhong Prefecture, I almost lost my life! "

"Of course we have a reason. Besides, aren't you alive and well!" "

Yin Biluo rolled the eyes and continued: "We went to Yanzhou, naturally for the former Ministry of Ling Guogong! "

"That is the most honorable force of Ling Guogong. You want to rejuvenate Ling Family, but your growth is not enough. That force must be retrieved! "

Ling Tian astonished, I also thought that Ling Guogong once fought on the battlefield, his military service was outstanding, and he naturally had a large army back then.

"That force is still in the Mobei Army. in? "

Yin Biluo shook his head, "Don't be happy, too. Most of the old ministry of Ling Guogong is now under the account of Yanzhou Hou. "

"Hou Yanzhou?" "Ling Tian's eyes flashed Luo Zijun's appearance.

"Well, the important minister who was close to Ling Guogong back then was Cui Guogong, and the other was the former Number One Person Yanzhouhou. Ling Family fell. After that, most of Ling Guogong's old men went to Yanzhouhou, and Yanzhouhou was not bad to them. At the very least, he did not continue to suffer from Prince Rong's persecution. "

Yin Biluo nodded.

"So in the past two years, are you recalling the old ministry that has gone to Yanzhou Houxia?" "Ling Tian groaned, always feeling that it is not a good way.

These people have been under the account of Yanzhouhou for that many years, how many years can they be reused?

Moreover, the person who digs Yanzhou Hou does not look good.

"Then, Yanzhou Hou is actually Ling Guogong's person. Before, Ling Guogong and Yanzhou Hou were like brother, as long as We are in need, and Yanzhou Hou will definitely help each other. "

Yin Biluo shook his head and continued: "We are going this time, in fact, for the remnants of the old part that was once scattered on the Northern Wilderness. "

"At that time, Ling Guogong had many old troops, spread all over the army, and later most of them went to Yanzhouhou, but a considerable part of them crossed the border and entered the huge Northern Wilderness, and disappeared. , What we are for, is such a force. "

"Northern Wilderness? "Ling Tian rubbed his hands, "That is the boundary of the Huns today. "

"Yes, the Hungarians are erratic, and the northern wilderness is extremely large. Those old tribes who enter it, if they can't escape from the world, are not easy to find. "Yinbiluo nodded.

"Okay, it turned out to be like this! "

Ling Tian took a deep breath, "Then this time the candlestick is cracked, do you know the specific situation? "

"I just arrived not long ago, and I was shocked when I saw the cracked candlestick. However, it did not happen suddenly. We had expected it, but didn't expect it happened so suddenly. "

Yin Biluo thought for a while, "This should start from the battlefield situation in Mobei. The Mobei battlefield actually refers to the land bordering Yanzhou and Jizhou with the northern wilderness of the Hungarians, where the geology is harsh. When the Hungarians invade southward, they will pass there, so Mobei has been fighting continuously for years. "

"Among them, there are a total of three armies. The strongest is under the jurisdiction of the royal court. The Fuyuan army, which is governed by Prince Rong’s son King Su, has several millions of soldiers, gathered in Yanzhou and Between Jizhou. Secondly, it was the Yanzhou Army led by Yanzhou Hou. The soldiers were not as good as the Fuyuan Army, and their strength was slightly worse. They mainly carried the Yanzhou line of defense. "

"Finally, the weakest is the Jizhou Army. It has the least number of soldiers and the worst strength. However, because of Jizhou's dangerous mountains, the threat from the Hungarians is the least, until now, there is no What kind of crisis happened. "

" But three months ago, when we were looking for the Old Ministry of the Public in the Northern Wilderness, we accidentally discovered that the Huns were gathering in a big way, and there were signs of a large-scale southward movement. At that time, we sent a letter to Yanzhou Hou, let He took precautions strictly, but didn't expect that this time the Hungarians are actually going to attack Jizhou! "

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