God's shape is destroyed!

The aggressive Zhao Family Martial Artist, just like this, was wiped out by Ling Tian alone.

It took a long time, until the wind sent a disgusting smell of blood-reeking qi, and the people who were blind to the mountain sect realized that.

Looking at Ling Tian's back, he couldn't stop shaking.

"Sect Master, sorry, you accidentally got heavy and killed all these people. I don’t know if it will have an impact on your mountain sect."

Ling Tian turned around and looked towards Mengda.

What he is worried about is whether Meng Mountain Sect will be retaliated against.

"Now that Zhao Family members have been wiped out by the Young Master, it is not a big problem. Zhao Cheng’s sect has been bullied by them for a long time, and it has been miserable for a long time. This time, it will definitely be the same. Qing, as long as the Zhao Family in the eight major cities does not come to trouble, what is wrong with the mountain sect It shouldn't be."

Meng Da pursed his mouth.

"Eight cities, I will reinforce the Mountain Protecting Array again. If there are people who are looking for trouble in the future, you still don't want to come out."

Ling Tian thought for a while, said .

He cannot always protect the mountain sect.

"Understand, Young Master can rest assured."

"Well, as for the eight major cities, I will naturally deal with them."

Ling Tian Nodded, took the storage ring on Zhao Zong's corpse and took it with divine sense, and found nothing precious.

But, next moment, his brows suddenly clustered, and from the ring, he took out something that looked like an invitation.

Open the invitation card, it turned out to be a wedding invitation card.

However, on the invitation, there are the names and pictures of both men and women. When you see that taboo and the picture, the killing intent on Ling Tian's body instantly swept away, detonating the entire mountain. and river.

Aster, Zhao Quan!

On this invitation, the woman is also called aster, and the picture is not the aster of Purple Cloud Sect, who else would it be! ?

In an instant, scenes of memories about aster flooded into Ling Tian's mind.

At the beginning, Aster was bullied by her people and suffered great grievances.

On Baicao Peak, Xiao Chuchen made things difficult for her in every possible way.

In the great hall of the golden body, Xiao Chuchen slandered her for stealing and selling spiritual medicine.

Aster is a weak little woman, she has endured too much injustice in this world.

Nowadays, in Jizhou, still have to endure such humiliation?

Ling Tian will never believe that Aster is really willing to marry the so-called Zhao Quan, absolutely not.

Aster must be coerced.

Aster, I am wronged again!

Ling Tian's anger, in this one, broke out uncontrollably.

He doesn't have the same idea between men and women as he does to aster.

However, if anyone dares to bully Aster, Ling Tian, ​​no matter who the other party is, must make him pay the price of his life!

Death, all those who bully aster, deserve to die!

"Ping Yang City, Zhao Family!"

Below the invitation, there is the address of the wedding.

"Ping Yang City? Young Master, Ping Yang City is one of the Eight Great Cities in southern Hebei, it is our main city, Ping Yang City Zhao Family, which is the seven major branches of Zhao Family in Jizhou One of the 6th meridians is in charge. Their strength is strong. There are just as many as the Great Grandmaster. Young Master, think twice before doing it!"

Na Mengda turned his eyes and said .

"No matter who I am, I am going to die. I don't need to think, do you know!?"

Ling Tian turned around and looked at it, Meng Da and the others are all heartfelt The quake kept moving back.

Ling Tian at this time is like a human Demon head, too scary.

"Know, know."

Meng Da can't live nodded.

"I will also level the Zhao Family of Ping Yang City, you guys, take care!"

The voice fell, Ling Tian's figure flickered, several While breathing, he disappeared before everyone's eyes.

For a long time, everyone who was caught in the mountain sect could not get out of the shock.

Everything happened, too illusory.


Ping Yang City is about five thousand miles away from the Mongolian mountain sect. It is one of the eight great cities in the south of Jizhou.

Zhao Family has a strong presence in Jizhou. Except for the main home of Ping City, which is located in the hinterland of southern Hebei, the other seven branches are in charge of the remaining seven cities.

Here, they have almost become local tyrants, whether it is other sect or Aristocratic Family, they are only Zhao Family, and the head of the horse is looking forward to it. No one dared to resist.

Because of the strength of the Zhao Family, it is too strong. Not to mention that Prince Rong is backed by the Primordial Spirit in the Zhao Family. There is more than one.

even more how, and Zhao Wuliang, who is in charge of the coalition forces, and Zhao Wuji, who is now in red in Zhong Prefecture.

Therefore, Zhao Family has been operating in Jizhou for nearly a thousand years and is deeply rooted. Even Jizhouhou cannot be shaken.

Today, the Zhao Family mansion in Ping Yang City is decorated with lights and dísciples. All the dísciples in the clan are all a set of brand new black red robe suits. High-spirited, imposing manner.

They were originally arrogant and despotic, but today, it is the joy of the six masters of Zhao Family 6 meridians who accept concubines. They will naturally raise their faces and please for money.

Not only that, they heard that their eldest master recently retreats, but the cultivation base has entered a lot, and even touched the border of the Primordial Spirit. Perhaps after hundreds of years, they can advance to the Primordial Spirit. .

If so, then their Zhao Family's 6th meridians will definitely follow as the tide rises, the boat floats.

All these make the children of Ping Yang City Zhao Family feel proud.

Zhao Family is located on the Tiger Roaring Mountain outside Ping Yang City. It occupies a large area and can be regarded as a large group.

Although the scale is not as good as the number one Sect in Yun Prefecture, the imposing manner is not much different.

And this is just the lineage of Zhao Family. It can be seen how prosperous this Zhao Family is in Jizhou.

How big is the level gap between Martial Dao in Jizhou and Martial Dao in Yun Prefecture.

At this time, Zhao Family from the foot of the mountain to the great hall of the mountain, there is a festive atmosphere everywhere.

Patriarch Zhao Hall is full of guests on both sides. Although the sky is getting dark at this time, the Luminous Pearls placed everywhere make the entire Zhao Family bright like daylight.

At this moment, those sect or Aristocratic Family Martial Artists from around Ping Yang City talk in low voices, sweeping their gazes toward the upper main hall, all in awe.

In the main hall, there are only more than a hundred Martial Artists, but all of them are cultivation base profound generations. The worst of them are all in the Golden Peak. Among them, there are more than twenty Grandmasters. Lots of people.

It is the patriarch of the 6th meridians of the Zhao Family, Master Zhao Liu, and Zhao Quan who sit above the theme.

Zhao Quan looks like a middle-aged Martial Artist in his forties. He has a fair complexion and is wearing a very luxurious black brocade. He wears a purple Golden Qilin crown. He looks very heroic and fundamental. Unusual patriarch is like an old man.

But Zhao Quan is almost a thousand years old, but because of taking Counterenance Halt Pill all the year round, he still maintains the middle-aged appearance he prefers.

At this moment, Zhao Quan's gaze swept across the hall, and he was extremely pleased when he saw the incomparable gaze of the thousands of Martial Artists.

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