

Ling Tian's complexion is sudden, under the bloodline in the body, the strength is surging, Senran is ruthless, at this moment, watching that Bai Yu howls miserably, Ling Tian's mind was as hard as a raging fire, without any fluctuations.

The stick shadow is like the wind, full of vigor, raging vertically and horizontally, trying to smash Heaven and Earth.

Looking at the mountain peak, the man who is like a flame devil, countless Hungarian warriors, are showing fear, even Pei Tianqing behind him, looking towards Ling Tian at this time, his heart is also born A mood of extreme jealousy came.

This Ling Tian is too strong.

The last baton blasted out, and Bai Yu, who was already dead, was completely shattered in the air, and the black blood rained all over the sky.

Among them, there is a black octagonal stone, which also fell from its body.

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, reached out and beckoned, and took it back.

Too late to take a closer look, Ling Tian pulled up Pei Tianqing behind him, looked up to the sky and laughed, full of provocations.

"haha, your clan General, has been beheaded by me, the Hungarian tribe, only this, if you want revenge, I will accompany you at any time!"

The voice fell, Ling Tian's figure , It turned into a red glow, moved towards the southern sky, galloping away.

"roar roar! He killed little Prince, we must take revenge!"

"If we don't kill this Human Race, the king will kill us all!"

"Chasing, don't kill this Human Race, swear not to stop!"

The mountains and plains, the Hungarian army that spirit slowly recovers, at this time climbed up one by one, roaring up to the sky and moving towards Ling Tian to escape He chased him in the same direction.

The scene was extremely spectacular.

Zongheng Mountain field, full of tens of thousands of Hungarian army, like locusts, moved towards the north galloping.

hiding the sky and covering the earth, almost gusts of black wind.

Even the deserter that Pei Tianqing waved down by him was shocked.

The appearance of that unfamiliar Human Race seems to not only save their son...


"Hey, hiss , How long has Brother Huo been out, why haven't you come back?"

Everything has been arranged, sitting in the col, the bored Yi Zhongtian clasped his teeth and looked at the stars in a daze.

Several hours have passed in an instant.

But now, there is still no news about Huo Qubing.

Even, the quiet terrifying around.

The stars in the sky, as if they have never changed, just hover there. It looked like countless pairs of twinkling pupils, watching him.

"Hiss, how do you feel, be good."

Yi Zhongtian also suddenly noticed something, and immediately flew over a boulder, looked around, and found that except for the sides Aside from the faintly exposed atmosphere of the army, there was no sound of a bird calling around!

"Not good, this seems to be Formation!"

"Is it possible that, I have done it!?"

With a whisper, so is Yi Zhongtian A chill in my heart.

Immediately unloaded a long sword wrapped in animal skins from behind, the blade was out of the sheath, and the cold light shot in all directions.

Although this long sword looks like an earth tool, it has a mysterious and tyrannical aura.

Not only that, but Yi Zhongtian still felt uneasy. His shoulders shook, and the light and shadow all over his body flickered. The ordinary Battle Armor was replaced by a set of blue and low light Battle Armor.

Although this blue Battle Armor has no traces of North Inscription, it has beautiful patterns and is extremely well-made.


Then, a azure blue rays of light rose from behind Yi Zhongtian. It was a rotating disk with only palm-size.

It looks like a good quality fourth rank Spirit Treasure!

Took out so many babies, Yi Zhongtian's face, this becomes relaxed.


But just a moment later, Yi Zhongtian suddenly noticed that the compass-shaped Spirit Treasure hovering above his head was spinning wildly and constantly buzzing.

"It really is Formation!"

Yi Zhongtian criticized out in surprise.

His exorcism compass is the fourth rank Spirit Treasure, which specializes in the evil spirits of the world, and is extremely sensitive to the Formation mechanism.

Now that the compass is moving, I found traces of the surrounding being controlled by Formation again!

Immediately, Yi Zhongtian complexion greatly changed, and if he pulled out the sword, he would rise to the sky!

Although Ling Tian warned him, he wanted him to lie in ambush in this place.

But the appearance of the strange Formation made him feel uneasy. At this time, no matter what ambush or not, he must kill him.


But at this moment, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded from in the sky.

I saw that the sky seemed to be split on that day, the next moment, a rays of light, flashed past like fiery red lightning.

The speed is fast to the extreme.

Even, not many people can see exactly what it is.

Yi Zhongtian was also shocked, but his long sword was just in front of him, just in case of an accident, his shoulder was suddenly slapped.



Yi Zhongtian jumped three feet high, and the three souls of fright lost a soul, not even think , Turned around and slashed over with a sword.


But in the past, the no stronghold one cannot overcome, the extremely sharp cold light long sword, suddenly stopped at this time.

No matter how hard it is to make progress.

Yi Zhongtian's eyes gradually focused, but he found it surprisingly.

The sword body was actually clamped tightly with two fingers.

He still has how to stimulate his vitality and supply energy, but the long sword seems to be embedded It's normal in the cracks of the stone, and freezes there.

In horror, Yi Zhongtian suddenly raised his head, and what caught his eye was the extremely ordinary face.

"Brother Huo!? You, you are back!?" Yi Zhongtian said dazedly.

"hehe, I caught a fish, of course I am coming back."

Ling Tian loosened Yi Zhongtian's long sword, said with a smile: "What are you doing so nervously?"


Yi Zhongtian just wanted to explain, but he suddenly discovered that there was a person behind Ling Tian!

At this time, the man fell on the ground and collapsed again. He swallowed a large bottle of medicine pill and started to heal the injury with his knees crossed.

"Brother Huo, who is this? If you are fishing, is it killing?"

Yi Zhongtian astonished.

"hehe, of course not, he is Jizhou Hou Shizi Pei Tianqing!" Ling Tian shook his head, said with a smile.

"Shenma? Jizhou Hou Shizi Pei Tianqing? How did he... why did you bring him here?"

"Hehe, you will ask about these later, no Late. Seeing that you are ready, hurry up and prepare to kill the enemy!"

Ling Tian indifferent expression, standing on the boulder, said with a smile with one hand.

"Kill the enemy? Where is the enemy?" Yi Zhongtian's expression instantly became cold, and he followed Ling Tian's gaze.

"It's in front of my eyes!!"

Ling Tian's voice fell, and his fingers lifted, pointing straight at the starry sky above the middle of the mountain range on both sides.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Sure enough, in the next instant, countless black cracks in the sky were torn apart.

After that, countless one-person-sized demonic beast-like monsters flew in from it!

These monsters all have a pair of wings, resembling crows and black bats!

But as soon as these monsters appeared in the mountain range, their entire speed dropped suddenly, as if they were constrained by something, and even the aura on their bodies was weakened and not just a little bit.

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