"che, a Great General dare to be so big? I really regard myself as a human being!"

"It looks good, what's the matter with this gray hair?"

"Anbei Great General? Which Great General?"

"No, wait! He said he was Anbei Great General Ling Tian!? The Ling who slaughtered 8 million Hungarians and regained the entire Jizhou Tian!?"

"Yes, it is said that Ling Tian has white hair, this guy is the killing god Ling Tian!"

"Hi, my God, what about this killing god Come to Jincheng!"

At first, everyone around them wanted to laugh at it, but when they reacted, they didn't dare to look at Ling Tian.

This Ling Tian is now a resounding great character, slaughtering 8 million Hungarians, with fierce and powerful means, not at all inferior to those old monsters!

And that Shen Fugui clearly saw the appearance of the incoming person, his face changed drastically, his smile became jealous, and he quickly bowed his hands and said: "Oh, look at me, have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai, it turned out to be the Ling Tian Great General here, please come in quickly, I must be very happy to know that the Great General is here."

As for the Martial Artists around the birthday celebrations, they are all together. Brush retracted his previous sight, docile, and secretly prayed that Ling Tian would not be with them lower oneself to somebody's level, and at the same time I was a little expectant, it was too unexpected for Ling Tian to come today, and the three books that just came are all People of Prince Rong, this Ling Tian and Prince Rong are incompatible as fire and water, this time it is guaranteed that there will be another storm, right?

Maybe there will be a lively watch today.

At the moment when the martial cultivator's thoughts in the martial cultivator's birthday were tumbling, Shen Fugui had waved his hand and dispatched a young man to report immediately, so that Shen Wanshan could be prepared. Today, Ling Tian's intention is really unclear.

But even so, he still didn't have the slightest sense of panic in his heart. If this person is peaceful, congratulations, it will be fine, and if he dares to have trouble in the Shen Family, he must make him pay the price he deserves.

But its face is not obvious, and the courtesy officer next to him has been color-coded.

The ceremonial officer immediately understood, glanced at Ling Tian, ​​opened his throat and shouted: "Master Anbei Great General Ling Tian is here, congratulating the Lord on his birthday!" The voice was loud and turned into a rolling sound. It spread far away under the blessing of mana.

In fact, the entire Jubao Mountain, when Ling Tian's voice came, it had already fallen into a strange silence.

In the main hall, Shen Wanshan raised his glass to drink, but his arm was slightly shaken, his complexion was startled, which was obviously very unexpected, but the next moment has returned to normal, calmly put down the wine glass in his hand, said with a smile "Ling Tian Great General is a rare visitor. Don’t blame everyone. It’s better to wait for the old man to drink after he comes."

A dozen old monsters in the hall nodded their heads at the same time, and their faces were already smiling. , His expression was calm, as if he hadn't noticed the slightest strangeness, but the thoughts in his heart had already rolled over rapidly.

Among them, the three Shangshu look slightly ugly, but today the master hasn’t spoken, and they don’t have much to say, but they have decided that as long as Ling Tian dares to provoke, he must make him suffer. !

The whole hall seems calm, but the air gradually has a somewhat depressive atmosphere. The Primordial Spirit bosses of ethnic group naturally don’t need to care, but the Yijia attendants are pale and sweaty. Under the rain, I bury my head deeply, knowing that this scene is a bit depressing, and dare not make mistakes.

Shen Wanshan thought for a moment, but still did not get up to welcome him, although Ling Tian is currently in the limelight, but after all, he is a junior, if he welcomes him, he will lose his identity again.

In the first row of Eldest Prince’s side, Shen Family’s prostitute Shen Mi, after hearing Ling Tian’s sound, her hand trembled, and the wine was spilled and splashed on the clothes. .

"Ling Tian?"

He whispered, imagining what Ling Tian would look like, but there was no fluctuation on his face, he wiped the wine and sat there, Ignoring the eager gazes of the noble children around him, he sat peacefully.

In such a weird atmosphere, under the guidance of Shen Fugui, a white clothed Martial Artist stepped forward, graceful, and calmly stepped into the hall, toward Shen Wanshan sitting high on the head of the hall. He bowed his hand and said: "Patriarch Shen birthday, Ling Tian has to come to congratulate you, if there is any abruptness, please don't be offended."

Ling Tian is well-founded, neither overbearing nor overbearing, standing there, just like The green pine is like a sword, with an imposing manner that makes everyone look at him.

Those girls are even more fascinated by Ling Tian's celestial faces and temperament, which are like evildoers.

And those noble dísciples and genius youths looked at Ling Tian's face that was more delicate than the beauty, and they were silent, but the baleful aura on Ling Tian's body was really scary, let them Can only curse secretly in the heart.

Shen Wanshan hearing this also got up, smiled and nodded, "General Ling Tian, ​​the first hero of the younger generation, can come to celebrate his birthday in person. The old man is very surprised, how can he blame it."

"Come here, please Great General sit down!" Shen Wansan smiled as usual, never showing the slightest strange color. With his city's state of mind, naturally he would not express his thoughts at will.

But Shen Fugui was startled. Looking at the seats in the hall, for a while, he really didn't know how to arrange it.

On the first row of seats, those three Shangshu and Li Fu kept looking at the drinks in their hands, ignoring Ling Tian, ​​and there were no extra seats next to them.

In embarrassment, Ling Tian waved his hand, "No need to trouble, I find a place to sit down."

Immediately, he turned around and waved his hand, Luo Zijun called in.

The latter carried her hands on her back, and was immediately overjoyed after seeing Shen Mi in the first row, "Ling Tian, ​​let's go there!"

After that, she pulled Ling Tian Yi Left and right, sit down on both sides of Shen Mi.

And this is also the first row, in addition to Shen Mi, there are three Shangshu and Li Fu!

In this scene, a group of Primordial Spirit bosses, and the three books and the others, are complexion changed, and their anger gradually rises.

Don’t you know what Ling Tian’s status is? Although the limelight is flourishing now, how can he sit in the same row with the three books and Li Fu?

However, Ling Tian didn't care very much. When he was seated, he raised his glass of wine, "Junior is late today, let me fine you a glass of wine first!"

Head up and do it all.

Shen Wanshan did not expect Ling Tian to sit next to his daughter, with a slightly different color under his eyes, and immediately said with a smile: "Since it is the Ling Tian Great General toast, the old man will naturally accompany him."


So, I also had a drink.

"Miss Shen, disturbed."

Ling Tian sat down, poured another glass of wine, and raised his glass under Luo Zijun's eyes.

Although this Shen Mi's appearance is not devastatingly beautiful, it is extremely quiet and stable, and very mature, with wisdom in his eyes.

They are different from the many women that Ling Tian has seen before.

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