In contrast, the Martial Dao competition under the opposite valley seemed less attractive.

Nowadays, the competition is just not long after the beginning. The mountain within the valley has already poured into more than 50,000 Martial Artists.

Because of the expansion of the quota for this competition, the number of Martial Artists participating has also exploded, but now the mountain within the valley has been battled into a group, and there were even casualties, but the Martial Dao competition is just like this. Cruelty, although the stipulation is limited to the point and can't hurt your life, but now it is completely uncontrollable.

Below the peak, there are already major Sect Disciples that have reached the core, and the closest to the core is the dísciple of all Primordial Spirit Realm cultivation base.

The Pill Dao test is still going on.

But at this moment, Ling Tian has truly become the core of all sights, watching Martial Artist, Danhui high-level executives, all Pill Masters, at this moment, they all have complex expressions, their eyes are hard to conceal fiery envy, and even Envy and resentment.

At this time, Ling Tian didn’t notice that the fire was successfully melted. In fact, it was relatively easy to combine pills. Ling Tian used divine sense to sense everything in the medicine pill. Among the fire, there were two medicine pills. They split smoothly, and then fuse together, appearing in the shape of a medicine pill embryo.

Finally, when there are still two hours before Danby's final time limit, Ling Tian suddenly opened his eyes, and the divine light burst out in his eyes.

next moment, there is a slight muffled noise in the flames of the 18 Layer Burning Tuxedo, and the Divine Pill is made up for, and it is already done!

Two hours have passed. There are more than 500 Pill Masters in the field. Except for those who failed to exit from the first pill concocting, all Pill Masters have completed their refining.

The flame pagoda in Ling Tian's hand swallowed two Divine Pills. There hasn’t been any interest yet, and then Ling Tian held it in his hand directly with the fire seed, as if he wanted to sell it. .

On the high stage, the Danhui Martial Sovereign, who has been in charge of singing and drinking, looked at the time, and then loudly shouted, "Time is up, all Pill Masters open the stove!"

Growling, all the prohibitions near the Dantai in the square suddenly disappeared. Nearly five hundred Pill Refinement Masters roared at the same time. The medicine furnace in front of him was turned on instantly, and one Spirit Pill rose up, and the rich medicinal fragrance was superimposed and merged, filling the entire square. Over the sky.



Densely packed Spirit Pill shoots into the air, like a bright meteor rising into the sky.

This is the height of the hovering of these medicine pills after they lift off, but they are not the same, there are high and low, and they are connected.

In the field, basically the worst medicine pill is Grade 5.

Dan Yun vibrates in it, dragging their respective medicine pill, but the quality of the medicine pill is different, so the intensity of the pill cloud is also different, which makes the medicine pill vacated at different heights.

There is even a grade 6 medicine pill hanging high in the air, and among the surrounding clouds, there is even a trace of Power of Thunder with the mother.

Grade 6 Pill, and a very small number of Grade 5 Medicine Pills. In the last step of Pill, you must experience baptism. Like Martial Artist, only through the pill can you be considered as the last pill. , Otherwise, it falls short.

Among them, apart from the few Pill Masters who have not opened the stove first, the medicine pill of Li Huanhuan and Qin Mingzhu from Piaoxiang Valley has the highest hovering height.

Although Qin Mingzhu refining is only Grade 5 Medicine Pill, her pill technique plus the water for cleaning dust makes this Grade 5 Medicine Pill extremely high quality, so in one fell swoop Sitting on an equal footing with Li Huanhuan.

Today, there are still three people in the field who have not yet started.

They are the black robe of dísciple Wuziling of Xuanyuan Palace and Myriad Puppet Sect's black robe. In the end, it is Ling Tian who is tightly gripped in the fire.

It seems that all three of them are waiting.


Finally, Wu Ziling doesn't want to wait any longer, coldly snorted, at this moment, the pill furnace opens instantly with a wave of his sleeves, and a Spirit Pill instantly rises into the sky, occupying the highest position. At one point, the remaining hundreds of Spirit Pills trembled together, and then slightly lowered and spread out to the periphery, leaving a blank space for them. There is no second medicine pill within ten several feet.

Even Qin Mingzhu and Li Huanhuan’s medicine pill will not work.

The White Flower Yuludan in Grade 6 is really extraordinary. The pill technique of Wuziling is worthy of being the Number One Person among the previously recognized descendants.

Seeing the imposing manner of his medicine pill, Wu Ziling's complexion is slightly dark, and the corners of his mouth are slightly pale.

In any case, his medicine pill, he has done his best.

"hehe, just this."

Myriad Puppet Sect's black robe's hideous face twitched, neered, and also directly shook the lid of the cauldron with a palm, next moment a medicine pill Soaring into the sky, all medicine pills scattered wherever they passed, and even in the end, the white flower jade ludan in Wuziling was lightly shaken, and was suppressed by this medicine pill underneath.

Now, the top of the list is already the black robe of Myriad Puppet Sect.

Whether this guy is in the fire seed or medicine pill grade, or even the cleansing water, it is better than Wu Ziling. This kind of achievement is naturally self-evident.

"hmph, don’t be too early."

Wu Ziling glanced at the black robe. If the latter’s medicine pill failed during Transcending Tribulation, then that means It's uncertain who loses and who wins.

At this moment, everyone is open, only Ling Tian medicine pill has not yet come out.

However, although this medicine pill has not been released, it still makes people unable to doubt its top position.

As long as it appears, it must be able to crush the black robe of Myriad Puppet Sect.

Of course, the premise is that the delivery of Dan goes smoothly.

In the eyes of everyone, Ling Tian faintly smiled, bathed in the palm of the yellow flame, the flame gradually extinguished, and then suddenly opened his five fingers, and a pale-yellow medicine pill shot directly into the sky. Up.

And this medicine pill soared to the sky, and went straight to the top Luoming Clear Heart Pill.

Ling Tian is indifferent.

He knows the quality of his medicine pill naturally.

Soon, Ling Tian’s medicine pill rushed to the same height as Myriad Puppet Sect black robe, but Ling Tian’s medicine pill aggressive was actually a late comer, and the upward trend remained unabated. After jumping up a big chunk, it hovered.

This situation fell into the eyes of everyone. Although everyone had expected it in their hearts, they still showed shock on their faces at this time.

Moreover, the gap is not generally big. At this time, Ling Tian's medicine pill is like a condescending king, looking down at the subjects below.

Wuziling and Black Robe’s medicine pill are simply incomparable.

And after Ling Tian's medicine pill was suspended for a few breaths, the surrounding Danyun finally rioted. In an instant, Heaven and Earth dimmed, and thunder rang out, and the Dan Tribulation was about to begin!

One may be the Divine Pill of Grade 6, two medicine pills of Grade 6, and there are many pills from the medicine pill of Grade 6. The scope is wide and powerful. The degree of tyranny can be imagined, the dark clouds in the sky are like ink tumbling like a liquid fluid, and the pressure is slowly radiating from it.

"Everyone, the cultivation base is lower than Primordial Spirit, step back and drive!"

On the high platform, Shen Tian, ​​the lord of the Sword Pavilion, coldly shouted.

Those Martial Artists who are close to Dantai Square also consciously retreat. Except for those who are confident in their own cultivation base, no one dares to approach the place where the Dan Tribulation comes.

After all, there is a medicine pill on Grade 6, whose Thunder Tribulation formidable power can be compared with the late Primordial Spirit. If you are not careful, it is dangerous.

Many Grade 5 Pill Masters also retreated at the same time, but like Ling Tian and Wuziling and black robe and the others, relying on their own cultivation base and self-confidence, they have never acted. Although this pill master has some Strong, but it does not pose any threat to them.

next moment, the pill is coming!

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