"hehe, Ziling, I just said that you are superfluous to come here. With the power of Sword Domain, how can Ling brother be hurt by your dagger?"

"haha, Ling Tian Brother, don’t blame, Chen Zhong is here to make amends for you, don’t blame it!"

On the first floor of the pagoda, the disappeared Chen Zhong is also among them. He stands in front of the door, deeply Bowed to Ling Tian, ​​his attitude was quite sincere.

There is no way, now Ling Tian's strength, he no longer has any doubts, and if Ling Tian is annoyed, things will be difficult to handle in the future.

Ling Tian didn't speak, he arranged the white clothed and stepped forward.

"The cultivation base is a bit too close, but the power of the Sword Domain is really powerful. I looked down on you."

In the room, the Ziling sits at the round table Side, indifferently said.

Ling Tian was let into the room by Chen Zhong, and a mad man in animal skin stood up opposite Ziling, "Ling Tian brother, the one who shot the hand just now was dísciple Ziling, the palm of Ziyou. She has such a bad temper. When she sees an expert, she likes to poke him, haha, you are not bad, there is still a scar on my ass. She rewarded me when I first saw her."

"get lost! Who is willing to reward you!"

That Ziling frowned.

Apart from this, beside the round table, there is another person, a black brocade suit, since Ling Tian came in, he has not said a word, and he has never looked at Ling Tian, ​​it looks like a drag The boss of these four people.

"hahaha, the Ling Tian brother is broad-minded, don't worry. I will introduce Ling Tian to you."

Chen Zhong took Ling Tian and sat down at the table.

"Ziling, I have already said that, the dagger is proficient, and the will is close to the Strength of Domain. This is the head teacher of moving the valley dísciple Mir Khan, the stick is proficient, skin is rough, flesh is thick, resistant He played very well. This one is Yin Zhuoping, dísciple, the head teacher of Moran Mountain Pavilion. Long spear is proficient in Formation, but Formation is extremely powerful here. He placed Formation here."

"As for me, Feng Lanzong The master of dísciple Chen Zhong, Rune Dao is proficient, not much skill, but the character is not bad! haha!"

Then Chen Zhong smiled and attracted the other three people to roll the eyes.

Ling Tian is slightly nodded, all four of them are the sect master dísciple, and can occupy this central pagoda, thinking of it as the overlord of Burning Blade City.

As for Yin Zhuoping, who arranged the Formation, I think it was because he broke his Formation so easily that he was so black-faced.

"Dahuangzhou Tai Hua Sect True Disciple, Ling Tian."

However, Ling Tian still succumbed.

"Oh? Brother Ling is just a small sect True Disciple? When has the strength of this wild state become so terrifying?"

hearing this, Chen Zhong was surprised. .

"hehe, maybe, I am a different kind."

Ling Tian indifferent expression.

"However, should Brother Chen explain to me, what you said just now?"

But Ling Tian suddenly said.

The other three people are hearing this, their expressions are also awe-inspiring.

"haha, brother Ling is quick to talk, then I don’t want to go around. But before I say it, I have to let Brother Ling look at two things."

Speaking, Chen Zhong from his sleeve Push up a side brocade box.

Ling Tian opened it casually, but suddenly discovered that it turned out to be something similar to the previous puppet, but this one is the color of golden-bright and dazzling, like a small one Bronze statue.

Apart from this, there is also a purple gem.

The gem is glittering and sparkling, and it seems that there is forming energy surging in it, surging extremely.

"This is?"

Ling Tian frowned, only to know that these two distinct things that Chen Zhong took out at this time were the real treasures!

"We are not sure what this golden statue is, but we guess that this thing is related to puppets, but among the four of us, no one is good at this thing. See Brother Ling today, you are curious about that puppet. , So I took it out."

Chen Zhong smiled slightly, and looked towards the purple gem, "But want to come, Brother Ling doesn't recognize this gem, right?"

" Do you want to guess, what is this thing for?"

Looking at Chen Zhong's interesting smile, Ling Tian shrugged, picked up the gem, and immediately moved in his heart.

He is too familiar with this energy fluctuation.

Isn't this exactly similar to the rubellite, used to engrave the battle armor of the weapon?

It’s just that, in the Southern Tang Realm, the strongest grain crystal that Ling Tian can find is the red cloud grain crystal. Even in the Tian Forbidden Mine Ruins, there is no higher grade existence. .

But absolutely didn't expect, but he found it in the secret store this day.

At this moment, although the purple gemstone is still a little reddish, and the purple is not very pure, it is definitely higher than the energy of the red moire crystal.

As for the method of engraving, Ling Tian will naturally.

Stripe Weapon!

Ling Tian was divine light flashed in his mind, and blurted out: "I know this thing naturally, it's called Purple Dao Mark Jing, right?"

"Hiss? If Ling brother is discerning Eye, this is the Violet Dao Mark crystal is not fake, but this thing is outside, except for the four Immortal Ascension Platforms, other sects are rarely seen!"

"It was inscribed by this purple Dao Mark crystal. We call it the King Armament of King Armament. Of course, it can only be inscribed on top grade King Armament. Therefore, it is more tyrannical than top grade King Armament."

" Among the four of us, only Ziling and Yin Zhuoping, who have a patterned weapon, were rewarded by their sect. As for me, it came from the land of Yueyin!"

As Chen Zhong said, his face suddenly became grim.

"Yueyin's land?"

Ling Tian frowned, he has heard of this place name twice today, it seems that it is still a dangerous place?

Otherwise, these four people will not look like this.

"Yes, frankly, the treasures I talked about with Brother Ling before are all in the Moon Hidden Land!"

Chen Zhong’s eyes sparkled with fire , Sullenly said: "There is the core treasure of our Kun Ziyu, other Cave Mansion treasures, places of opportunity, and the land of Yueyin cannot be mentioned on equal terms at all!"

"Wait, why do I become more and more confused when I listen, what Kun character domain?" Ling Tian smiled bitterly.

"Chen Zhong, you should explain to him the secrets of the outer world first. The Martial Artist of the Great Desolate Prefecture should have just been in for a long time. He doesn't know anything. You said that the Moon Hidden Land is too It's early." Zi Ling said impatiently.

"Oh, look at me, I was negligent."

Chen Zhong patted his forehead, then looked towards Ling Tian, ​​and put a gossip shape on the table, "Brother Ling Please see, this...is the secret of the outside world where we are!"

"What? Just this? Gossip?"

Ling Tian astonished, looking at the gossip map, full It is doubt.

"Yes, except for the outer sand sea, the eight areas on the outer circle of this gossip are Qianyi, Dui2, Lisan, Zhensi, Xunwu, Kanliu, and Genqi. , Kun Ba, and this area under our feet is the last one, Kun Ziyu, do you understand?"

Chen Zhong smiled mysteriously.

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