"Hehe, what a hundred poison Demoness, people are now fairies."

"You guys, if you make another move, I will be welcome."

Zhen Moran The short blade in his hand pointed at the other swordsmen in Startling Thunder Mountain Village. Those dísciples were complexion changed, received martial skills one after another, and returned to behind Mo Yu.

"Zhen Moran, what do you mean? Chen Zhong and the others are not the dísciple you taught, right? And, there is no enmity between us. What do you want to do now?"


Mo Yu swallowed a bottle of Detoxification Pill. Zhen Mo Ran has always been good at using poison, and with no opportunity, he terrifying himself.

"hehe, although I have nothing to do with them, Zhen Moran, but I do things for others, and he asks me to protect these people, then I will protect them."

Zhen Mo Ran smiled seductively.

"He? Who is that!" Mo Yu raised his brows, which covered the Sun Sect ruins. Who could mobilize them?


And Mo Yu's voice fell, and a figure slowly fell from outside the canyon.

"Ling Tian!"

Mir Khan and the others turned around and saw that the Calm walked out of Ling Tian, ​​it was a joy.

It turned out that Ling Tian was still alive and did not abandon them.

Not only that, they found that Ling Tian's cultivation base has broken through again, and it is now the late Primordial Spirit.

Now I am saved.

"You go to the back first to heal your injuries, there is nothing to do with you here."

Ling Tian slightly nodded.


The three of Chen Zhong helped each other behind Ling Tian, ​​took out the medicine pill and started healing.

"It's him? Who is he?"

Mo Yu frowned. He has never seen this one who can drive Zhen Mo Ran, and it seems that the cultivation base is still Without Zhen Mo, it is high.

"Hehe, you don't need to know who he is."

Zhen Moran turned around and glanced at Ling Tian, ​​"How do these people deal with it."

" If it is based on your past character, how should you deal with it?" Ling Tian asked back.


Zhen Moran said lightly, easy, as if to execute a few any cat or dog.

"Zhen Moran, you are too supercilious! I am Mo Yu and the others. Again, how can you allow you to be so boosted shamelessly, and my Senior Brother Jing Cang is under Formation, I If you don’t believe me, you dare to move us!"

"However, since you are all here, then don't even want to leave. Offend my Startling Thunder Mountain Village. You are all going to die here today."

Mo Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, coldly said.

"Hehe, the tone is not small, Jing Cang? When I am Zhen Mo Ran afraid of him?"

"However, you have no chance to see Jing Cang."

While speaking, Zhen Moran's charming eyes burst out with a ray of cold light, and his brows are sharp. She really wants to take action, try her battle strength after reshaping the fleshy body through the heart of the giant spirit.

"hmph, Zhen Moran, I would like to see, what means do you have to dare not put my Eldest Senior Brother in my eyes."

Mo Yu complexion grave and Stern, he is in the Western Regions, and he is also a small-name existence. How can he be so despised by Zhen Mo Ran now?

Even if this Zhen Moran is better than him, she is a bit too mad!

"Don’t be afraid, let's go together, I don’t believe it, she can do nothing but kill us!"

The voice fell, and Mo Yu directly took Martial Spirit took Out, Qi Sea was even more urged to the extreme, the sword power broke out, and a group of people with swords moved towards Zhen Moran and besieged.

The five cultivation bases are all in the late Primordial Spirit, and they are all ranked within a hundred. The battle strength that bursts out instantly, even Xu Xuan and others dare not underestimate the enemy.

"hehe, overestimate one's capabilities!"

Zhen Mo is sneered, and now Ling Tian is behind him.

She doesn't want to be looked down upon by Ling Tian.

Now she has obtained the real Ten Thousand Poison Book of Heaven, with a sharp blade in her hand, beheading Mo Yu and the others, just waving her hands.


next moment, Zhen Moran has both arms for a while, behind him a giant Spirit Tree Martial Spirit rises, and the short blade in his hand is even more diffuse A layer of green flame.

Before, her fleshy body Martial Spirit had been completely destroyed by toxins, but after the reshaping of the heart of the giant spirit and the heart of the giant spirit, she looked like Nirvana Rebirth and innate talent, Far beyond before.

"hehe, you are scared, you don't want to run away!"

Mo Yu saw Zhen Moran standing in place, and did not choose to collapse into smoke. For a while, he was hideous. Sneered.

"Girl Zhen, be careful!"

Ziling turned pale with fright at the back, couldn't help but say silently.

Ling Tian didn't make a move either, and stood with his hand. He also wanted to see how powerful this Demoness was.

If you can't handle even these people, you will really blind your own giant spirit heart and fire.

Sure enough, Zhen Moran suddenly smiled at this moment. He just took a step forward and stretched out his hand with a fierce move.


The short blade in his hand shook its terrifying pressure, and when the sword qi that everyone around at Startling Thunder Mountain was about to fall, he swung it abruptly.

"Green smoke hidden poison!"

In a short time, the majestic blade light burst out. With the true essence of Zhen Moran and the blessing of fire, it is exceptional Bright, even the canyon is full of green.

The magnificent Blade Qi, crushed past, and the sword qi of Mo Yu and the others were crushed dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

The pupils of the crowd shrank sharply, and there was a flash of fear in their eyes, and they quickly retracted their swords and retreated.

Zhen Moran’s blade light is really dazzling. When the vision of Ziling and the others recovers behind him, the valley within the valley is silent, and the violent Mo Yu six have already fallen to the ground. And the blade light, it collapsed.

However, Mo Yu and the others were astonished. Although this shock drove them back, they didn't seem to be cut by the knife.

For a moment, everyone at Startling Thunder Mountain Zhuang looked surprised and looked at each other.

Mo Yu confirmed that there was nothing serious about him, he could not help saying with a sneer: "Hehe, you just know some unorthodox way. Maybe you run away and use poison more powerfully, but it’s positive. You are not an opponent at all!"

"Yes, the Demoness of Hundred Poisons is Zhen Moran, but it is just a sneak attack and escape."

Other Martial Artists also sneered with swords.

However, their smiles slowly freeze.

Because, Zhen Moran directly took the weapon in his hand, then turned and looked towards Ling Tian, ​​shrugged, "Don't underestimate me..."

"It's okay."

Ling Tian pursed his mouth, indifferent expression.


Zhen Moran rolled the eyes, completely treating Mo Yu and the others, like nothing.

"Zhen Moran, what do you mean!"

Mo Yujian points to Zhen Moran, the other side's attitude is really embarrassing.

"What do you mean...hehe, you are already dead."

"In my eyes, you are only worthy of me."

Zhen Moran turned sideways, and only gave Mo Yu and the others a beautiful profile face. Her bright green hair was flying in the wind, as if she was carrying a fairy light.


Mo Yu complexion slightly changed, but before he finished speaking, his body suddenly stiffened.

Silently lowered his hands and looked at his chest.

He suddenly discovered that, at some point, a bloody wound appeared on his chest through his clothes.

The flesh and blood are torn, the muscles and bones are shattered.

In the blink of an eye, before Mo Yu and the others screamed, they shattered into a pile of flesh and blood.

"I Zhenmoran, killing is invisible."

"I used to be dead, now, I Zhenmoran, I am back."

Zhen Mo Ran was in front of Ling Tian, ​​slowly turning around, looking at the Formation Formation of thousands Zhang in the distance, the fighting intent surged.

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