"As for the bottle of mountains and seas, in fact, it is definitely not an absolute secret existence. You know, this kind of treasure, even on the secret storage continent at the time, is definitely a well-known existence, and I have explored many small ones. The sect remains, although I didn’t get many gratifying treasures, but I checked a lot of classics."

"And among these classics, there are more than one record about Shanhaiping. I followed this clue. , I have always found the location of Sect Mountain Ocean Sect with a bottle of mountain and sea!"

Chen Zhongpou took a deep breath, "Brother Liu, you mean, you know where Mountain Ocean Sect is and have been there. Where?"

Liu Min shook his head, "I know where I am, but I have never been."

"Because that location is really Kun Ziyu Yueyinzhi The Core Zone of the earth, now, is even the lair of the Black Fiend, how can I enter it?"

"It's just that after I determined the exact location of the Mountain Ocean Sect gate, I ran into it. People from Cangyun Zhan Pavilion."

Said this, Liu Min's face couldn't help but feel sad.

"What? Cangyun Zhange? Have you encountered the dísciple of Overlord level sect!?"

Mir Khan is lowly cried.

Ling Tian eyes shined, this Cangyun battle pavilion, he has heard from Chen Zhong before, is one of the two super sects in the Western Regions, and its master dísciple is extremely powerful. Strong, the cultivation base has reached the perfection Realm in the late Primordial Spirit.

"Yes, although I didn’t see Yeluchu’s fierce team, those Cangyun Zhange’s people are also ranked within the top 20 of the Azure Cloud Ranking. I am alone, not an opponent at all. "

"In desperation, I can only give them the information about Shanhaiping and Mountain Ocean Sect that I have compiled."

"And I will come afterwards. To cover up the ruins of Sun Sect and help Jing Cang."

Speaking, Liu Min looked towards Ling Tian, ​​said solemnly: "Brother Ling, I know that with your ability and vision, it is inevitable The Azure Cloud Ranking first, for that mountain and sea bottle, is it also determined to win, right?"

"Inevitable, and there is no accident."

Ling Tian nodded.

"Hehe, then I can rest assured, I, Liu Min, don't ask for anything else, and I hope that Cangyun Zhange will pay the price that they deserve. Their threats are still hard for me to forget! "

Liu Min clenched his fists tightly.

"Then Brother Liu, so to speak of Cangyun Zhange, is the clue about Mountain Ocean Sect that you only got from you not long ago, right?"


"Yes, that's all ten days ago." Liu Min nodded.

"That's okay. In terms of time, it should be enough." Ziling put out a long breath.

"Well, although I said so, but I also said that the bottle of mountain and sea is in Mountain Ocean Sect. If someone steps into the boundary of Mountain Ocean Sect, it will revive the bottle of mountain and sea, when the time comes, maybe Yeluchuxie will get a bottle of mountain and sea soon."

Liu Min bit his lip and looked towards Ling Tian, ​​"However, I don't mean to leave now, we all know , Cangyun Zhan Pavilion is powerful, but we still have too few people. We should win over more people for our use."

"Most of the time in the secrets outside the sky, inside the eight domains The struggle is just to gather Heaven's Chosen's own forces that's all, when the time comes, in each domain, there will be a most powerhouse, holding the top Spirit Treasure, leading the Martial Artist of each domain, and conquering the Five Elements world, and others I’m already doing it."

"haha, what Brother Liu said makes sense, but I have finished it."

At this time, a charming laugh came from Liu There was a sound from behind Min, but it was Na Zhen Moran who came up from below.

However, at this time, she clapped her hands and said: "I just captured the martial artists around me who watched the excitement, and they all promised that they will follow us in the future. There will be more than 100 people. !"

"How about a strong team, right?"

"What? You...have you done it? They all agreed?"

Min turned around and said in shock.

Ling Tian also frowned, secretly thought that Zhen Mo Ran's mind was too fast, and we are still discussing here, she has already done it first.

"Uh-huh, of course, if they disagree, I dare not say anything else, but I promise they will die slowly in pain. They all know me, so they will obey orders. What about me?"

Zhen Mo was shrugged, making Ling Tian's face black.

Well, it turns out that it's such a crowded group of people, it's weird to have one mind.

"That's all, Brother Liu, I know all about this, and you can rest assured that I will avenge your grievances. But don’t be too anxious. Today you all have gains. First Digest it, and besides, I will refine your weapons."

Immediately, Ling Tian looked towards Zhen Mo Ran, "Don’t use poison to intimidate other Martial Artists at all times. Go on now. Collect all their weapons."

"Ah? Ling Tian, ​​didn't expect you to be more ruthless than me, I am just a threat, you are robbing directly!"

Zhen Mo Ran was surprised.

"The poor are young, whoever grabs them, I want to engrave the crystals for them, go and do it, Chen Zhong, you follow."

Ling Tian stared at it. Zhen Moran threw the swords of Jing Cang and Lu Bei into the Liuyao furnace and began to smelt.

When other people saw this, they all quit.

They have never seen how powerful Ling Tian's refining device is, but they know that Ling Tian has the ability to engrave purple Dao Mark crystals.

This person is full of mysterious.

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

Ling Tian engraved all of the more than 100 Martial Artist weapons with purple Dao Mark crystals, turning them into King Armament, which naturally made those Martial Artists a complete acknowledgement allegiance.

And Liu Min and the others, the harvest is also great.

Liu Min spent half a month to refining that water Dragon Fruit. With his powerful sword dao innate talent, he succeeded in comprehended Sword Domain power. Although Sword Domain was first established, he still let him Ling Tian secretly praised in his heart.

This guy is really a sword dao genius.

Of course, Ling Tian also gifted a brand new sword to Liu Min.

The sword is made into indigo azure, and its sword body is forged by Ling Tian fusion of Jing Cang and Lu Bei’s swords and knives, and the Sword Soul within it is also integrated, although it is still considered Not a quasi fairy soldier, but definitely stronger than the original cold thunder sword.

In the royal swordsmanship, it is enough to rank in the top five.

Ling Tian named the sword Qingying, which made Liu Min grateful and thankful.

Also, Chen Zhong and the others' cultivation base has also been steadily improved, but the Martial Skill and Cultivation Art he has cultivated does not have enough time.

But among the crowd, Zhen Moran has gained the most.

She has never suffered a loss.

Ling Tian doesn’t know how she gets along with Taoyaoyao, anyway these days the three girls are almost inseparable, and they are too crooked. Zhen Moran also spoils Taoyaoyao, maybe this is Taoyaoyao. I've never experienced it before.

So, seven days ago, Zhen Mo unexpectedly found Ling Tian by dragging a branch, and let Ling Tian refine the weapon for her.

Seeing the branch in Zhen Mo Ran's hands, Ling Tian was startled.

Because it turned out to be a whole fairy tale.

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