"What's the result?"

"With this impact, Ling Tian hasn't been shaken yet, right?"

When the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, everyone hurried toward the basin I looked around, but suddenly discovered that Ling Tian was still standing there, surrounded by falling dust, without any trace, that is to say, Ling Tian had never moved.

But Ran Min, who is opposite, has several deep gullies in front of him.

Ran Min was shocked!

Ling Tian took Ran Min's cut with his bare hands, not only did not retreat, but instead made Ran Min's impact not small.

This, the superiority of these two people seems to be obvious.

This dark horse Ling Tian, ​​ranked 15th, is really better than Ran Min's Ranked 9th.

This, there is no doubt.

"Huh, so strong!"

Ran Min, who was half-bent, stood up straight, leaning on his hand, looked towards Ling Tian, ​​"Yes, I rarely have Ran Min Those who admire, Yeluchu is one of the fierce ones. Now, you are the second one!"

"Brother Ran Min passed the award, come on, there is one final blow, this time, don’t let it go. I am."

Ling Tian nodded, and gave Ran Min enough face.


"It's rare that I met you, Ran Min today, so I'll give it a try!"

Psip your lips, Ran Min Suddenly his shoulders shook, and within a short time, a Martial Spirit shot up into the sky!

This time, Ran Min is going to do his best!

"bang bang!"

A powerful and violent golden air current, continuously diffused out of Ran Min's body, and finally turned into a bright beam of light, rushing straight into the black sky .

The beam of light tears through the night, as if even nothingness is split at this moment, but Ran Min’s eyes are at this moment, and a ray of golden rushes into his eyes. He is slowly floating, floating in the air, this Time is like an awakened ancient golden armor War God.

both of his hands hold Changyue tightly, and the souls on it are all fighting for the sky at this moment.

"The Overlord is shocking!"

"Retire me!"

With a loud scream, Ran Min has no reservations, and slashes with all his strength. , Directly smashed it down.

"Good martial skill!"

Ling Tian at the bottom looked up to the sky and watched that Yue cut down. This time, Ran Min not only made his vitality rise to the extreme, even Small Accomplishment Strength of Domain, under the blessing of Martial Spirit's 3rd-layer, has all been released.

This cut is the most powerful attack that Ling Tian has ever seen on Heaven's Chosen after entering the Vault of Heaven, there is no one!

"It's worth my sword."

Ling Tian's voice fell, and the Abyss Dragon Sword behind it flew out, still not out of the sheath, but the white golden-bright and dazzling sword Above the sheath, the spirit ring of the Thunder Dragon winds around, also shining the entire basin as bright as day.

At the same time, Ling Tian turned on the Dragon Phoenix Supreme, with the dual blessing of Strength of Fleshly Body and Sky Origin Energy, allowing Ling Tian to cover the glazed light with the dragon and phoenix illusory shadow in his body, holding the dragon sword. The Ling Tian is like a High Ancient Dragon general.

Sword Domain is spinning around, with a long sword in his hand, and the same sword is flying towards the sky.

When Ling Tian's sword was swept up, his arms were trembling crazily under his skin, and the glazed light circulated rapidly like a liquid, and the energy of Ling Tian surged layer by layer. .


A sword has not been completely cut out, the empty sword has exploded and opened, Ling Tian's white hair dances, and his whole body is white clothed hunting!

Looking at this scene of the Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, many people, including Zhang Jing and Ran Min Yifang expert, have a look of shock in their eyes.

"This sword is so strong!"

"His, this seems to be an extremely mysterious Body Refining Technique!"

"He can actually combine two The energy merges into one!"

In the exclamation of everyone, this sword of Ling Tian completely swept out.

"Too much Sword Controlling Art, raging tide!"


With a sword, the tide is born.

Sword light and Na Changyue finally shook each other in the air. In a short time, two rays of light burst into a more dazzling brilliance, accompanied by thunder-like loud noises. , Everyone's consciousness is blurred in an instant.

The confrontation between the two powerhouses is terrifying.

peng peng peng!

The dazzling light is flickering, the shadow of the sword yue is floating in the sky, and the surrounding space instantly boils, and there is a faint sound of one after another low explosion , A kind of scalp-like fluctuations, swept away, making everyone in the court look disillusioned.

"It's really terrifying, these two guys are abnormal!"

Zhang Jing in the back stared at the scene that seemed to be frozen, and made them understand from the fluctuations. , If this is to attack them, they have no possibility of resisting it at all, even Spirit Treasure is in vain.

And those people behind Ran Min have completely put away their suspicion and anger towards Ling Tian at this time.

Ling Tian is a true powerhouse, he didn't look down on anyone, he was just explaining the facts.

The two martial skills held a stalemate for more than a dozen breaths, and finally, the light of Changyue began to collapse.

This is Ling Tian's convergence a little, otherwise a sword will be enough to break all of Ran Min's martial skills.

"Brother Ran Min, I'm sorry!"

Ling Tian gave a chuckle, controlled the sword light that hadn't dissipated, and continued to cut it down.


At this moment, it seemed that even the space was overwhelmed and cracked. Vaguely, there was a slight cracking sound.

Looking at the shadow of my Changyue is about to fall apart.

As proud as he is, how can he give up easily.

Blessing Yue Ying.

However, everything is in vain.

With an explosion, Ran Min narrowed his eyes slightly, and his pupils suddenly shrank. He could see that countless cracks were still spreading above his shadow!


The cracks are spreading faster and faster, only the time between in a flash, finally spread to the maximum, and then, the huge golden shadow, It was in that one after another horrified gaze that suddenly exploded.


The martial skill exploded, and the brilliant golden light suddenly burst out of it, and a sword of power fell on Ran Min’s bodyguard Light of Primordial Spirit .


With a muffled sound, Ran Min was directly blasted out like a golden meteor.

"Ran Min, I lost!"

Zhang Jing pursed his mouth, and finally whispered.

Zhang Jing pursed his lips and finally whispered out.

Behind him, the faces of all the Martial Artists from Ling Tian's party were surprised and delighted.

The golden armor overlord, who is stronger than the ninth place in the Azure Cloud Ranking, is still not Ling Tian's opponent!

The brilliance is dim, the sword qi disappears.

On both sides of the basin, the eyes of more than a thousand Martial Artists fell on the center of the basin.

At this time, the land around Ling Tian's circumference is still as smooth as before, but the surrounding area is completely broken, and there is no intact one inch of land.

Forcibly picking up Ran Min's three moves, Ling Tian, ​​never stepped back in half a step!

"Ling Tian is mighty!"

"Ling Tian is mighty!"

Zhang Jing and the others all raised their arms and shouted, imposing manner, in an instant Climbed to the extreme.

However, Ling Tian in the basin has no excitement on his face.

Sheng Ranmin is just normal.

However, at this time, his gaze fell on the sleeping black gold Winged Dragon in the center of the basin.

No, not a deep sleep.

Because, this guy finally woke up under the aftermath of Ran Min and his last blow!

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