The visitor slightly smiled, did not shy away from his origin, and said it directly.

"Hehe, who I thought it was, it turned out to be the waste of the Great Desolate State, what Tang Sect, I have never heard of it, you are courting death?!"

Yue Lun has long secretly secretly Accumulation of true essence, when he heard this person self-reporting his home, mockery flashed in his eyes and killed him directly.

hong long long!

In a short time, the true essence of Yue Lun's body surged in all directions, and the lake behind him shook wildly.


However, this Yue Lun came quickly and went faster.

The three behind him, before seeing how Lin Jingyu made his hand, Yue Lun spit out a mouthful of blood and was shocked to fly back.

A hole blasted out of his fist appeared in his chest. The whole body thrust back like an arrow, and fell to the shore, his breath was gone.

Heaven's Chosen, the thirty-second place in the Azure Cloud Ranking, was hit by Lin Jingyu on the spot!

At this moment, a black wandering dragon soul gradually raised behind Lin Jingyu, as if fuse together with the dark night.

The black Martial Spirit seems extraordinarily evil, and the terrifying chill seems to penetrate deep into everyone's bones.

"You killed Yue Lun?!"

"Not good, let's go quickly!"

This chill is too terrifying, and the three finally After reacting, his complexion changed, and after a moment of stunned, he turned around and was about to run away.

They can all feel that the unfamiliar Martial Artist in front of them, the strength of battle is not much worse than that of Ran Min.

"Hehe, want to escape?!"

Lin Jingyu's mouth curled up with a sneer, suddenly a machete appeared in his hand, the blade was pitch black, like a round of black magic moon .

ka! ka! ka!

The blade dao light flashes when the blade shook.

The speed is so fast that others cannot avoid it.

"top grade divine ability!"

The person sensed the terrifying breath on the blade light, and the terrified look suddenly appeared in his eyes, extremely shocked.


Lin Jingyu smiled grimly, the dark blade light oscillated on the Spirit Treasure that Martial Artist took out.


But the Spirit Treasure in front of the blade light, didn't even take a breath, it collapsed.

And with the Spirit Treasure collapsed, and these people's fleshy body.

In the blink of an eye, the three experts also died at the hands of Lin Jingyu.

He took the four-person brand in his hand, but Lin Jingyu did not incorporate it into his own tablet.

At this time, there are hundreds of brands like this in his ring.

"hehe, the magic dragon masking the moon knife, to cooperate with my black nerves, it is simply tailor-made for me, Lin Jingyu, just over a year, let me have such battle strength ......"

The black Martial Spirit behind Lin Jingyu gradually disappeared. He looked at the black scimitar in his hand with an expression of excitement in his eyes.

This knife is extremely exquisite, and its rank has reached the level of a quasi-celestial soldier. Although it can't be compared with Ling Tian's Long Yuan and Du'er, it is definitely not much different from the Chi Punishment in Zhen Moran's hands. .

Furthermore, the aura surging in Lin Jingyu's body is completely different from the past, and even this aura is somewhat similar to the Black Fiend!

"hehe, Ling Tian, ​​although I had no choice but to go deep into the secrets outside the sky, who would have thought that I got such a chance again by mistake?!"

"I admit that you are still great now, but Lin Jingyu is not bad!"

Lin Jingyu looked so excited that he couldn't help but sneer again and again.

At this time, his cultivation base has skyrocketed to the Small Success Realm in the late Primordial Spirit, even similar to Ran Min.

In the entire Kun character domain, there are only a handful of existences.

"Mountain Ocean Sect?! Hehe, if you want to come here, hide the top Spirit Treasure, Ling Tian, ​​when the time comes I will surprise you, wait for me!"

Lin Jingyu put away his weapons, and then, amidst wild laughter, he drove the boat straight into the big lake.


On the big boat in the lake, Ling Tian sits cross-legged on the tallest pavilion.

Now, they have entered this big lake for ten days.

For ten days, Ling Tian was in the Peach Garden Four Elephant Pagoda, and continued to refining the Dan River, which covered himself with Sun Sect.

There are too many medicine pills, even if Ling Tian's early swallowed resources, it still hasn't been completely refining.

Ling Tian feels that if Dan River's resources are fully digested, he should be able to reach a situation close to the little Perfection in the late Primordial Spirit.

The cultivation base is similar to the current Ran Min, and it is not far from Yeluchu, who is at the top of the list.

By then, he will really catch up with the first Heaven's Chosen echelon on the cultivation base.

Pushing out the door, Ling Tian flew down on the deck of the big ship.

The ship can only be propelled with the vitality of the Martial Artist, so Ran Min and Zhen Moran selected a hundred people and took turns to attack the ship with energy so that it would not stop.

Furthermore, in this big lake, from time to time there are powerful black evil Monster Sovereign killing out, and Ran Min and the others have to be on guard at all times.

"Ling Tian brother, you are here..."

Seeing Ling Tian flying down, Ran Min and Liu Min greeted him.

Ling Tian nodded and frowned looked towards the pitch-black distance, where there was no light of humanity, only the turbulent black waves.

I can't see the so-called Mountain Ocean Sect at all.

If it weren't for the stardial, he could see that his position was getting closer and closer to Qin Mingzhu, Ling Tian would have to doubt whether Liu Min's intelligence was accurate.

"How long is there?"

Ling Tian asked,

"No accident, it may take ten days."

Liu Min sighed, "No way, my heart is getting more and more resistance, and the speed of our big ship is already very slow..."

"Moreover, there are more and more black evil monsters along the way. At the back, it may be necessary for everyone to come out to defend against the black evil demon in the lake."

Ling Tian hearing this frowned, "Ten more days?"

For him, it has been a long time.

Trifling the waters of five hundred miles, is it necessary to sail for twenty days?

This is nonsense.

"No, I'll supply the energy of the big ship, and see if I can speed it up."

Ling Tian shook his head and decided to do it himself.


However, Ling Tian hasn't moved yet, but there is a flash of light and shadow beside him, and a black golden figure suddenly rushes out, and then with a normal sound, it gets into the waves.

"What? I jumped down after a flash, Brother Ran Min, did you see it?" Liu Min creded out in surprise.

"I saw it too, but the speed of that thing was too fast, I didn't see what it was!"

Ran Min was also surprised, and he was able to flash under his eyelids. And passing away, there are not many existences that make him unable to see clearly.

The two looked towards Ling Tian, ​​but the latter shrugged.

"I didn't see it clearly, but it is certain that that thing is my...mount..."


Ling Tian’s The sound fell, and the entire ship suddenly shook with a huge shock, awakening all Martial Artists in retreat.

"What's the situation? Could it be that a strong Great Demon emperor did not come up?"

The smoke rose on the deck, and Zhen Moran walked out of it, carrying Chi Punishment in his hand. He looks like a big enemy.

Behind, Zhang Jing and Kou Zhun and other experts also rushed out.

However, Ling Tian and Ran Min looked at each other and shook their heads.

"No demonic beast is coming..."

Ling Tian walked to the string head, bent over to look, but found that under the lake, a huge black gold figure, sinking and floating on the surface of the water under.

The huge thing is almost as big as thousands zhang, and it is almost the same as the black gold Winged Dragon before!

At this time, the huge black shadow tied the ship with an energy rope, and then the wings suddenly shook underwater, and the entire ship rushed forward like an arrow from the string.

Let everyone shake it off.

"Heaven...Ling Tian, ​​this, is this your mount? I'm afraid!"

Liu Min and the others lie on the side of the boat, looking at the huge black shadow Tossing under the water, fiercely swallowed.

If it hadn't been for Ling Tian himself, they would have thought that the fourth rank Black Monster Sovereign Black Gold Winged Dragon was resurrected!

Ling Tian nodded slowly.

"Xiaoqing, you have changed..."

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