It seems that he is going to explode with a bit of terrifying power and directly smash the sword array.

"Hehe, cruel enough!"

The eyes of Ling Tian surrounded by thousands of swords surged, and the corners of his mouth raised a smile, said solemnly: "Let's take a look, Who is more powerful!"

As Ling Tian drank low, Qiandao sword light suddenly shrank in front of Ling Tian, ​​and all the Dragon Clan was surprised and untimely, the sword array suddenly revolved and condensed, boundless sword The intent turns into silver light on Ling Tian, ​​and rises suddenly.

The sword array finally condensed into a huge form, and moved towards the Heaven Destroying of the Lord of the Dragon to greet him with a shot.

clang! clang! clang!

The sword shadow and the spear glow collide fiercely in midair, producing the general rumbling sound of mountains burst and ground split. One after another The terrifying lingering prestige rippled out, outside the dragon palace, there was a loud noise, turbulent, one after another, all Dragon Clan vomited blood and retreated, and could no longer bear it.

In such entanglement, the terrifying shot of the dragon lord, the continuous sword shadow tore, crashed to pieces, many sword shadows continued to cast, moved towards the dragon lord, burst Shot away.

"Damn it, get out!!"

The face of the dragon lord flashed with a hideous color, not retreating but advancing, spear glow burst out like thunder. . Relying on the powerful cultivation base, forcibly blow the flying sword shadow into pieces.

In this chaos, the lord of the dragon who smashed the sword shadow forcefully, his reputation skyrocketed. The gaze swept like electricity, and after falling on Ling Tian, ​​he vacated and fell, rushing over.


But when he was in midair, just as soon as he moved, Ling Tian's body sounded all of a sudden, and the golden light soared into the sky, forming a heavenspan thorough golden body Arhat , With six arms waving, the seal of the pure world in the five seals of Brahma, accompanied by the roaring wind, suddenly formed.

Six-armed Arhat, moved towards the Black Dragon, drinking bursts of Sanskrit sounds, under the violent wind, evolving the golden seal, and roaring away.

"Buddhist cultivation technique!? You kid, you know a lot!"

Looking at the rushing Buddhist seal, the look of the evil dragon lord suddenly turned cold , The person is in the air, arms stretched fiercely.

"But no matter how much you can do, you will eventually be an ant!!"

The lord of the evil dragon with outstretched arms, in midair, seems to be transformed into a dragon with a fiercely head. The moved towards that big seal ran into it.


Under such a hard regret, the powerful golden seal was forcibly smashed. The golden Seal that shattered all over the sky was as poignant as fireworks. The lord of the evil dragon looked up to the sky, and surrounded by these golden lights, his prestige became wild again.

"Let's stop here!"

The Lord of the Dragon once again Human Transformation, breaking through the Great Seal storm, holding the Dragon Spear in the sky, and flying straight down.

Ling Tian's eyes condensed slightly, looking at the dragon lord who was killed like a rainbow in the imposing manner, secretly thought, the seal of the six-armed Jingshi, was still too weak.

Ling Tian raises his eyebrows lightly, sharp shots between the eyebrows, with ten fingers as white as jade, rapidly changing. Suddenly, there was a boundless flame on his body, little by little frantically skyrocketed.

I saw Ling Tian raise his hand, Qu four fingers, vortex finished.

The endless power and the power of fire burst into the vortex, and even the Spiritual Qi around the great hall is crazy absorbed.

A dazzling finger slowly condenses, in this world gazing at all directions, glaring at the people.


Countless lines of sight looked at Ling Tian's body, the prestige heard by him, his complexion changed drastically.

"Oh my God, this God of Human Race is so familiar, and every one is so unimaginable!"

"terrifying, such divine ability, too terrifying"

For a while, there were endless exclamations on the huge battlefield.

Even the lord of the evil dragon frowned suddenly.

This Ling Tian has many methods, and this finger now makes him feel threatened.

"Hehe, Lord of Dragons, do you think of this so far!?"

"Let’s see, can you bear my cut!"

"The sword and fingers are one, go!"

Ling Tian merges the energy of the pure yang finger into the Daqi, and then directly slashes it down.

"Good come!"

The Lord of the Dragon is loudly shouted, full of breath, and comes with Dragon Spear,

In a flash, under the sky, The two divine abilities, which were almost at their limit, came to each other, and those Dragon Clan frightened, fleeing out like life.


Immediately afterwards, the two divine abilities came together.

Suddenly, the entire Heavenly Dragon Palace was violently shaking, and Long Xuan clung to the Heaven Sealing clock. With the pressure of the Heaven Sealing clock, his life was saved.

Endless storms circled, and a black ball formed above the sky. It was a void that was split by two divine ability.

The space storm is raging, and the delay cannot be healed.


After more than a dozen breaths, two figures from the center of the storm on the dome that day collapsed and flew out again.

The group of Dragon Clan who evaded far away looked towards the sky in horror, and they couldn't help but cry out in surprise.

Under such a tyrannical impact, the Lord of the Evil Dragon and Ling Tian were not dead!

It's just that Ling Tian was directly crashed into the sky and fell to the ground.

And the lord of the evil dragon blasted back thousands of zhang, one arm, already gone, burning flames on it, making his dragon body unable to heal.

Holding the Dragon Spear with one hand, half of the body of the dragon lord was mutilated.

Although Ling Tian's terrifying sword-finger unity failed to kill him, it caused him to suffer an unprecedented severe damage.

This is the heaviest injury he has ever suffered since he was reborn from the abyss!

"Damn Human Race!"

The corners of the dragon lord's mouth are twitching.

He looked towards the big pit that was bombed out on the ground below.

In the pit, in Ling Tian's mouth, gold blood is constantly pouring out.

At this time, none of his whole body was intact, with tearing wounds all over him, and even the big scorpion fell to the side.

Successfully withstood the strongest blow of the evil dragon lord, Ling Tian had already exhausted everything without using a whole set of Martial Spirit.

But it was still defeated.

The fleshy body that was tempered by five blood crystal angels just keeps Ling Tian from being directly torn apart.

But, that's it.

Today's Ling Tian, ​​Monster Qi condensed by the magical secret technique, has all been shaken away.

Lying in the big pit, crawling does not raise.

"hehe, after all, the fleshy body is weak."

Ling Tian light Laughing, lying on his back, as if laughing at himself.

"Ling Tian, ​​your battle strength is good, but in this dragon domain, you will never escape to death."

"Now, it's over now, Human Race, you can't stop it. I unify the dragon domain."

"However, after I unify the dragon domain, I will enter the Human Race and restore the glory of Dragon Clan ten thousand years ago!"

"hehe, My dragon clan was born in the abyss, not subject to the punishment of Heavenly Dao, this realm is ours after all!"

The lord of the dragons sneered again and again, and slowly landed from in midair.

The Heavenly Dragon fairy spear in the hand, slowly raised, moved towards Ling Tian, ​​stabs down.

Today's Ling Tian has no imposing manner, and can't bear the power of this spear at all!

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