"Oh my God, Xuantian Supreme Treasure, three Supreme Supreme Treasure!"

"God bless my Human Race is immortal!"

"Ling Tian Sect Master is mighty! "

"Ling Tian Sect Master is mighty!"

On the coast, all the Martial Artists who have been shocked in place are shaking crazily with excitement.

Faced with the almost invincible Lord of Demon Country and Ancestral Item, at this time, three Supreme Treasures of the Supreme Treasure rose above the Eastern Sea, just like three great suns that never set. There is nothing left but wonder, nothing else.

Almost all Martial Artists fell to their knees and worshipped Ling Tian.

Today's Ling Tian, ​​as a single person, compares with the gods!

"Now, I just want to know, what kind of thing is your witch clan, dare you say it is unstoppable!?"

"Go back!"

Ling Tian dragged the green empty tripod, directly moved towards the Demon Country Ancestral Item, and blasted out directly.

Besides, Heaven Sealing Bell and Wan Demon Tower also roared, rolling the Endless Sea wave and pushing away.

Dang dang!

In an instant, a total of six Supreme Treasures shook on the Eastern Sea. Amidst the loud noise, the radius of ten thousand li was swept by the storm.

Under the huge storm, the seas and territories collapsed, the earth's crust was shattered, and all sea monsters died.

The sky above the sea has become pitch black and boundless, and the violent void rushes out, showing the boundlessness.


And Ling Tian, ​​with the help of the boundless turbulent waves that set off, Qilin Arm rises again, and the simple ordinary punch is moved towards Eastern Sea!

In an instant, a Qilin Sacred Beast, then the sea water condensed into a body, and it continued to skyrocket. After a dozen breaths, it rushed into the witch clan army shrouded in the black mist.

puff puff puff!

In an instant, ignoring the howls of the warrior of the witch race, the lord of Demon Country was shocked three times, and the Demon Country Ancestral Item above the sky was shocked and could no longer resist three. Zun Xuantian Supreme Treasure, retreated explodingly.

"Dragon Clan Heaven Sealing bell, Monster Race and Demon Tower, it's not good!"

"The secret of heaven has changed, I can't wait!"

" The witch army obeys the order and return to Demon Country!"

The witch army that has crossed the sea world in the magic mist, has not yet appeared in front of the Human Race Martial Artist, is in the might of a Ling Tian Under single fist, he returned to the sea madly.

"Hehe, the lord of Demon Country, I, Ling Tian, ​​today, will not kill you to kill to the last one!"

"Wait, you do not deserve to die in the territory of my Human Race In!"

"Go back to tell you the witch world, I Human Race from now on, don’t be insulted!"

Ling Tian took back the Qingxu Ding, but did not pursue it. .

The time for a decisive battle between the two clans is not yet time.

The coming is menacing, and the witch clan army of the breakthrough sea world fades away in an instant.

When the Martial Artists on the coastline felt the strands scattered on their faces, the warm feeling awakened them.

There was a catastrophe of Human Race, and it was resolved in this way.

Even, Human Race did not compromise anyone.

At this moment, they looked at the figure hanging high under the Supreme Treasure of the three Xuantian Supreme Treasures, shrouded by the sunlight scattered from the cracks of the gradually opening black clouds, and their hearts of worship were unshakable.

They knelt on the coast, and so far, they have never got up.

This is not just the coercion brought to them by the Three Supreme Treasures, but the respect and acknowledge allegiance from the heart.

Behind the Great Heaven Sect, the Human Race army, headed by the Immortal Island and sitting on the Immortal Island, was already scared and inexplicable at this time.

Originally, they still thought of destroying the Great Heaven Sect in one fell swoop, but now, the Demon Witch Clan was shocked by Ling Tian alone.

Now that the three Xuantian Supreme Treasures are in front, how can they survive! ?

"No, this is impossible!"

"Dragon Clan and Monster Race's Supreme Treasure, how come they are in Ling Tian's hands!"

The army is in the middle, Sitting on a cloud boat battleship above the immortal island, a platinum war figure exclaimed.

The corners of his mouth are twitching.

He has been dormant for this day for so many years, thinking that one day he can return to the Great Desolate State, and let Tang Sect understand that it was a big mistake to abandon him Lin Jingyu and choose Ling Tian.

But now, Ling Tian has returned invincibly.

Even, it made him breathless!

"Lords of the Island Lords stay, the army will retreat immediately!"

Although he dare not, Lin Jingyu, who is the flagship of Immortal Island, ordered the retreat.

And the several millions of the immortal island's army has long lost the fighting intent. At this moment, the spirit slowly recovers, how can you dare to raise the fighting intent, immediately collapsed like a mountain, and fled back frantically.

The Profound Nether ghost master and Feng Xuan were also stupid suddenly, abandoning the sect disciple, they must tear the void to escape.

"hahaha, since I'm here, why are you leaving in a hurry?"

"My big brother hasn't spoken yet, you guys, don't want to leave!"

At this time, behind the Tianyu army, the space seemed to be divided, and several golden lights appeared suddenly from the turbulence of time and space and storms.

The golden light gradually condensed, and in the horrified gaze of the ghost master of Profound Nether, it suddenly turned into a figure.

One of them actually leaned on the Golden Dragon chair, with his legs up, holding a fairy-light and colorful Dragon Spear in his hand, just like Immortal God!

On the left and right, on the floating golden battle stage, there is a Dragon Clan lord standing by wearing a dragon scales Battle Armor!

The other one is wearing a golden feather coat with a cold face, but the endless Monster Race breath is covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

weng weng!

After two buzzing sounds, Heaven Sealing Bell and Wan Demon Tower were also retracted by these two figures and suspended above their heads

On that day, Yu Baojian was under this coercion, repeatedly retreating, unable to resist.

Above the flagship of the Tianyu army, Lin Jingyu also stood up suddenly from the throne, and the dark eyes were full of scenery.

"Dragon Clan and Golden Wings Great Peng!?"

This had to shock him, even if he kept the divine sense Avatar of the first Island Lord in his body now, but I never thought that Dragon Clan and Golden Wings Great Peng would show up on the same day.

"I can see it? But, there is no reward!"

Long Xuan stood up from Dragon Throne.

"This battleship is an eye-catcher, it breaks me!"

Speaking, the Dragon Spear in his hand has cut a sharp edge.


Dragon Spear, with unmatched sharpness, cut the battle halberd in half.

Except that Lin Jingyu's hand Qingtian Yubaojian escaped, all the Martial Artists on his battleship were dead!

"Want to stop me? I'm afraid it's not enough!"

Lin Jingyu was surprised and angry. If he gave up the army, he had to flee alone.

Its speed is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it disappears into the void.


However, the little shadow that had been waiting for a long time disappeared with it, the next moment, the void tearing thousands of miles away, Lin Jingyu was bloody, and was embarrassed. Escape from the turbulence.

The Tianyubaojian above his head was also suppressed by Wan Demon Tower.

"You, can't go!"

The little shadow gradually manifested from in the sky.

"Lin Jingyu!?"

At this time, Ling Tian also flew over with a group of Imperial Heavenly Sect powerhouses.

I looked at the embarrassed figure, but I was shocked.

The one who sits on the immortal island of Tianyu is actually Lin Jingyu, who was destroyed in the secret of Tianwai!

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