The rest is the Master of Nine Heavens Jing Zen, and the existence of Leng Aotian Xiaofeng.

As for the battle strength that rivals Loose Immortal Great Perfection, it is Qin Mingyue, Long Xuan, Ran Hongfu and Xiaoying.

Up to the Human Race Peak battle strength, it is Ling Tian himself.

Below, now sitting on the Human Race tens of millions of troops, this force is enough to make any race shudder.

"What news is there from the demon witch clan?"

Ling Tian asked.

"There is not much news. It seems that after being repelled by us half a month ago, the Witch Clan has also paid attention to it. They have already invited the Heavenly Demon War Soul, and they are now in the final stage of integration."

"However, in the style of the witch clan, once they are ready, they will inevitably return in a swirl of dust, and it will be more terrifying than the last time!"

jing The Zen Master sighed, "So, we can't be too optimistic now. The final battle is still in the future. We must be ready to resist the shock again."

However, she just finished speaking and sit down. Ling Tian above the central throne of the great hall waved a big hand.

"Wrong, we don't need passive defense."

When everyone heard it, they all looked together, and they were surprised.

"You don't need defense, then Ling Tian Sect Master, what are your plans?" Jing Zen Master was also taken aback, and then asked instead.

Ling Tian got up from the main position, looked at the vast and undoubted deep blue sea frontier outside Yu Tianzong, couldn't help but sneered.

"The Devil Race has disturbed my Human Race territory countless times, so why should he do it again?"

"When my Imperial Heaven Sect was established, I once said "

"He won’t come, Ling Tian will also lead the Human Race army and expedition to the witch continent!"

"This time, it’s time for them to try Taste, what it's like to be under the city!"


Ling Tian complexion grave and stern, in his eyes, there are already killing intents.

If he hadn't rushed back half a month ago, then Human Race would have been directly swallowed by the witch army.

Human Race is like a pig, dog, and ant in the eyes of the witch race, letting it kill.

This feeling of humiliation, Ling Tian doesn't want Human Race to bear it again.

Besides, for this battle, he has prepared enough, how can this battle happen within the territory of Human Race?

"What? Ling Tian, ​​do you really want to lead the Human Race army and expedition to the Demon Witch Clan?"

Master and the others were surprised.

At first, they thought it was Ling Tian and said casually, didn't expect, Ling Tian really planned like this.

Human Race expedition to the Witch Clan, such a crazy plan, is unprecedented in the history of Human Race.

This is really, a bit exaggerated.

"Ling Tian, ​​I think we should think twice. Although the demons retreated without a fight half a month ago, the horror of their battle strength is far beyond your imagination." Jing Chan The Master thought for a while, still reminded.

"Yes, the last time it was only the three Great Demon Nation Army of the Demon Witch Clan dispatched an army and Ancestral Item. The first day Wu Demon Country has never left."

" You know, in the three Great Demon kingdoms, there are more than three of the battle strength reaching Loose Immortal Great Perfection. The imperial teacher that killed Demon Country before has the battle strength of Loose Immortal Great Perfection."

"And that day, there were more powerhouses in Wu Demon Country, and now they have the blessing of heavenly demon battle spirit, which is even more terrifying. I am afraid it is the battle strength of Human Race Peak, there is more than one! And we Human Race, now the only one that can be compared to Human Race Peak battle strength, you are the only one."

Xiao Feng also took a long and deep breath, with fear in his eyes, "So, we might as well consider it again. "

The many powerhouses in the great hall couldn't help but look serious when they heard it.

Fight against the demons, they do have confidence.

But if they want to expedition to the Witch Clan, then they can't help but hesitate.

Of course, these do not include powerhouses such as Long Xuanran and Hongfu.

They all know Ling Tian's hole cards.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about it."

Ling Tian didn't care, "Human Race Peak battle strength, I'm not the only one!"

"Old Ancestor, Taixuan senior!"

"Now, you should show up!"

Ling Tian moved towards the great hall with a chuckle.

The next moment, two general trends, suddenly swept the entire Imperial Heaven Sect.

It's even as if the space is solidified within a thousand miles of the Emperor Tianzong.

Thousands of Human Race entrenched around, all looked at the empty sky in horror, feeling the terrifying breath, and felt shocked in their hearts.

For such a terrifying breath, they can only bow their heads.

"This...this breath, Human Race Peak?"

"Not only one!?"

At this moment, the Jing Zen Master and Xiao Feng and the Others also turn pale with fright.

This kind of breath is extremely strange and terrifying.

Who is it?

When one of the breaths rose, Hong Lao, the lord of Nine Heavens, suddenly stood up from his seat, with an incredible look in his eyes.

Even, I was shaking with excitement.

There are also tears flickering in the beautiful eyes.

"Ling Xiao, is that you!?"

And just as her whispers fell, there were two figures in front of the great hall, which suddenly became apparent.

They all look like middle-aged people in their 30s and 40s, but their body is shrouded in a rich and bright glow, and the aura is even more compelling.

"Hong Lao, I'm back!"

Recovering the appearance of Ling Xiao, five hundred years ago, stepped into the great hall, and then swooped over the red Lao, hugged into his arms.

This scene shocked everyone's eyes.

What is the situation, the existence of Human Race Peak that suddenly appeared is that's all? Why did the Lord of Nine Heavens still embrace it?

Long Xuan and others also looked at each other in blank dismay, secretly thought this Lingxiao senior was too sloppy, it was originally a bad old fogey, now how to pack it into a middle-aged uncle ?

However, at this time, another figure also entered the great hall, but everyone inevitably took a deep breath.

This figure looks even more terrifying than the one hugged with the lord of Nine Heavens.

Furthermore, with a sound of mysterious yellow brocade clothes and a golden crown on his head, he looks like an emperor with compelling extravagance!

And this is naturally the Southern Tang Martial Sovereign Li Taixuan.

Five hundred years ago, he became a monk because of his guilt. Now that Ling Xiao has returned, he has returned from the mountain, and he has no longer chosen to appear as a Buddhist dísciple.

"Tai Xuan senior, Old Ancestor, please come to your seat."

Ling Tian let the two of them come forward.

Then looked towards left and right, "Now, Human Race Peak battle strength is no longer the only one!"

"For the expedition of the Witch Clan, when I went to the Demon Realm, Already planning!"

"Moreover, our trump cards are not just these!"

Ling Tian looked towards Long Xuan and Xiaoying behind him, said with a smile:" The brothers of the two races should be here too, right?"

"Hehe, half a month, the army has naturally been assembled, only you can give it an order!"

Dragon Xuan hugged his shoulders and said.

"No longer, let the brothers of the two races come over!"

Ling Tian said.


Long Xuan nodded immediately, and rushed out of the great hall together with Xiaoying.

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