"hahaha, then we can't be absent!"


Everyone who has gained a lot of money is also happy to smile, and before Ling Tian, ​​they will swarm The flew out of the great hall.

However, Crown Prince Ling Nian followed Ling Tian, ​​after thinking about it, he still pursed his mouth and said: "Father, my son has something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"If you have something to say, hesitate, not like me."

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Look, Simei and I are both so old. Are you not going to give my mother a position? You... owe her a wedding."

" You know, she used to..."

Ling Nian bit her lip, as if she didn't want to mention the identity of Cui Rouer.

If Ling Tian is not strong enough to block everyone's mouth, Cui Zou'er will have to be poked at the backbone.

"Of course I know."

Ling Tian sighed for a long time. He didn't think about these.

"I owe your mother too much, these, I will naturally remedy this."

"But getting married, it is not the time yet."

"Wait again Wait."

Ling Tian shook his head, until now, he has no idea of ​​getting married.

"Father, you...you are not married, what shall I do!?"

Suddenly, Ling Nian reached out and grabbed Ling Tian who was about to leave, with a bitter expression on his face .

"You brat! I know you have your own careful thinking!"

"Go to Qixia Mountain!"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, The foot kicked Ling Nian out of the great hall.

One hundred years later, Nantang.

Purple Cloud Sect has now become the Holy Land of the Martial Dao of the entire Southern Tang, as the first sect of the Ling Tian Holy Lord to enter the Martial Dao, and inherited the Ling Tian Holy Lord’s orthodoxy, here is Put on too much mysterious veil.

It is the land of cultivation of countless Martial Artist yearn for something even in dreams.

Every year, there are countless Martial Artists coming not far from ten thousand li, just to get a look at the Holy Lord land of cultivation.

Only because Lord Holy Lord turned out to be able to bring the entire Human Race back on the verge of dying.

Because of Ling Tian, ​​Human Race has unprecedented unparalleled unity. Not only that, in Purple Cloud Sect, Heaven's Chosen is widely accepted, which not only possesses top cultivation technique, weapon, Spirit Stone and medicine pill, but also It is the powerful Loose Immortal powerhouse with the cultivation base to solve the puzzles.

The Martial Artist and the cultivation base that can be used in Purple Cloud Sect cultivation are soaring extremely fast, and both are Heaven's Chosen in the world.

And Ling Tian will appear in Purple Cloud Sect every other year, opening the dojo and preaching to millions of people.

This awe gradually formed, and became more intense, and eventually became the unshakable cornerstone of every Martial Artist.

However, after 50 years of preaching by Ling Tian, ​​Purple Cloud Sect announced that Holy Lord Ling Tian took his family incognito and traveled around the Nine Provinces without reappearing.

However, in the Nantang at that time, more than a dozen new Loose Immortal had been born, and the orthodoxy was as stable as a rock.

Even during this period, more and more powerful monsters came, but without Ling Tian, ​​Human Race was enough to cope with it easily.

Long years, in a blink of an eye, it has been a hundred years since Ling Tian's return.

In the small valley next to the West Lake in Yangzhou, there is the bluestone pathway, Liu Yiyi, and the birds sing. If you look forward, there is also the peach blossom field. In the depths of this peach field, there is a bluestone pathway. The seemingly ordinary fenced courtyard is located in it. In the courtyard, you can see the vast smoke waves above the West Lake, and the crowds of people passing by, and the scenery is beautiful and pleasant.

This house is called the Ling Family.

Ling, in today’s Southern Tang, is the national surname.

Even Martial Artists and mortals who come and go by the West Lake know that this house lives in an ordinary Martial Dao Aristocratic Family, but they still respect it.

"hahaha, what did I say, I want to play with my elder sister, you guys, but they are all too tender!"

"All you have to do, touch yourself! I'm muddled!"

Before the square table in the fence yard, Cui Zhuer was dressed in a simple purple gauze. He pushed down a row of mahjong in front of the table and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

As for the other Ling Qiu'er, Master Li and Ran Hongfu can't help but frown and shook their heads.

"Sister Zou'er, you have won all morning, don't you think no one can cure you without Mingyue Elder sister?"

Li Shishi supported her forehead with one hand. , Has been born unlovable.

"Hehe, no way, I can’t win Qin Mingyue, but you guys, don’t even want to run!"

"Come on, continue, not today Play as much sex as you can, none of you are allowed to go!"

"son! Come and serve tea at this table, you and your dragon younger sister are still young, and some of them are tired of time together!"

In the corner of the yard, Ling Nian, who is already the lord of the Southern Tang Dynasty, and a charming Dragon Clan with a colorful dragon horn on her head are laughing and laughing. Hearing a roar from Cui Quer, the former is A black line on his face.

"Okay, I will go with you to give tea to the mother-in-law."

Long Nu's face was blushing, she shrank her neck and took Ling Nian's hand.

"Long Girl is still the most intimate!" Ling Nian held Dragon Girl's hand tightly, unwilling to let go.

In the courtyard, Qin Yuee is cooking slowly in the kitchen.

Lin Shan and Liu Qianlian, hair grey-white, walked into the prescription, holding a few tails of fresh fat West Lake herring in their hands.

"haha, Yue'e, what do you think this is? I just caught it, and it's the most delicious!"

Qin Yue'e gave them a white look, "you two Old Guy, it’s almost buried in the soil. Go fishing?"

"When you come back, hurry up and make a fire. Let the fish simmer first, so that the guests can last for that long, but that’s not okay."

"hahaha, we are old, but it is rare to be happy today!"

Lin Shan and Liu Qianlian laughed haha, and quickly got busy with Qin Yue'e.

Outside the courtyard, Ling Tian was talking and laughing with Long Xuan and the small dragon girl who had just arrived in the Southern Tang Dynasty.

Xiaoying also came with him.

Everyone hasn't seen each other in a hundred years, and in Tianyu, Time Flow Speed ​​is much faster than Nantang.

Now that I can meet again, there is definitely more to say.

As for the younger sister of Long Xuan, she was born by the Long Xuan couple and sent it from the courtyard of the Tiankeng Forbidden Land ten years ago.

"Brother, don't worry, the big formation over there is running very smoothly. In terms of time, it is almost a hundred years away, and it will be able to dock with Nantang!"

Long Xuan said with a laugh.

At this time, the Lord of Dragon Clan also has a short beard exactly similar to Ling Tian, ​​and the once handsome Dragon Clan Young Master is gone forever.

"Well, for this, I have never worried about it."

Ling Tian nods, as long as you move forward smoothly in the sky, you will be lucky.

"However, before I came, I saw on the stargazing chart that the Demon Realm is very close to Nantang. It may be during this time that the so-called Master of Demon Realm, Will come to this world!"

Suddenly, Long Xuan frowned slightly.

Because the resources of their realm are basically used to attack the operation of the Star Shifting Array, for hundreds of years, Long Xuan's cultivation base is still far from the Flying Heaven realm, far from it.

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