In the Tianmen.

Ling Tian stepped into the Tianmen, through the Tianmen, you can see the mountains and rivers of the upper boundary surrounded by fairy lights.

There, there are endless gorgeous palaces, beautiful mountains and rivers, just the escaping fairy glory, all let Ling Tian refreshed, and the dried up vitality seems to be recovering at a speed visible to naked eye With.

Even Ling Tian felt that as long as he took a step forward, he could directly enter the vast and boundless upper realm.


However, just when Ling Tian's joy was gradually rising, the picture in front of him suddenly changed, and it was instantly dark.

The dreamlike mountains and rivers of the Upper Boundary disappeared accidentally, and what is in front of you is the extremely terrifying Time and Space Storm!

This storm is a hundred times more ferocious than the turbulence, and it does not wait for Ling Tian to react at all. The storm condenses into a vortex and directly absorbed Ling Tian.

"Transmission Formation!?"

After being sucked into vortex, Ling Tian felt the Twisting Power coming from all directions, and his complexion suddenly changed, he could feel it, At this time he was being rapidly transmitted.

But, this is definitely not soaring!

peng peng peng!

Not enough, the surrounding storm is like a sharp blade, hanging on Ling Tian's fleshy body, it can still tear Ling Tian's hegemony body.


"I'll help you out for a while!"

At this time, Qingxu took the initiative to operate, covering Ling Tian in it.

Ling Tian has consumed all of his own in the battle just now.

Even the Dragon Clan Bloodline Strength in Ling Tian’s Long Batian was shocked to be overwhelmed, and fell silent.

Nowadays, Ling Tian has nothing else but a rock-solid fleshy body.

ding ding dong dong, the storm tore Qingxu's tripod body.

But the transmission seemed extremely long, and in the end, Qing Xuding couldn't hold on.

"Guri, what kind of ascension is this? Someone must have done something, and I don't know where to send us to the upper realm!"

Qing Xu cursed.

"No more, I can't hold on!"

In the end, Qingxu really couldn't hold on.

"Ling Tian, ​​I can't open Peach Garden anymore. The Power of Space on the leap interface is too fierce, I'm so sleepy..."

It's not just Qingxu, this Even Tao Yaoyao couldn't hold on to it.

"It's okay, I don't believe it, I, Ling Tian, ​​will really die after the ascent!"

Ling Tian's expression is extremely cold, and he directly put the green empty tripod into his body, and then hold it. Looking at Peach Garden, he closed his eyes directly.

Now, he can only pin his hopes on his fleshy body.


However, the violent space storm, but a few breaths, screamed Ling Tian again and again, and immediately, he was completely unconscious.

" hurts!"

I don't know how long it took, Ling Tian finally recovered all consciousness.

In other words, he was licking his face while feeling warm and soft in the dimness.

Ling Tian hasn't opened his eyes yet, the tearing pain of his body like a tide, almost makes Ling Tian scream.

It's better to be unconscious.

Since the achievement of Human Race Peak, Ling Tian has not felt any pain for a hundred years.

Because his Qi Sea is like Star Sea, his fleshy body, tenacious is far superior to Xuantian Supreme Treasure, nothing can hurt him.

But now, the long-lost pain makes Ling Tian understand that perhaps flying to the upper realm is not a good start.

But at least, Ling Tian knew that he was still alive

He was not strangled in the traditional passage by the storm.

Ling Tian opened his eyes slowly, but suddenly he saw that in his sight, there was a small group of white wool.

The eyes are concentrated, Ling Tian can see clearly, it turns out that this marvel is a pure white cat! ?

Only, there is a round of blue crystal crescent marks on the top of the cat's head. Although it seems that the cultivation base is not high, it is very beautiful.

Seeing Ling Tian wake up, the white cat's eyes immediately flashed rays of light like bright diamonds, as if in joy.

Xuan Shi added another mouthful to Ling Tian's face.

It turned out that Ling Tian was awakened by this little thing.

Ling Tian grinned, wanting to laugh.

Didn't expect, the one who first arrived in the upper realm and greeted him, turned out to be a demon dragon that couldn't transform.

However, this little thing looks cute, with a round crescent on top of his head. He has never seen it in the lower realm. Maybe Qin Mingyue would like it very much if he saw it?

However, that little white cat suddenly thought of something, and his whole body shuddered instantly, as if to remind Ling Tian.


Ling Tian was confused at first, but suddenly felt that the stone under her body was actually hot.

Immediately, Ling Tian stretched out his hand and touched it, next moment, his complexion changed drastically!

What kind of stone is this, it is clearly a huge demonic beast!

This demon dragon also has no transformation, Ling Tian glanced at all around, but found that this demonic beast is huge, with five hundred zhang!

Although the demonic beast is now asleep, from the cat's eyes, he saw a scary reminder.

This demon dragon is definitely not a good kind.


Ling Tian groaned, raising his hand is about to bombard and kill this demon dragon.

If it's in the lower realm, it's just like the cultivation base, but the demonic beast of Loose Immortal realm, Ling Tian can stare to death with a single look.

But when Ling Tian raised his hand at this time, he found that he didn't have much strength at all!

Even, the divine sense dries up, he can't look inside, can't open the storage ring, can't summon Xiaoqing, and can't even hide in the Peach Garden!

His vitality is nothing!

Not only is vitality, Ling Tian clenched his fists, although his flesh and blood meridian is still the strong body after Torch Dragon blood essence has been strengthened, even after experiencing the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation, his fleshy body is actually It has been strengthened again.

But despite this, the bloodline in his body is rolling slowly, and he can't produce much Bloodline Strength at all!

There is a fleshy body, but there is no comparable strength.

What is this! ?

Are you useless? ?

Ling Tian’s hand was held in midair for a moment, he knew that now his power is impossible to deal with a little Martial Sovereign, let alone shake the demonic of this Loose Immortal realm beast!

As soon as I entered the upper realm and my whole body was no longer cultivation base, I encountered the Loose Immortal demonic beast. Not to mention, I actually appeared directly on this demonic beast. It was really unlucky.

There is no way. If you can't compete, let's run.

That little kitty also got into Ling Tian's arms, yelling meowly, appearing more and more restless.


Sure enough, at this moment, the demonic beast underneath actually moved.

Ling Tian boosted his strength and quickly stood up.

Although his fleshy body is not afraid of being killed by the demon dragon at all, if it is swallowed by this demonic beast with no eyes, what will come out in the end, how disgusting?

It's better to die!

Almost without any hesitation, Ling Tian immediately took his mind, held his breath, holding the little white cat and backing quietly, without making a sound at his feet, in order not to wake up this demonic beast, Ling Tian did not Fit with Strength of Fleshly Body.

Moreover, some of the strength that Ling Tian has just recovered now is fundamentally impossible to support Ling Tian's long-distance movement.

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