Depressing the excitement in his heart, Ling Tian went directly to the second floor.

As soon as you go up to the second floor, there is a strong medicinal fragrance coming from the shop.

Ling Tian's demand is not high, just a medicine pill that can restore vitality and divine sense, and he doesn't dislike it at the most basic level.

"So, after walking around, Ling Tian spent ten immortal stones, each bought a Yunyuan Dan to restore vitality and Spirit Soul Dan to replenish divine sense.

Although there are only two medicine pills, the grade has reached the level of quasi immortality. In the lower realm, it is definitely the top level in the recovery medicine pill.

But in Immortal World, these two Medicine pill is nothing but that's all used by Loose Immortal to restore vitality and divine sense. Judging from the over-the-counter Martial Artist's extremely impatient look at Ling Tian, ​​this medicine pill is extremely ordinary.

But Even so, it is still worth five low grade fairy stones, and a quasi fairy soldier's money can only be exchanged for 60 medicine pill that's all.

It is still not something that ordinary people can consume. At the very least, it is impossible for a guard Captain like Li Yuan to use such medicine pill for normal recovery.

As for the quasi-immortal grade, the more expensive one is the Immortal Pill.

The Immortal Pill has a total of Grade 9, which corresponds to the cultivation realm of the 9th layer Earth Immortal. It is more expensive than the other. Ling Tian saw a Grade 1 Immortal Pill called Hao Yuan Dan, asking for one hundred immortal stones. !

Furthermore, it is of the lowest quality. I am afraid that even Miss Zhang Mansion like Lu Zhiyao will not consume it easily.

However, Ling Tian buys it. The two medicine pills here are just used to be decomposed by the sword shadow.

Starting with medicine pill, Ling Tian immediately understood the procedure for refining these two medicine pills and changed it. At the counter, I first bought 100 medicine ingredients of two medicine pill with ten pieces, and then stopped.

Ling Tian is confident that the pill success rate is more than 50%.

Quanju Pavilion has a total of 4th layers, the Third Layer is a variety of cultivation techniques and Immort What about the al Technique? Ling Tian took a look at it and found that the internal orthodoxy is completely different from the lower realm. Even the Divine Ability Art of the Loose Immortal category is more obscure than the lower realm. This also allows Ling Tian to take the divine ability of the lower realm. The idea of ​​selling money was dispelled.

Unless, Ling Tian’s own Taichu Sutra is too strong in formidable power cultivation techniques such as Sword Controlling Art, of course, these Ling Tian will not be sold.

I have read the 3rd-layer's cultivation technique all over the time, and they are all formidable power is not high, but they are expensive to die for. The 4th Layer is Ling Tian's identity and cultivation base, so it is not allowed to go up.

Ling Tian took a sip and left the Quanju Pavilion.

But thinking of ore in his heart, Ling Tian turned around and finally found the back door of Quanju Pavilion.

"Old Brother, I would like to ask, these waste stones, thrown here, it is useless?'

There is no guard at the back door to stop, or Quanju Pavilion is very bad Don't worry about the safety here.

So, Ling Tian swaggered in and asked a cartman who was transporting ore.

"Hehe, are you nonsense? It's all waste rocks, what's the use? "

The coachman's cultivation base is similar to Zhang Xiaosi'er, and he doesn't have any polite tone to Ling Tian.

"Old Brother, give it to a friend. "

Ling Tian took out three low grade celestial stones and stuffed them into the hands of the old coachman said with a smile.

"Yo, hehe, this old man, you can do things! "

The old coachman saw the immortal stone in Ling Tian's hand, and immediately beamed his eyes, and hurriedly swept away the immortal stone calmly.

He is here to give it to Quanju Pavilion. Transporting ore, only ten celestial stones a month, these three celestial stones are not a small amount.

"Brother, don't you dare to be interested in these waste rocks? "

"Frankly, you are not the first one!" "

The old coachman came over and whispered: "I know what you plan to do, don't you think there are gems in it?" What if you can make a good thing and make a fortune? '

Being lay bare the truth with one remark, Ling Tian couldn't help being embarrassed, silently nodded, and recognized it.

"Tell you, it's impossible!"

"Look, these shattered and rotten stones are no more than fist sized, and don’t look at these stones, which are hard It's so cruel. Only even the ordinary Loose Immortal can't be beaten. Look at those robust men, they are all first-class forging kungfu. They have been working hard for decades and hundreds of years. They can find the ore. The internal texture can be broken as soon as you hit it."

"The remaining gravel is worth a million pieces. Find meat from it?"

"It really has that skill People who do not want to waste time here."

"There is another one, you may not know."

The coachman pointed to the rubble on the floor. These stones were screened all the way from the Leize mining area in West Xinjiang. Along the way, there was Master Jianshi’s long-eyed ones. When they arrived in our small Shuofang City, they were already some rubbish. Where can I get them from Quanju Pavilion? From Master Jianshi? Therefore, I can only find some powerful forging masters, and just smash it piece by piece! "

"Good luck. If half a month comes out, Quanjuge is a profit!" "

"So, now that I have told you so much, do you still want to inquire! ? "

The head of the old coachman patted Ling Tian, ​​said with a smile: "These ore, I will pull away in a while, because the texture is hard, so when the time comes, it will be used to build the city wall. Have you seen the thousands of miles of city wall in Shuofang city? They are all made of these waste rocks. "

Ling Tian listened, with a black line on his face.

Turning around and looking at the city wall in the distance, if you want to make a fortune, you can’t dig a city wall.

"hehe, Old Brother, I understand what you said, but I still want to try it. So, can you show me these stones? "

Ling Tian rubs his hands, he doesn't try, but he won't give up.

"Yes, I'll say it for nothing, it's nothing if you are on Martial Dao too. Good seedling, that's all, go and see, I'm good, they said you are my nephew! "

The old coachman waved his hand, then cleared the road and let Ling Tian in.

"Xie Le Old Brother! "

Ling Tian hurried forward.

Of course he knew that the idea of ​​hitting these waste stones was difficult, but this did not include him.

Standing in front of the gravel pile of Chengshan, Ling Tian squatted and played with a piece of fist sized gravel. There was really nothing in it, and the difference from the lower realm was that the shells of these stones were extremely hard, even Ling Tian’s sword shadow cannot penetrate very quickly.

However, Ling Tian still gave out all the 100,000 sword shadows.

divine sense is precious, motivating the consumption of sword shadow Very fast, Ling Tian used a dozen breaths to scan all the tens of thousands of stones in the periphery. Immediately, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Even the waste stones were layered on the way. Screening, but there is definitely a fish that escaped the net, even if it is a one in ten thousand chance, it is enough to make a fortune.

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