"Min elder sister, what does this mean?"

Lu Zhiyao immediately pretty face Hanshuang, looking towards the Quanju Pavilion Pavilion Lord Zhao Min.

"Ahem, this is..."

Zhao Min was embarrassed on his face. Just about to explain, the man in Jinyi with the highest cultivation base said, "Oh, Young Lady Lu Sister Zhang Rong, I found it!"

Seeing that Lu Zhiyao's face was still gloomy, the man's chest heaved a bit, and he didn't seem to have much patience to explain, but he still said, "You too I know that to enter the green Mount Mang Cave Mansion, you need to gather the power of the fire of five attributes. I promised you before to find an expert who has the fire of Wood Attribute."

"It is Zhang Rong. Sister."

"She is the daughter of Zhang Mansion, and you are sisters. She knows her roots and will never leak the news. What...What do you think of Young Lady Lu?"

Although Jinyi Young Master's tone was questioning, his face was full of unquestionable arrogance and indifference.

Obviously, no matter what Lu Zhiyao said, he couldn't change the result.

"Hehe, I really know the roots!"

"Gu Chen! Do you know that the green Mount Mang Cave Mansion, I found the elder sister Min and I together!"

Lu Zhiyao sneered.

"So what? Gu Chen, I am also the one you invited to help, isn't it? You said before, let me find a strong enough Wood Attribute Martial Artist! If not, you now find someone else ?"

The man in Jinyi face turned cold.


Lu Zhiyao's pretty face was red, but now she is about to leave, but she is impossible to find an expert wearing a Wood Attribute tinder.

Furthermore, if you don't bring this Zhang Rong now, no one can guarantee that she will not talk about the Mount Mang Ancient Cave Mansion.

"hehe, Lu Zhiyao, you really cannot tell good from bad, how to say, I am also your elder sister, you discovered the secret of Ancient Cave Mansion before, but you didn't tell me! "

"Also, now Gu Chen's big brother has already spoken, can you be more interesting?"

Zhang Rong also rolled her eyes on the side at this time, feeling extremely proud .

"younger sister..."

Zhao Min has an apologetic look on his face, and puts his hand on Lu Zhiyao's shoulder, but slightly narrows the eyes, but secretly gives Lu Zhiyao made a look.

Lu Zhiyao's chest was ups and downs, and finally he suppressed the anger in his heart.

Everyone took their seats in the secret room, but at this time, Ling Tian, ​​who was standing at the door of the secret room, seemed a little abrupt.

Zhao Min knew Ling Tian, ​​and now he saw Ling Tian carrying a weapon like a mysterious ruler behind him, and his aura was stronger before, and his eyes lit up.

He glanced at Ling Tian without shy away, very aggressive.

And the three men in Jinyi looked towards Ling Tian, ​​their complexion was a little bad.

"Young Lady Lu, who is this person? Why have we never seen it?"

The man in the water blue Qilin coat frowned.

"Hehe, he is naturally the helper I found."

"Ling Tian, ​​come in, let me introduce you."

Lu Zhiyao Pointing to the man in Jinyi with the highest cultivation base, he said, "This is the son of the City Lord of Shuofang City. Gu Chen, middle grade Spirit Physique aptitude, is the number one in Shuofang."

"This is Shuofang. Chao Yunxiu, the grandson of the Great General House of the City Fifth Palace, Chao Yunxiu!"

"As for this one, I don't need to introduce it to you."

Lu Zhiyao didn't even look at that one. Rong glanced, and immediately fell on Zhao Min, "This one, you should know him best, Quanju Pavilion Pavilion Lord, Zhao Min."

"hehe, Ling Tian, ​​long heard of the famous name, now It’s considered to be a formal meeting."

That Zhao Min held his hand, his eyebrows faint smile, his gaze had never moved on Ling Tian, ​​and now he saw Ling Tian’s gaze moved towards. He looked at Ling Tian directly with his white jade chin held high.

"Uh, I have seen Zhao Pavilion Lord..."

Ling Tian touched his nose, and when he got to Zhao Min, he had to pay respect.

Because over the past month, if it weren't for the oil and water he got from Quanju Pavilion, he could recover so quickly, it was really impossible.

Now, looking at Zhao Min's cramped expression, Ling Tian knows that the behavior he has painstakingly hidden in the past month is actually in the eyes of the Pavilion Lord.

"It's over?"

Zhang Rong frowned: "Lu Zhiyao, do you know how secret the Ancient Cave Mansion is? We don't know the root of this Ling Tian, ​​you What is it with him?"

Gu Chen and Chao Yunxiu also looked towards Ling Tian with chills on their faces, their appearances were not good.

"Hehe, you don’t have to worry."

"If you want to come here, you all know that there is a large formation outside the Mount Mang Ancient Cave Mansion. To enter the formation, we need to gather the powerful fire power of Five Elements Attribute. Among the five of us, my Formation Way is indeed acceptable, but I cannot absorb fire in my body, so..."

"This Ling Tian body just has the powerful fire power of Fire Attribute. Together with the four of you, you can just gather the needs of breaking the formation!"

Zhao Min sat on the main seat, The green onion finger of the hand picked up a cup of tea and drank slowly.

"What? This guy still has fire in his body? How many layers of fire!?"

Zhang Rong suddenly raised her brows.

This is really no longer what she expected.

The tenacious and tyrannical battle strength of Ling Tian fleshy body have shocked Zhang Rong before. Now if there is fire in this person, then she has to make her feel a little uncomfortable.

It's just a trifling servant, why do you have such a chance?

Then Chao Yunxiu sneered: "Tinder? Zhao Min, you said before that the fire required this time is not a normal one, and the level is bad, so it won’t work!"

"Before I found a few 18 Layer fire powerhouses, did you give it to him? Can it work?"

Gu Chen is slightly narrows the eyes," You, take the fire out now. If you are not qualified, I will immediately kill you on the spot!"

"The secret of Ancient Cave Mansion is no small thing. If you are useless to us, I will never let you Go out alive!"

The figure of Gu Chen was cold, as if he was pronouncing the death of a pig and a dog.

This made Na Lu Zhiyao and Zhao Min complexion changed, but Gu Chen is not only the son of Shuofang City Lord, but also the most powerful existence among the innate talent cultivation bases in the team. For a while, they can't have an outbreak.

Of course, after the voice of Gu Chen fell, Ling Tian flashed a killing intent in the depths of his eyes.

This Gu Chen must die!

But now is not the time.

Ling Tian coldly snorted, with the palm of his hand, layers of heat suddenly burst out of his body, and the front of the palm between his backhands was shot out, and suddenly there was a bright red flame condensing out, and the hot and high temperature suddenly caused The temperature of the entire space rose rapidly.

This flame is different from the Burning Tu prison flame that Ling Tian has taken out before and the 36th-layer Torch Dragon true flame.

The former is too low-grade, while the latter is too high-grade. It is the highest level of fire he can take out now. If it is taken out now, it will definitely attract people's coveting, but it is not good.

So, Ling Tian thought for a while, and directly condensed a 24th-layer pure Fire Element kind of fire-the flame of blazing fire.

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