The sudden change caused Ling Tian to not react at all.

Who would have thought that among a group of weak women saved, there would be such a vicious existence?

This guy is completely using Ling Tian compassion.

However, at the moment when the pink beads exploded, Ling Tian felt a violent shock in the sea of ​​mind, like thunder.

The soaring pink mist, like a very thin steel needle, penetrated into his flesh and blood from the pores.

The sword shadow was frantic, violently violent, and constantly strangling the pink poison qi that rushed into it, but the shock of the divine sense made Ling Tian's consciousness more vague and drowsy.

"he he he he..."

At this moment, the charming woman of Human Race who was weak and unrestrained just now stood up abruptly, utterly unrestrained. Amidst her laughter, her breath changed drastically!

Originally, she was just a Loose Immortal Perfection, and she was still injured, but now she is shrouded in a layer of dense pink red light halo, her breath pressure is rising steadily. In the end, even under Earth Immortal!

Compared to Gu Chen, he didn't accept more concessions, at least he was too tyrannical than Chen Hubao!

Not only that, but his clothes burst into pieces with agitation.

What manifested in it was a layer of pale red crystal Battle Armor. What made Ling Tian even more jaw-dropping was that a hideous snake-tail illusory shadow suddenly manifested from behind the woman’s waist, Coiled around his body!

There was a hiss.

The woman spit out a slender snake letter from her mouth, which was extremely disgusting!

This woman is not even a Human Race!

It's a snake demon in disguise!

Ling Tian's heart shook wildly, never expected, playing with the eagle for a lifetime, but today let the eagle peck his eyes.

She didn't even notice such a disguise in the form of a snake demon!

However, before Ling Tian was surprised and angry, Yihai shook to the extreme, and his divine sense turned into darkness directly.

Damn, you won’t really die in the chaotic Battle Domain this time!

At that moment in a trance, Ling Tian really missed Peach Garden. If he could hide in Peach Garden, he would be afraid of what the hell would be!


When Ling Tian regained consciousness again, he suddenly opened his eyes.

It is dark all around, but he can clearly feel the tyrannical Monster Race breath!

Qingmeng Snake Demon!

He is not dead yet, but Monster Race has never left.

Ling Tian's line of sight gradually became clear, and after identifying the surroundings, he discovered that this was actually the cave where he and Zhao Min hid before.

This snake demon actually caught him here.

Ling Tian wanted to move, but found that his body was sore and soft, and his strength seemed to be imprisoned.

This snake monster’s Life Source is bewitching Soul Pill, it’s really terrifying!

Although Ling Tian heard about this for the first time, he was able to control him to this state. It was really the only one before.

Ling Tian quickly used divine sense to look inside. , I found that in the bloodline, there were pink poisonous glows like tarsal maggots everywhere, and one hundred thousand sword shadows were strangling crazily. Up to now, all the toxins have not been removed.

It is not that the efficiency of 100,000 sword shadows is low. It is that Ling Tian divine sense has never fully recovered, and Yihai was injured just now and could not control the sword shadow.

I think it won’t be long before the sword shadow will be able to completely remove the snake monster’s enchanting poison.

At this time, Ling Tian's pupils slowly shrank, but he discovered that at this time, the snake demon had turned into a terrible state with the upper body as a human and the lower body as a snake, but the figure was similar to the Human Race woman. Almost the same.

She coiled around on the stone bed in the cave, but what made Ling Tian couldn’t bear to look directly at was that at this moment, there was a naked Human Race Martial Artist on the serpentine stone bed. !

Furthermore, this one human one monster is doing that nasty thing unexpectedly. During the sensation, the whole cave is full of lewd talk.

The serpent demon's extremely charming face, a rush of tide, red color, seemed very happy.

But on the other hand, the Human Race Martial Artist who was pressing on him, although he was panting in a frantic roar, his face quickly turned from red to sallow, and finally dried up, becoming like one. Put his face on the skull.

Not only the cultivation base of the whole body is gradually sucked dry, but also the essence is also dried up.

This Banshee of the Qing Mang snake clan is actually using the vicious method of harvesting Yang to supplement Yin, which is in harmony with the Human Race, so as to drain the martial artist's yang to strengthen himself!

Such a method of forcibly plundering is really vicious and against human relationships!

Only this Qingman Snake Clan can do it!

The line of sight moved, Ling Tian found that in the corner of the stone cave, there were Martial Artists who had been sucked up everywhere, and there were almost a hundred of them!

These people are all the bandits before.

And the leader Chen Hubao, although half of his body was nearly cut to pieces by Ling Tian, ​​he was still captured by this snake clan.

Obviously, I have taken a fancy to its Loose Immortal Peak cultivation base.


The Martial Artist on the stone bed was sucked dry after only a few breaths, and the snake spirit was still in the air. The snake's tail curled up, and it was Chen Hubao in the turret. Rolled up the stone bed.

At this moment, this guy's face is full of lewdness, obviously still in the fascination, unable to extricate himself.

"Although it's a bit disgusting, but fortunately it is the cultivation base of Loose Immortal Peak, my old lady bears it!"

The snake clan’s shrill voice sounded, although his face It was full of disgust, but he still let Chen Hubao sway him wantonly.

However, absorbing the essence of this Loose Immortal Peak powerhouse, it made the snake monster aura stronger, and the pink rays of light shrouded in it also agitated and became more rich.

But it was Chen Hubao. In this snake monster, he only insisted on ten breaths before he was completely sucked up.

"Useless things!"

A cold disgust flashed across the snake monster's ruddy face, and the Chen Hubao was swept away.

"Damn it, it's not far from achieving Heaven and Earth Immortal Realm!"

The snake demon plated on the stone bed, and the meaning was still in the air. Above, suspended this pink bead.

That bead is the Life Source that previously controlled Ling Tian and the others to fascinate Soul Pill. It turns out that this thing is somewhat similar to the inner core of Monster Race. It can be separated from the body. of.

It’s just that, today’s Life Source monster core is more refined, one after another Monster Race, the coercive shock, it is extremely tyrannical, it has reached the point of half-step flight, I want to come and absorb some more refined Yuan, can trigger Heavenly Tribulation, thus achieving Earth Immortal.

"hehe, as long as the old lady has achieved Earth Immortal, she will be able to return to the Qingman Snake Palace and let the Lord be lucky!'

"Fortunately, today I met this little Fellow, such a pure Human Race vitality, and strong fleshy body, si si, and some Dragon Clan breath, it’s just heaven to help me young slave! "

Sacrificing the monster core on top of his head, Banshee's eyebrows were horizontal, and he looked directly at Ling Tian.

With a shock in his heart, Ling Tian quickly closed his eyes.

What's special, Banshee won't let him go!

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