"You, you say it again, what is the name of Golden Immortal?"

Heavenly Saint City Lord feels that he has heard it wrong.

"The report is coming from the front, that person is called Ling Tian......" The Martial Artist still whispered.

"Could it be the same name, made a mistake?"

City Lord of the Ascension Alliance, Shen Baiyu frowned: "He just said that it is a Golden Immortal. With the Dragon Transformation of the piano sound, we can destroy hundreds of thousands of enemies. I would like to ask this kind of piano sound skills, except for the master of the heavy building, Mister Zhuge, who can do it?"

"Yes, yes, I want to use the piano sound to kill For so many foreign races, it is not only necessary to have a strong cultivation base, but also to have excellent piano skills, that is, the ancient zither, which is also indispensable. Such formidable power can only be achieved by the three-character piano!"

"That person, who is it!?"

At the end of the crowd, they all looked towards Zhuge Ming, the lord of the heavy building.

If it is really a hidden Human Race Golden Immortal, then Zhuge Ming will definitely not know it.

But Zhuge Ming, who looks like a daoist in a plain white gown, shook his head.

"I don't know either."

However, he looked towards behind him, "Gusu City Lord, I once heard that Ling Tian, ​​the junior of Human Race, is entering Immortal Before Path, I've been to your Gusu City, and it seems that I shocked everyone with a floating song. The piano skill is unparalleled, and even Huangfu girl is invincible?"

Everyone's His gaze then looked towards Gusu City Lord Huangfu Yangfeng.

Now, Matchless City Lord, Yuesheng City Lord and Huangfu Yangfeng are all in Heavenly Saint City.

Huangfu Yangfeng hearing this stepped forward, "Yes, when Ling Tian first arrived in Taihu, Gusu City, he once demonstrated his unparalleled piano skills. At that time, he could already use the piano sound to defend the dragon."

"But later, he took the two-character lyre, nostalgic for the past, not the three-character lyre."

When everyone was suspicious again, Huangfu Yangfeng was again said with a smile, "However, I think this Yulong Golden Immortal is the Ling Tian."

"Do you still remember that the Dragon and Phoenix List stone tablet was broken before Tianfei? ?"

"Ling Tian, ​​is the last person to enter the sky."

Heavenly Saint City Lord and the others hearing this pupil shrinks.

If Ling Tian really returns, how amazing is this guy? ?

Of course, takes part or not, and there will be results soon.

hong long long!

Heavenly Saint, south of the city, the army of millions of foreign races has assembled, and it stretches for ten thousand li, looking endless.

Above the army camp, more than a dozen sacred figures are floating, shining.

That is the existence of the Golden Immortal of the Alien Alliance.

Behind the Golden Immortal alien, the brilliance is radiant, like a morning star.

Those are the top battle strengths in Heavenly Immortal.

Foreign Race’s Million Allied Forces this time is not mob, but elite.

Otherwise, it is also impossible like a hot knife through butter. It took less than half a year to almost wipe out Human Race.

However, at this time, there was only a figure suspended in front of the sea-like alien coalition forces.

The figure is above a thousand zhang giant beast. Although the fairy light oscillates behind it, the sound of the piano is sad, and the rhythm of the dragon is nearly ten thousand feet tall, it is still like an ant facing the coalition of hundreds of races. .

Too small.

"You are Ling Tian!? That, Ling Tian who once destroyed all Heaven's Chosen in the city!?"

Suddenly, above the allied forces of alien races, the army was silent, there was The voice sounded like a god.

"You Jicheng!? Who are you?"

Ling Tian keeps his fingers, the sound of the piano is still the same, the divine dragon in front of him roars before the army, turning into a dragon Asked in a godlike voice.


Among the dozens of radiances, one flew forward.

"old man City Lord, Hidden Demon patriarch, Yin Yue!"

You Long roared again, "Hidden Demon patriarch? Yin Chong and Yin Qitian, and you What's the relationship?"

"Yin Chong is my son, Yin Qitian, the descendant of my Yin Family!"

"What are you asking about? Have you seen my son Yin Chong!? "

The voice of the City Lord of that city suddenly rose.

This person knows Yin Chong, is he really coming back from Immortal Path?

However, it shouldn't be. His son Yin Chong entered the Immortal Path a long time ago, and now he has passed.

"hahaha, it’s okay, but your son Yin Chong is much higher than your battle strength!"

"On the Immortal Path, I’m almost Kill him and let him escape!"

"Impossible!" Yin Yue drank.

Yin Chong is better than him, he can accept it, but this Ling Tian boasted shamelessly is clearly talking nonsense.

But, don't wait for him to be ashamed.

Walking the dragon tossed, and then roared and asked: "Where is the patriarch of the royal mountain golden ape family?"

"Call me?"

At this time, there was another ten thousand feet. The figure flew forward.

Its voice is extremely loud, and the battle spirit behind him is thousands zhang, which is also a golden ape, like a mountain.

"Fan Vajra, what does it have to do with you!?"

"What happened to my son Vajra?" The Golden Immortal said.

"hehe, Fan Vajra also died in my hands, but his big brother Fan Jinshan, he was protected by me and did not die. You have to thank me!"

The dragon roared.

"Fuck your mother!"

The golden ape was furious and beat his chest constantly.

But before he was furious, Ling Tian controlled You Long and asked, "Nowadays, the blood is the same, who speaks?"

"old man Yinhuang! What can you do? Say?"

A golden Immortal with blood-colored rays of light flew out.

"Hehe, it's nothing, I just rang out suddenly. Before I came back, I forgot to kill you, the traitor lineage of Human Race. I only blame the dark, too weak!"

"However, you can rest assured when you wait. All the aliens that invaded my Human Race today will never want to step out of the Immortal Path!"

"And you, today, never want to step out of my Human Race territory again. Today, you are all going to die!"

You Long trembled all over, with a reverse scale upturned to the sky, a ten-thousand-foot body, and the thunder fire boiled, and the sound was like Nine Heavens dragon roar, unbelievable.

His voice oscillated among the millions of aliens.

Even, the Martial Artist of Heavenly Saint City after the army heard it all.

At this time, Ouyang Zheng, Zhuge Ming and the others on the city wall of Heavenly Saint City were all stunned.

This so-called Royal Dragon Golden Immortal is really that Ling Tian!

He really, returned from the Immortal Path.

Furthermore, he killed many Human Race Heaven's Chosen!

Nowadays, it is even bolder to kill all the several millions of alien coalition forces in front of the Heavenly Saint city.

Is this crazy?

"Why, crazy words!"

The Human Race powerhouse shook their heads again and again.

"hehe, he has always been like this." Huangfu Yangfeng smiled with a beard.

Above the alien coalition forces.

Ling Tian Qin Yin Dragon Transformation, first mocked you Golden Immortal, and then threatened to destroy all alien coalition forces.

Does he really think he is the Immortal King! ?

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous, you really think you can destroy all my alien races!?"

"You can't be crazy!"

Yin Yue The extremely angry laughed back, but Ling Tian no longer spoke.

It seems to be fond of playing the piano, wandering around the roar, as if teasing.

"I am so angry, let's go together, and work together to kill this child!"

Yin Yue was furious, raised the sword in his hand, and moved the army forward.

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