Ling Tian fell from the sky, the three of them looked for a Transmission Array with few people, and walked away.

At this time, above Formation, there are constantly Human Race Martial Artists, but there are not many obstacles.

However, surrounded by Formation, there are many Martial Artists. Instead of leaving, they are constantly looking at Martial Artists entering and leaving.

Originally, Ling Tian had not yet been responsible for the identity verification of these people in Tianlan City, but after falling down, he discovered that these Martial Artists in groups of three or four were actually recruiting squad members.

When they meet people who look like casual people, they will step forward. Those with a high cultivation base, or those with a tyrannical aura, are especially sought-after.

However, for this, Ling Tian didn't care much, ignoring the successive call-ups, the three of them lined up towards Formation and were about to enter the city.

However, without waiting for the end of the team, the calm was broken.

An lewd voice came.

"Hehe, these two little ladies are really good in appearance and figure, are they scattered? Or if they are not following the Fourth Master's team?" The voice was volatile and quite arrogant.

Zhao Min and Zuo Xianzhi turned around to look, only to find that a group of Martial Artists descended from the sky, there were more than twenty people.

Among them, the leader, the cultivation base has reached the realm of Immortal Monarch, even more tyrannical than the previous Wei toothless.

It is this person who has just spoken badly.

According to its legend, it should have been experienced frequently in the mountains and on the battlefield. He has a horrible figure and a few scars on his face. He has a dark face. In short, he looks very ugly.

Behind him, a group of Martial Artist cultivation bases are also very high, many of them are in the late Golden Immortal, but their eyes are cold, and they are obviously not good people.

When the surrounding Martial Artists saw this group of people coming, they suddenly became silent. It seemed that they knew about these people.

"Don't pay attention to them, let's go!"

Zhao Min glanced at the group of people. She didn't want to cause trouble, so she pulled Zuo Xianzhi and continued to move forward.

"Hey! Siye Lu is talking to you, I can’t be deaf!? It won’t work if you don’t give Siye Lu face to us!"

However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on Seeing that Zhao Min was indifferent, the Golden Immortal late Martial Artist behind the scarred face immediately felt ashamed and went straight forward, reaching out to grab it.

This Martial Artist opened his hands outside Tianlan City, and immediately caused Martial Artists around him to scream in exclamation, but no one organized them. Instead, they retreated one after another.

Even the Tianlan city guards who guarded around Transmission Formation turned a blind eye to this.

These battle groups usually benefit them no less, and they are no strangers to this kind of weak are prey to the strong thing, and naturally they won't intervene.


However, the other party even made a direct shot, but it angered Zhao Min. He turned around suddenly, and a touch of surprised and angry flashed across his delicate face. , Raised his bare hand, Qi Sea in his body skyrocketed under the blessing of fighting will, and immediately shot out with a palm, which was to fan out the Martial Artist of the late Golden Immortal.


Now Zhao Min’s cultivation base is already Golden Immortal Mid-Peak, and he can kill the Golden Immortal late Martial Artists in this selection without trying his best.


For a while, there was a sound of holds breath cold air around the Transmission Array, and his eyes looked towards Zhao Min. There was a bit of mockery in the shock. Although this woman is tyrannical in battle strength, she is too not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.

These Martial Artists are all from the Three Mountain Gang. His Gang Lord Lu Sanshan was born in the Wei Dynasty. In this area, he is quite famous. Within his gang, there are thousands of Martial Artists. Rampant Wuji.

A trifling scattered woman, dare to take action against the Sanshan Gang? Don't want to live anymore! ?

And Zhao Min severely injured the golden Marital Immortal Practitioner, making the scarred face also surprised and angry.

"hehe, I really didn't expect Lu Si, I just came back to Tianlan City, and I ran into you guys who didn’t have long eyes!"

"Move me Man, today, I want you to suffer!"

However, the scar face can't finish drinking, a big hand suddenly fell from the sky.

The big hand was compressed to the size of a hundred zhang. Although it looks unremarkable, the Xianyuan on it has reached a terrifying state.

The big hand was shining with bright red fire light, like the hand of the god of fire, suddenly condensed, and fell abruptly. When everyone cried out, they instantly swallowed the scar face Immortal Monarch directly. Lost.

The tyrannical and fiery flames swept across, making the Martial Artists around them all frightened and fleeing.

And the guards of Tianlan City guarding the Transmission Formation were also shocked.

Immediately, under Tianlan City, all Martial Artists fell behind Zhao Min, the white-haired figure slowly retracting his big hand from his sleeve.

"Immortal Monarch!?"

"Lu Sier, dead!"

"He killed Lu Sanshan's younger brother with one palm!"

"We got into trouble!"

A crowd of Martial Artists swallowed their saliva. The white-haired Martial Artist’s battle strength is indeed amazing, but the Sanshan Gang, how can it be troublesome? Yes, now he killed Lu Sanshan's younger brother, then wait for the revenge by the entire Sanshan Gang!

"You, you actually killed our Fourth Master Lu!"

"You, you courting death!"

The remaining group of gold Marital Immortal Although the Practitioner was terrified by Ling Tian's terrifying methods, he still cursed from a distance.

Ling Tian was expressionless, looking at the group of Martial Artists coldly, "I don't care who you are, if you provoke me, you will die."

"If you still want to Noisy, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Ling Tian's voice fell, and other Martial Artist complexion changed.

Yo, what is the origin of this junior.

The tone is so hard! ?

You must know that for so many years, there have been quite a few Heaven's Chosen juniors who died in the hands of the Sanshan Gang.

"haha, this brother is right!"

"As for the tribes of the Sanshan Gang, you should fiercely teach, Nalu Si, die well!"

At this moment, from above the sky, there are four figures falling, and the laughing man is one of them at this moment. This person has a rough appearance, a burly figure, a huge axe in his hand, and wide branches. Obviously, he is a person with extremely strong fleshly body strength.

The three people following him, two men and one woman, are all under the Immortal Monarch. They looked towards the minions of the Sanshan battle group, and the corners of their mouths were all sneers.

Everyone was surprised again, what's going on, today the Sanshan Gang had committed some taboo in Tianlan City, and they were stunned one after another! ?

However, when they saw the Martial Artist with the battle axe in hand, there was a clear look on their faces.

"It's Black Whirlwind, Miao, it's no wonder."

"In recent years, the Qinghong Gang in Da Chu has risen rapidly. Nowadays, even the Sanshan Gang is not in the eyes. "

"This is normal. The legend of the Three Mountain Gang is related to the imperial court of the Great Wei Immortal Dynasty, so no one dares to provoke it, but it is said that the head of the Qinghong Gang is related to a prince of Da Chu. It’s so shallow, naturally I’m not afraid of the Gang of Three Mountains. After all, Tianlan City is also the site of Da Chu!?"

"That's right!"

A group of Martial Artists discuss spiritedly, and the gold Marital Immortal Practitioner of the Three Mountain Gang saw the arrival of the Martial Artist with the axe, and suddenly lost any temper and ran away dingy.

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