"Qiu Shui, don't worry, let's go!"

Ling Tian took the girls out of the house without hesitation, and went straight to the Auction House that day.

Now, since he is already a member of Squad, he naturally has no reason to stay out of the matter.

Moreover, Ling Tian can still trust Zhang Miao's character, he doesn't allow it, and others slander Zhang Miao.

Ling Tian noticed the location of Tianyi Auction House during the day. Now he is familiar with the road, but 2.5 minutes of time, he rushed to Tianyi Auction House.

Ling Tian hadn't seen Zhang Miao and the others, but discovered that the front door of Tianyi Auction House was already full of Martial Artists.

Moreover, the scene was extremely noisy, and there was constant anger from Martial Artist, among them, Zhang Miao.

Ling Tian pushed away the crowd of onlookers and entered.

It was discovered that before the Tianyi Auction House, there was a carriage with exquisite and luxurious shape, and the front of the car was towed by six handsome white pegasus.

And on the ground in front of the carriage, there is a piece of gravel scattered.

There is a strange fragrance of flowers in the air, and fairy clouds are rippling.

"Yin and Yang flower spiritual liquid?"

Ling Tian frowned, when even smelled the source of the fragrance in the air.

Looking towards the gravel on the ground again, Ling Tian has already approximated the matter and guessed a pretty close.

"Let go of me! It wasn't Lao Tzu who hit me. It was your entourage who smashed into me. They were so weak that they fell and broke the stone. Why did they rest on my head!?"

Before the carriage, the three of Miao Zhang were pushed to the ground by a crowd of Immortal Monarchs.

Moved towards the white clothed woman in front of Tianyi Auction House argued.

The eyes of the four Ling Tian people saw the white clothed woman, which was also complexion changed.

Isn't this the charming girl who bought the thousand-star bone refining Pill Recipe with 10 million high grade immortal stones! ?

Looking at this now, is it from Tianyi Auction House?


"You little Immortal Monarch, dare to yell at my family's lady, I think you are still tight!"

A fairy Old Jun who was pressing Miao yelled angrily, raised his big hand, and was about to slap it.

Although it is not allowed to fight in Tianlan City, in Tianyi Auction House, they can still do it if they want to teach others.

If Zhang Miao is dissatisfied, she will inevitably suffer some physical pain.

He is controlled by the opponent's Immortal Monarch, and he can't even hide. Watching the big hand of the fairy Old Jun fan, Miao opened a pair of bloody eyes, and his eye socket cracked.

He has settled in Tianlan City for decades, and he has completely lost his face today!

Among the crowd, Qiu Shui is in a hurry, but with her ability, she can't compete with Tianyi Auction House at all.

Ling Tian slightly narrows the eyes, the big hands in the sleeves are clenched tightly.

The charming girl didn't speak from start to finish, but she never organized her own Immortal Monarch to shoot.

So condescending, the cold attitude of aloof and remote really makes Ling Tian unhappy.

Even though his relationship with the Ascension Alliance is pretty good, it is only the Ascension Alliance with the chaotic Battle Domain. Today, he doesn't mind teaching some of these unreasonable guys.

The big hand in the sleeve, the fairy fire condenses.

However, it does not wait for Ling Tian to make a move.

A coldly snorted suddenly sounded from the crowd.

Immediately, a big wave hits you, like a tsunami, sweeping out, the Immortal Monarchs in front of the carriage exclaimed again and again, one after another evaded, and the restrictions that controlled the three of Zhang Miao also followed The collapse.


That fairy Old Jun was surprised and angry, someone rushed to his gate Tianyi Auction House to do it! ?


"Jubao Trading Company, Shen Pavilion!"

The crowd spread out, like Jade Young Master, carrying a folding fan, walking lightly Come.

It is the young Young Master who once appeared in Jubao Trading Company!

This person turned out to be rescued!

"Is it him?"

Qiu Shui also looked over in amazement. He didn't expect that the three shopkeepers of the Treasure Trading Company would actually rescue him.

"Shen Ge, what do you mean?"

Finally, the charming girl from the Auction House that day looked horizontally and finally spoke.

"Feng younger sister, these three, and me, are a squad. What happened today, I think, is a misunderstanding. You are the Young Master of Tianyi Auction House, and there is no need. With these lower-class people, lower oneself to somebody's level, how about giving me a face and letting them go!?"

That Chen Gedan lightly said with a smile.

However, these words fell in the ears of Ling Tian and Zhang Miao and the others, but they were so harsh.

lower-class people?

What do you mean?

Although Shen Ge is here to save people, he is so uncomfortable how he listens.

It appears he was rather like a rescue as any cat or dog.

It's very humiliating.

"Hehe, give you a face!? I'm the Qixi Festival, when did I care about your face!?"

Unexpectedly, that charming girl doesn’t pay much attention to it. She spoke sharply and sneered.

"Do you know that what they smashed was the star meteorite ore I brought from Wei Wei, which is invaluable! It's a coincidence that the only stone in the stone is the spiritual liquid of colorful Yin and Yang flowers! Now! It all splashed on the ground and was abandoned! You are the third shopkeeper of Trading Company, and you know that this flower is now on the verge of extinction. It is extremely rare. Its spiritual liquid is of extraordinary value. Without ten million high grade immortal stones, it can't be dropped! "

Shen Ge's face turned gloomy, and in front of so many people around, the charming girl didn't show him any face, which made him feel ashamed and angry.

However, although Shen Ge is young, he has lived in the Shen Family of the top family since he was a child. The city is quite deep, and the shame in his heart does not show any expression on his face.

"hehe, only ten million high grade immortal stones, wind younger sister, I know the preciousness of the spiritual liquid, I will pay you."

After that, that Shen Court directly threw a ring.

"Yeah, you, a famous cheapskate, can actually dig out thousands of immortal stones for so many Golden Immortal today!? It really surprised me!"

Feng Qixi Passing the ring, turning his eyes, suddenly said with a sneer: "Could it be these three people, is there any secret? Can you make you want to save them so anxiously?"

" Don’t take three days, just look at it. Besides, I’m not a cheapskate. These people are my teammates. I will never let it go."

"Miss Feng, OK. It's convenient!"

Shen Ge's face was solemn, and he called Feng Qixi from the younger sister of Feng to Miss Feng.

The reason for saving Zhang Miao and three people, Shen Ge was naturally unwilling.

But Zhang Miao and the others know the secrets of Dragon Clan in the mountains, so no matter what happens, nothing happens.

Otherwise, he plans to find the dragon, will follow wasted.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't tell me, I will investigate, today, let them go!"

Feng Qixi put away the tens of millions of immortal stones and waved his hand , Immortal Monarch next to him all retreated.

Autumn quickly approached, Zhang Miao trio helped again.

"Many thanks to Young Master Shen's tens of thousands of immortal stones!"

Zhang Miao walked over covered in blood. Although he felt unhappy, he still bowed to Shen Ge.

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