The Immortal Monarchs present all exclaimed.

Who would have thought that a Golden Immortal could break free from the control of Tianlan City Lord?

Although Tianlan City Lord is not using its full strength now, it is equivalent to the top Immortal Monarch, right?

"hmph, you kid, you really are a little capable, but all your struggles are just in vain!"

Now, the City Lord of Tianlan has come to the sky above Ling Tian. .

He looked down at this stubborn Human Race.

Although he also knows that Ling Tian grows up, he must be the pillar of Human Race, but if it is not for his own use, there is only a dead end.

The value of Ling Tian is only to tell him the secret of Longevity Spirit Valley.

When his sneer fell, he dropped his big hand again.

Compared to just now, it is even more fierce.

"Ling Tian, ​​let me see if you can bear it again!?"

The giant palm roars like an Immortal King.

Ling Tian looked at that compared to just now, and added a palm of 30% of the battle strength, and his teeth made a sound.

At this time, he has blood stained his clothes.

The whole person looks as if crawling out of a sea of ​​blood.

However, the 30% formidable power added by this addition still made Ling Tian unable to parry.

Unless, I use Immortal Venerable Level other will to use pure yang finger.

These two cards are Ling Tian's secrets.

Originally, Ling Tian didn't want to be exposed in Tianlan City. After all, this place was just the border of Chu State.

But nowadays, a critical moment.

He can't think of that many anymore.

"Want to press me, I am not convinced!"

Ling Tian yelled, on the Qi Sea Dao Foundation, the figure would slowly stand up.


But when Ling Tian wanted to take out the real hole card, the space above his head suddenly tore, and a black shadow like a turtle shell suddenly appeared.

next moment, the turtle shell gradually split, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a number of squares, and it blocked Ling Tian's head.


The big hand of Tianlan City Lord was resisted by the turtle shell.

Although the shell of the tortoise was also at the moment of shaking, cracks were full.

But it really blocked this time attack.

When the big hands and turtle shells shattered one after another above the sky.

Everyone is cry out in surprise.

What's the situation?

The first battle strength of Tianlan City, the second shot of Tianlan City Lord, was it broken again?

What is going on here.

Furthermore, the one who just shot, seems to be someone else, not Ling Tian.

Ling Tian looked at the tortoise shells that burst into pieces all over the sky, and Ling Tian was also shocked.

He suppressed the will of the Immortal Venerable, his eyes were scattered, but he found that under the tortoise shell, a figure slowly appeared.

However, he was covered with a black card, and his whole life was not revealed, and he looked extremely mysterious.

But the pressure radiating from the surface is not strong. The battle strength should be worse than the current Ling Tian. Otherwise, he would not use foreign objects such as tortoise shells. To resist the divine ability of the Lord of Tianlan.

However, Ling Tian discovered a familiar smell from the broken tortoise shell.

hidden weapon? !

Yes, it is the hidden weapon Ling Tian got from Trading Company, and that hidden weapon was given to Ling Tian by the seller of Azure Lotus Xianyan.

Could it be......

Ling Tian was surprised, secretly thought this seller, is it the person in front of him?

Ling Tian was thinking about it, but that day Lan City Lord was already angry with Qiqiao.

He didn't even notice the tortoiseshell and Martial Artist that appeared suddenly.

"Who are you?"

He set his eyes on the black robed man and asked angrily.

"hehe, City Lord of Tianlan, you don't need to know who I am, but today, Ling Tian, ​​don't want to move."

Under the black robe, there is a voice It sounded, but the tone was dry, like a withered tree trunk rubbing, very harsh.

"what thing are you!"

"Today, none of you want to leave, die!"

Neither of your own two tricks have Ling Tian Take it, Tianlan City Lord, already humiliated.

His furiously shouted, and immediately shook his palm, a huge hand filled with great power, a huge hand, suddenly slapped down,

The big hand was extremely terrifying, and no soldiers were used. To deal with the juniors is the last pride of Tianlan City Lord, but this big hand is already comparable to the Immortal King, covering the sky, all the breath in the ten thousand li is suppressed, so that all the surrounding Immortal Monarch, All were terrified.

It can be seen that this time, the City Lord of Tianlan has not kept his hands anymore!

He wants to kill Ling Tian two people in one move!

hong long long!

The big palm seems to penetrate Heaven and Earth, pressing against Ling Tian at an astonishing speed, wherever it passes, the space collapses...

"Wind Qixi, faster! ”

Ling Tian watched that the black robed man took out the hidden weapon, which was smashed by the palm of the City Lord of Tianlan.

I am also a little anxious.

This Tianlan City Lord is crazy.

"Almost a little bit, don't rush me!"

Feng Qixi is above the sky, and my face is full of sweat.

The dyed green rainbow shakes Lu Sanshan back, and stands in front of the Qixi Festival of the wind.

If that big palm falls, she is the only one who can withstand a moment.


The City Lord of Tianlan came with a big hand, so that the black robed man was overwhelmed in front of Ling Tian.

The two have no refunds.

If they were beheaded, then the Formation of Qixi Festival would be useless.


Ling Tian's complexion suddenly became hideous, and the Lord of Tianlan was really too deceiving.

"hehe, don't worry, it's nothing."

However, beside Ling Tian, ​​the black robed man suddenly spoke.


Sure enough, just as the voice of the black robed man fell, this space suddenly cracked open, and then one almost covered the radius of dryness. The palm of his hand screamed down from the Space Crack, and in those countless horrified gazes, a palm crushed the big hand of the City Lord of the day!

The sudden change caused everyone to be shocked, even Ling Tian was stunned, apparently at a loss because of this unexpected assistance.

He had to be astonished, because this terrifying dry palm also carried an extremely tyrannical aura.

Immortal King!

Immortal King definitely made the shot!

Ling Tian let out a low cry, never imagined, which Immortal King would be, at this time, to save their lives.

Is it the power of black robed man?

"Why is this breath a little familiar!?"

Among the crowd, only that dyed green rainbow, frowning, she felt a touch of familiarity from this big hand taste.

Above the sky, countless line of sight stared at the dry palms of the Tearing Space crack in the sky in amazement, and immediately there were some incredible colors emerging on the face. What is the origin of Ling Tian? ? Even with such a powerful powerhouse repeatedly to rescue...

"Very powerful fluctuations, this is definitely not an ordinary Immortal King..."

Even the shopkeeper of the Auction House that day is popular, Shen Chen also shook back, and muttered to himself when he saw the palm of his hand.

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