"This is..."

"Dao Palace token!?"

The Qianlong teacher's original expression was still very disdainful, but he appeared in Ling Yanling Suddenly, he was still dumbfounded.

Even, the whole body began to swing.

There is no way, this cannot be blamed on the excitement of Teacher Qianlong.

Ling Yan Ling is the symbol of the 4th Palace. Since Ling Yan Holy Land split into four Dao Palaces, the fourth mysterious Dao Palace disappeared with Ling Yan Ling.

Who would have thought that after a thousand years, Lingyan Ling, even more noble than the Immortal Zang Ling, would come to life when Dao Palace was alive and dead!

Moreover, it still appeared in the hands of a Ling Tian who had left Dao Palace two years ago!

This is unbelievable!

"The smoking order is here. In the name of the fourth Wolong Dao Palace, I want to enter the Royal Thunder Palace. Do you have any objections?"

Ling Tian held up the smoking order, looked towards the dry dragon standing in front of the temple door.

"No, no!"

Qianlong complexion changed, although he didn't want to, but Ling Tian held the Lingyan Ling in his hand, he couldn't act at all.

"hmph hmph!"

Feng Qixi and the others coldly snorted, followed Ling Tian Luo Yan, and entered the Royal Thunder Palace together.

I came here for the second time, Ling Tian's mood has changed quite a lot.

Two years ago, he was insulted by the Second Prince in the Palace of Thunder. The Lord of Thunder ignored him.

It even made things difficult for him and did not open Xianzang Peak.

For self-esteem, Ling Tian resolutely left Dao Palace.

Now, he is returning with a smoking cigarette, carrying the top inheritance of Wolong Dao Palace, the lord of Dao Palace.

In this situation, Ling Tian can't help but sigh.

Seven people walked into the great hall of Yulei. At this time, there were a lot of powerhouses in the great hall.

Also along the way, the Battle Armor soldiers stand in great numbers, one by one, wearing heavy Battle Armor, with firm eyes and strong blood-reeking qi.

It can be seen that these soldiers have all emerged from the battle and are the elite of the army.

From far away, Ling Tian can see that in the very center of the great hall, there is a middle-aged military commander sitting upright.

The helmet has been removed, but the azure heavy armor on his body is particularly eye-catching.

Heavy armor azure light surges, showing the breath of ancient times. In front of the chest, there is a tiger head carved, which is very hideous.

Although this is the cultivation base of military commanders, there is only the fourth rank Immortal King Realm world, but at this time, it is sitting on the main seat of the great hall. The master of Dao Palace is the same as the other The lord of Dao Palace, sitting down,

It can be seen that the status of this general is noble.

And on both sides of the hall, one side is a military commander with a top armor and a crown and blood energy.

On the other side, there are the mentors of the three Dao Palaces and the descendants of Heaven's Chosen.

Qu Shenyou Wang Chen and the others are impressively listed.

When Luo Yan and the seven Ling Tian walked into the great hall, Na Qu Shenyou was standing in the center of the hall, stating his strategic views.

The sudden crowd attracted the attention of many people.

Including the Great General Qu Qing.

"Oh!? Hehe, isn't this girl from Luo Family? I remember, Luo Yan, didn't you leave Dao Palace two years ago? Now, why are you back again!?"

Qu Qing looked towards Luo Yan, surprised.

While Qu Shenyou and the others, they all turned around and looked around.

Seeing Luo Yan who is no longer under him on the cultivation base, Qu Shenyou's pupils suddenly shrank!

You know, in two years, he digested all the inheritance he got from Xianzang Peak!

The rapid progress of the cultivation base far surpasses all Heaven's Chosen in Dao Palace, but now, it has not been able to drop Luo Yan! ?

This is simply unacceptable to him.

Not only that, his gaze shifted and he saw the figure that he could not let go of for two years.

"Ling Tian!"

Ling Tian, ​​who has disappeared for two years, is back!

Two years ago, he wandered into Heaven's Chosen Child, noble and unparalleled. He thought he could become the number one in the Dao Palace and bring infinite glory to the Qu family.

But at the Dao Palace rebirth ceremony, Ling Tian was almost crushed and defeated.

And that battle has become a haze that Qu Shenyou can't get rid of.

After that, although he entered the Xianzang Peak, he successfully passed the test and got the top inheritance.

battle strength is also rapid progress.

But he has never been truly happy.

Everything is because he lost to Ling Tian!

As for Wang Chen and the others, seeing Ling Tian return, he was even more shocked, even faintly afraid.

Ling Tian beat them into dead dogs back then, really afraid of Ling Tian.

But then I think about it again. Two years have passed since that battle. They were apprentices at Dao Palace, and their cultivation base had a huge entry, while Ling Tian left Dao Palace. Two years were enough for him. Lost all advantages.

After all, Ling Tian’s cultivation base does not seem to be too high.

Other Dao Palace mentors, when they saw Ling Tian, ​​all looked unwilling. They didn’t understand, what did Ling Tian want to do when he came back this time! ?

"Ling Tian, ​​this imperial thunder palace is the place where we waited to discuss the major event of military aircraft, the non-military and Dao Palace dísciple, it is forbidden to enter, how did you get in!? Get out!"

Qu divine wind shouting loudly.

Now, Qu divine Wind, is already the top Immortal Monarch, he has long looked down upon Ling Tian.

He wants to give the younger brother a sigh of relief and let out a sigh of relief.

"Hehe, I am indeed not Dao Palace dísciple."

"But I am the master of Dao Palace!"

Ling Tian coldly snorted.

The silver light all over the body shone and burst out, far exceeding the battle strength of Rank 2 Immortal King.

"The Lord of Dao Palace?!"

However, Ling Tian's words came to life, and after a while, it caused a big laughter.

Even the masters of the three Dao Palaces, and the Great General Qu Qing, couldn't help laughing.

"Who is this Heaven's Chosen!? The battle strength is good, but the brain is not good, you are the master of Dao Palace!? Which Dao Palace!?"

"Now , My Chu Kingdom’s three Dao Palace masters are all on the list, are you here to disturb my waiting!?"

Qu Qing shook his head.

The lord of Yulei Dao Palace also sighed, "Ling Tian, ​​I know, two years ago, you ran away from Dao Palace, and it was a big blow to you. It doesn’t hurt. If you want, I will Yulei Dao. Palace, you can leave a way out and accept you as honorary disciple!"

"Hehe, which Dao Palace!? honorary disciple!?"

"Master of Thunder, is it possible , I have Ling Yanling in hand, is there any fake!?'

Ling Tian raised the token in his hand again, and the rays of light that shined with the token immediately bloomed in the great hall.

"Ling Yan Ling is here, I, Ling Tian, ​​is the new Palace Lord of Dao Palace in the fourth Wolong! "

"Under the Holy Land, Ling Yan is honored. You and Dao Palace people are not here yet! ? "

Ling Tian's voice billowed like thunder, oscillating in the great hall.

And everyone at Dao Palace, who saw the token in Ling Tian's hand, suddenly Almost fell from the seat.

With an open mouth, it is worth swallowing an egg.

"Lingyan is honored, Lingyan order! "

After a long while, then the Lord of Thunder Spirit slowly recovers, even if he stood up, "Ling Yanling, how could it be in your hands!" ? "

"Ling Yanling is here, worship me! "

But Ling Tian is only coldly shouted.

Holy Land once had orders, and the four Dao Palaces have all been honored.

The smoker, the person of Dao Palace, will worship if you see it.

This is the iron law!

When I see it, the Lord of Thunder is extremely unwilling, even the whole body All trembling.

But still gloomy face, moved towards Ling Tian, ​​bowed slightly.

"I wait, I have seen Wolong Palace Lord! "

The lord of thunder has succumbed, and the lord of the other two Dao Palaces can only salute Ling Tian.

"You! ? "

"Not Dao Palace dísciple! ? "

Ling Tian looked towards that Qu's lineage again.

"Ling Tian, ​​you! "

Qu Shenyou gnashing teeth, but Ling Yanling is in Ling Tian's hands. In the end, he can only bow.

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