"dragon blood?"

Tao Yaoyao smiled mysteriously, and said: "I thought you would lean on Dragon Clan, but give it up, it gives me the feeling that it is definitely not Dragon Clan. , Dragon Clan descendants, it is not!"

"Oh? Is it?" Ling Tian raised an eyebrow, "You are so sure, it is not?"

Don't say it, Ling When Tian bought this horse, the expectation in his heart was really related to Dragon Clan.

After all, Divine Dragon is one of the four sages, for Divine Beast, even if this horse has a trace of Dragon Clan Bloodline, it is still an extraordinary thing today.

But now, he didn't expect, Tao Yaoyao even directly gave no.

For Tao Yaoyao's words, Ling Tian still quite believes.

Because of Tao Yaoyao's life experience, she was originally mysterious. She had been with her, and she had indeed seen many things that he didn't know. And Tao Yaoyao will not aimlessly, let alone lying.

"Because of Divine Dragon, I have seen..."

Tao Yaoyao raised her head and looked at Ling Tian's eyes, "And, haven't you seen it too. You have the mark of Dragon Clan in your body. Can't you notice it? Does it feel different from Dragon Clan?"


Ling Tian frowned, when Tao Yaoyao said so, he really had some doubts.

At the beginning, only by the roar of this horse, the pressure brought by it, coupled with the dragon shield reaction on his arm, Ling Tian really connected this horse and Dragon Clan together for a time. .

But now that Tao Yaoyao said so, Ling Tian really had some doubts.


Ling Tian's heart moved, his shoulders trembled, and the hidden dragon Sword Soul emerged, on which the Golden Dragon roar was tumbling, and the Dragon's Might burst into waves.

But Ling Tian experienced it carefully, but found that although the roar of this horse might sound like dragon roar at first glance, it is not one kind.

For a time, Ling Tian shook.

I am more ignorant of the origin of the horse.

"Let's take a look, maybe he will give us the answer himself."

Ling Tian looked towards the strangely behaving horse, looking forward to it.

The abnormality of the horses lasted for a little one hour. During this time, the horses were all wrapped in an azure cyclone, just like a cocoon. Even Ling Tian tried to infiltrate it with divine sense, but couldn't see through what was going on inside.

One hour passed, Ling Tian stared motionlessly, for fear that something unexpected would happen to the horse.

But there was no accident at all. Eventually, the azure air cocoon egg shell broke, and a horse slowly stood up from it.

"Uh...this seems to have not changed much. I still can't tell what it is, maybe, it is really just a strange-looking horse beast."

Tao Yaoyao shook her head and frowned.

"Perhaps, but I still think it is extraordinary."

Ling Tian stepped forward, and the horse pulled out from it.

At this time, the horse is a little different from the past. It is still full of azure, but the mottled hair and scales are gone. Instead, there is a layer of azure black scale armor, all over the body, extremely tenacious, far surpassing Profound Armor.

The body shape of the horse is stronger than before, the head is still huge, and the eyes are greenish. Although the fangs leak out, they are quite symmetrical. It looks like a horse-shaped rare beast, which is extremely deterrent.

Ling Tian circled the horse, and found that the tail of this horse was also different from that of an ordinary horse, it still had no mane, but was extraordinarily strong, somewhat similar to a dragon tail.

There are also bony protrusions on both sides of the back.

In general, this horse looks a little different. It's not a dragon, a horse, or Qilin. Ling Tian compared it with the Divine Beast ominous beast he knew for a long time, but it still didn’t. Clues.

"That's all, it seems that luck is not so good, not Divine Beast bloodline..."

Finally, Ling Tian sighed.

"Not necessarily, maybe it's the offspring of Divine Beast bloodline mutation that we can't understand. I don't know for sure. I look at the horse well." Tao Yaoyao said.

"Well, of course..."

Ling Tian nodded, patted the head of the horse, said: "Whether you are a descendant of Divine Beast or not, you will be my side in the future Fighting partner, call you Xiaoqing!"


The horse's four hoofs churned, the rays of light flashed in his eyes, his nose rang, and he was extremely excited.


Ling Tian took out a pile of spiritual grass and spiritual medicine from the ring and placed it in the stable, then removed the Formation and returned to the front hospital.

The matter of the mount has been resolved. Although it is not heaven-shaking, earth-shattering like Divine Beast, Xiaoqing today is much more tyrannical than Qin Shaoyang's Youyun.

One million won this good ride, but it was made.

Go back to the front yard and continue to give instructions on dísciple cultivation. In the evening, Qin Mingyue sent someone to pick up Lin Yanyan, and said that he was going to the Feixianlou to taste the food, and that he said to eat, Lin Yanyan didn’t care. I stayed at dísciple and ran away without saying hello.

Ling Tian also shook his head helplessly when he knew it, but with Qin Mingyue there, it shouldn't be an accident, so he didn't worry so much.

"Brother Tian!"

At this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes outside, and then Qin Shaoyang rushed in from outside.

Ling Tian stood in the courtyard to practice the sword, at this time, retracted the sword power, handed it to the dísciple behind him, and said: "Why, your sister put a feast in the Feixian Tower, you didn't follow it?"

"Hi! Brother Tian, ​​you didn't go, why would she let me go. My sister invited girls this time, and Miss Bao'er and Miss Xi also went. No, we are finally free. Don't take advantage of this night to go out and play?"

Qin Shaoyang said with a smile.

"Have fun? You brat will think of something inadvertent again. Tell you, you promised me to be worthy of Boer!"

Ling Tian Heng Gave him a glance.

"Look, Brother Tian, ​​where did you want to go. I just want to take you to see the scenery and moonlight of this cloud city at night, and the sound of the piano. I promise you haven't seen it before, and I promise It's definitely not the kind of sluggish thing. And it has a lot of help to cultivation, don't you want to see it?"

"The scenery and the moonlight, the sound of the piano?"

Ling Tian frowned, "When did you brat have this hobby?"

"Aiya, Brother Tian, ​​you should hurry up with me, so you don’t regret it!

Qin Shaoyang couldn't help but said, pulling Ling Tian and walking out, very anxious.

"So anxious, wait for me to lead the horse out. I don't want to ride with you! "

Ling Tian breaks free from Qin Shaoyang, let Mu Tiedan go to lead the horse.

"Brother Tian! Stop it! How can your horse be led out! Not ashamed yet..."

Qin Shaoyang said with a bitter expression, "Brother Tian, ​​you can ride Youyun with me, or I'll ask someone to call you a car!" "

In the eyes of Qin Shaoyang, Ling Tian would be laughed out of his teeth when riding that ugly horse out. The place he was going to was extremely high-style. This was a shame, but it was too much. Embarrassed.

"Don't worry, how can you embarrass you? "Ling Tian holds his hand and smiles mysteriously.

"Forget it, that ugly horse, even if you put a layer of armor on it, it's ugly! "Qin Shaoyang shook his head, still thinking about how to dispel Ling Tian's thoughts.

"Martial Uncle, your horse is here! "

At this moment, Mu Tiedan has led Xiaoqing out.

When he saw Xiaoqing who was like a rebirth, he was really shocked. But he understood that this may be related to Ling Tian's secret, so he did not show it.

Qin Shaoyang scratched his frowning eyebrows and looked up reluctantly.

But at this glance, I was stunned.

Although the horse is still azure, it has a stronger body and a beautiful curve. The whole body is covered with fine azure scales, and the fangs on the head leak out. . Although the horseshoe is still cracked, it is neat and tidy, and the azure cyclone is rising, will know when you see it with good feet!

This...this is clearly an extremely mighty beast mount!

"This... is this the ugly horse from yesterday? "

Qin Shaoyang pointed to Xiaoqing with an incredible face.

He couldn't think of it. This was the ugly horse that smashed the sky yesterday.

" Jinjin...roar! ”

Xiaoqing seemed to be very dissatisfied with Qin Shaoyang calling him a horse, raised his front hoof to the sky, roared, and made the Purple Cloud Sect dísciple in the courtyard back away one by one with an extremely shocking roar. Go, face jealous.

Even the wooden iron gall, who has always been fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, has a dignified face. The vitality of the whole body is suppressed and does not raise.

As for Qin Shaoyang, who was the first to bear the brunt, his hair stood upright and outrageously.

"Oh! "

Retiring to the door, Qin Shaoyang shook his ears vigorously, and then digested Xiaoqing's roar.

Can’t help but say: "My God, this... . This is too unimaginable. Brother God! This guy is a natural top grade war rider! "

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