"hehe, sure enough you also have this weird Dragon Clan Bloodline breath in your body, is it possible that, are you also the wild species born from my Dragon Clan and Human Race?"

Ao Chong Weiwei Frowning, it was strange that Ling Tian revealed the Dragon Clan Bloodline in his body like this.

"Hehe, even you despicable Dragon Clan, are worthy of laughing at me?"

Look at this sword, can you stop it!

Ling Tian's voice fell, and the meteor sword in his hand had already broken free.

The speed is extremely fast, like running to thunder.

However, facing Ling Tian’s sword control technique, a trace of ridicule flashed across Ao Chong’s face, and he did not evade. Let the sword light be cut off, and the battle axe in his hand directly Greet.


With a blast, the meteorite sword, which is intact, was directly shaken by Ao Chong's sledgehammer.

And Ao Chong is completely motionless.

Ling Tian's Divine Sword thunder-repelling technique can't even shake the current Ao Chong!


Rao is now Ling Tian himself, at this moment also slightly surprised.

This was the first time he encountered an unshakable opponent after he became Divine Sword Imperial True Thunder Art.

It's not that the current Divine Sword Imperial True Thunder Art is weak, but that this Ao Chong is too strong.

To be beyond Ling Tian's expectations.

At the very least, this Ao Chong's fleshy body is Ling Tian, ​​which has never been encountered before.

The power of a dragon roar clan is also extremely powerful.

"hahaha, I have heard of your Flying Sword technique, but this divine ability is of no use to me!"

"You should show some real skills !"

Ao Chong came down with the sledgehammer, his speed suddenly skyrocketed, and his figure flashed, and he appeared on Ling Tian's head.

Its speed is so fast that it is definitely not under the Divine Sword Imperial True Thunder Art!

"Not good! This Ao Chong is stronger than before!"

Lu Buyi and the others cried out in surprise.

I also saw that the battle strength of this old dragon king Ao Chong did not stop!

The power of this hammer, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, is just locked with power, and it is absolutely impossible for the current Ling Tian to break free!

If this hammer really falls, then Ling Tian will be in vain even if it has Divine Race Battle Armor!

Kui Cailin frowned slightly, although she was extremely worried, she still didn't make a move!

Because she believes that Ling Tian definitely has a hole card and hasn't used it yet!

Divine Sword Imperial True Thunder Art is nothing but what Ling Tian has been using after arriving in Qingchen Xianzhou. Apart from this, Ling Tian has not used other methods.


However, Ao Chong's hammer fell, directly smashing Ling Tian's figure to pieces!

What! ?

In this scene, the Human Race Martial Artist inside and outside Rocky City turned pale with fright.

Because Ling Tian is their leader now, he absolutely cannot have any surprises.

If Ling Tian really died in the hands of Ao Chong, then even if there is only Ao Chong in front of this Rocky City, Human Race will be considered defeated.

"hehe...but such as..."

That Ao Chong was about to laugh at the wind, but his face changed suddenly.

"No, this is fake!?"

Looking at Ling Tian collapsed into a mass of air.

Ao Chong originally thought that Ling Tian would be solved with a single blow, but he didn't expect it. This seems to be just a fake body transformed by Ling Tian with divine ability.

But just now, he simply didn't find out!

In this world, there can be such a divine ability! ?

"Ao Chong patriarch's power is really strong, I almost died in the hands of patriarch."

Ling Tian's figure, from another direction, manifested .

And this is his true ontology.

The one that was smashed by Ao Chong with a hammer before was nothing but the Avatar condensed by Ling Tian with the sword shadow.

Different from the Three Purities Avatar of the previous Ling Tian cultivation, this Avatar is only condensed with a sword intent, it does not have any offensive ability itself, and it can only last for a while.

But what he is really good at is using fakes and real ones.

Unless divine sense far exceeds Ling Tian's, it can be discovered.

For Dragon Clan like Ao Chong, even if the cultivation base is extremely high, it is useless.

And this divine ability is one of Divine Sword Imperial True Thunder Art.

Ling Tian used it before when dealing with Ao Guang.

Now it's even more handy.

"hmph, it's just a blindfold that's all, I don't believe it, you lied to me once, you can lie to me the second time!" With the sledgehammer, he went straight to Ling Tian again.

Looking at the moved towards Ao Chong who killed himself, Ling Tian squinted his eyes slightly.

Indeed, now that he wants to defeat Ao Chong with his battle strength, it is not impossible.

However, many hole cards must be used.

For example, War God's primordial will of killing the sky.

And that Heaven and Earth Source.

However, no matter which one of these two hole cards is, it is extremely important to the current Ling Tian.

This is not Human Race, but the boundary of Qingchen Xianzhou, here is where the Zhun Emperor and even the Martial Emperor exist.

Less than as a last resort, Ling Tian will never use these two things that are enough to shock Immortal World.

So, under the circumstances that many hole cards could not be shot, Ling Tian wanted to defeat Ao Chong, and there were not many ways.

"hehe, Ao Chong patriarch, since you think like this to kill me, then we will go up there and have a just and honorable fight!"

"Come on!"

After Ling Tian said, he rushed away directly, but for a moment, he disappeared in the sight of everyone.

"hehe, no matter what crafty plots and machinations you use, I don’t want to survive this time. I am Ao Chong, and I am not afraid of you at all!"

Ao Chong is sneered and soars into the sky. He started and chased up, the two powerhouses, but disappeared into the sight of everyone in the blink of an eye.

However, Human Race and Dragon Clan's Martial Artist on the battlefield do not have much doubt about this.

After all, there are battle strengths like Ao Chong and Ling Tian.

Under the full power of the real battle strength, the divine ability formidable power is very terrifying. I am afraid that it can wipe out the Rocky City in an instant.

So, flying up to the sky to fight is fairer for fighting on the battlefield below.

However, when Ao Chong rushed through the sky and appeared under the dark starry sky, he discovered that Ling Tian was floating there quietly.

I didn't see him either. What a showing off one's ability, his breath is similar to before.

It doesn't look like he is going to fight to the death.

This made Ao Chong feel a little surprised.

"What do you mean!? Did you lead me here because I wanted to kneel down and kowtow?"

Ao Chong complexion changed, the sledgehammer in his hand pointed at Ling Tian.

"hehe, no no no, Ao Chong patriarch is afraid that he is wrong, I just don't want you to die in front of your Dragon Clan battle!"

"This way , More decent!"

Ling Tian smiled.

"Fart! You should tell this to yourself!"

"Up to now, do you still think that just based on your Immortal King Realm world's cultivation base, Want to challenge me for a higher rank challenge!? The gap between you and me is still too big!"

"You are now dead!"

At this time, Ao Chong was already impatient to kill Ling Tian.

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