
After that, Ling Tian directly chopped down the fairy sword in his hand, and that Xiao Lei directly got into those thunder beads.

Under the starry sky, those dozens of thunder beads trembled violently, as if they were about to break free from being swallowed by Xiao Lei.

"How could this happen!!?"

The Magic Palace Lord was shocked. He had never seen anyone pay such little attention to his divine ability.

It doesn't matter if you don't dodge, don't evade or welcome, this uses the soul to absorb the thunder energy in his divine ability, what a! ?

But, just a few breaths, the avenue thunder within dozens of thunder beads, was swallowed by this Golden Dragon thunder soul!

The divine ability that Moji Palace Lord is proud of, has not yet used the formidable power at all, just like this, the soul of the Ling Tian fairy sword can be swallowed.

For a while, this made the Magic Palace Lord unacceptable.

What and what!

How can this happen! ?

Furthermore, how powerful is this dragon soul to wander within his thunder bead divine ability and other tyrannical energy methods without being destroyed! ?


Satisfied dragon roar uttered after the thunder that swallowed the thunder bead.

He was in the Dragon Tomb, but absorbed a lot of souls, and finally the Remnant Soul of Feng and Kuroshio Jundi was swallowed by Xiao Lei that day.

So, the strength of Xiaolei today is actually already not in the normal Emperor Qi.

This trifling divine ability thunder is naturally not under Xiao Lei's words.

"hehe, don't be surprised at Moji Palace Lord, it's a good show, but it's just the beginning!"

That Ling Tian is even slightly smiled.

Then his eyes narrowed slightly, and the Dragon Slashing Sword in his hand was raised.

Today's Dragon Slashing Sword is different from the previous time in the Dragon Clan Imperial Palace.

In the sword body, the essence of the Kuroshio Sword has been integrated, making the current Dragon Slashing Sword a quasi-emperor weapon.

In the hands of Ling Tian who now owns the First Rank cultivation base of Xianzun, this long sword is enough to aim at the emperor and cause trauma.

"Divine Sword protects against thunder, array!"

The sword edge trembles, and thousands of sword shadows split out.

The sword light is turned into a sword array, and the Magic Palace Lord is surrounded in groups.

Xiao Lei is surrounded by the sword array. With the power of the sword array, it becomes very scary!

weng weng weng!


Ling Tian didn't give the other party a chance to breathe, the sword edge burst, and immediately strangled into the sword array The Magic Palace Lord.

In an instant, the Magic Palace Lord was astonished and blocked it. However, how tyrannical is the Divine Sword today! ?

In addition, Ling Tian now has no shortcomings no matter in battle strength or in battle strength.

The battle strength of the Magic Palace Lord is really not enough.

Beyond The Heavens Battlefield, but time it takes to drink a cup of tea,

The Magic Palace Lord in the sword array was killed and slumped.

Too strong.

Until now, he understands why Ling Tian is so confident.

This divine ability, this weapon, can actually ignore his Great Dao of Thunder power. This is equivalent to eliminating the battle strength of the Palace Lord of the magic pole by half!

Here, how to fight! ?


Finally, a sword light swallowed the Magic Palace Lord.

Blood finally spurted out of his mouth.

At this time, Moji Palace Lord has been seriously injured!

Outside of the word array, Ling Tian shook his head.

This Magic Palace Lord is weaker than he thought.

It's so boring!

"Magic Order!"

However, the blood gushed out, but there was blood essence that fell on the token in the hands of the Magical Palace Lord.

In an instant, a rush of weather, bursting out of its tokens.

Blessed by this kind of aura, the Magic Palace Lord, in an instant, like a divine help, broke free from the sword array and rushed down Beyond The Heavens Battlefield.

Yeah! ?

Outside the word array, Ling Tian frowned.

I never thought that the Magic Palace Lord still had a means!

However, it flew into the sky, this is not a joke.

Immediately, Ling Tian also carried the long sword and followed.

"How is it possible!"

However, when the Moji Palace Lord reappeared on the battlefield outside Yu Sect, it was surprisingly discovered that the battle situation had changed drastically.

The dark Demon Race army commanded by his Moji Palace has been defeated by the opponent, and it has been defeated!

I don’t know when, another army joined the battlefield from the rear and formed a siege with tens of millions of Human Race army!

He is the Martial Artist of Demon Race and can only wait to die in the middle!

And those Martial Artists of the dark Demon Race were shocked when they saw the Magic Palace Lord manifest.

The lord of their Demon Palace, it seems that he is also injured! ?

They still thought that after the Moji Palace Lord used thunder means to behead Ling Tian, ​​they would join the battlefield again.

Then even if there is an extra 5 million Monster Race army, they are nothing difficult.

But now, all hopes are in vain!

"hehe, Moji Palace Lord, this scene, didn't expect!?"

"You dark Demon Race, still weak."

"It’s no different from what I’ve seen before."

"Just wait for the battle strength, and I want to beat my Human Race Yu Sect off!?"

" In the end, who is it that wishful thinking?"

Ling Tian also manifested, but the words were punishing the heart.

"No, no!"

"I am especially long and empty, and my cultivation has lasted more than 7,400 years!"

"The one in charge of one of the four Great Demon Palaces Moji Palace, the battle strength on top of my Moji Palace’s nine guardians, is the first time I descended from the mountain in five thousand years!"

"The first defeat will definitely not belong to me!"

"Ling Tian, ​​this is all you forced me, don't think, I don't have a hole card!"

That Moji Palace Lord seems to be crazy.

His Demon Palace is one of the four Great Demon Palaces of the Dark Demon Race. Under normal circumstances, his top Demon Venerable battle strength with the nine guardians of the Demon Palace above will never go down the mountain.

Before, I didn't even bother to kill Human Race at all.

But now, they are bullied by Human Race like this!

After that, the Magic Palace Lord raised the pitch black token in his hand.

Roar speaks.

"The name of the dark, recruit Demon Soul!"

"Three hundred Demon Generals, one hundred thousand demon guards, help me slaughter!"

In an instant , Above the token in his hand, there is magic light blooming from it.

Above the sky, the ten thousand magic lights slowly formed a huge gate.

On the dark gate, there are countless lines Totem, which manifest and shine.

Although no one can understand these lines, these Totems all give people an extremely evil feeling.

Ling Tian, ​​who is not far away, frowned.

From this giant gate, he felt a familiar taste.

The dark tower! ?

However, without waiting for Ling Tian to be surprised, one after another tyrannical aura surging out from it.

Immediately afterwards, countless cavalry rushed out of the dark gate. The large number and strong aura made the Human Race and Monster Race army on the battlefield shocked!

This is definitely the elite of the elite!

The so-called Three Hundred Demon General, it seems, is not the lifeform of the Dark Demon Race, but like the soul of the dead, but every breath has a battle strength close to the top immortal.

As for the remaining one hundred thousand magic guards, the battle strength level is even stronger than the hidden Human Race!

Although these existences are only more than 100,000, they burst out, but they are comparable to an army of tens of millions!

"hahaha, Ling Tian, ​​you can't defeat me!"

The Magic Palace Lord grinned, "these all are the magic guards I recruited from the imperial palace, I see you , How can I resist it!?"

"Demon General, kill them all for me!"

"Today, even if my Demon Palace is destroyed, I will fight with you perish together!"

Moji Palace Lord is on roar.

"Hehe, isn't it!?"

"But trifling the undead from the One Hundred Thousand Emperor Palace, I don’t want to see enough!"

"My family, I didn’t want to Let you take action, but now, it seems that they really want to see you!"

But Ling Tian suddenly shook his head and smiled.

Immediately, from above the sky, there is a golden light and brilliant Divine Dragon, which suddenly manifests.

Not only that, the void cracked, one after another Dragon Clan warrior, also appeared on the battlefield.

The strength of the breath is actually above the Hidden Human Race.

Furthermore, the number is even more, there are half a million!

"Qingchen Xianzhou, Imperial Palace Dragon Clan!"

Seeing this scene, the Magic Palace Lord was completely stupid.

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