No wonder there are so many Heaven's Chosen here.

Obviously, these Heaven's Chosen got the chance on the road. Now, it is absolutely impossible for others to search the storage ring casually.

"Yes, I said I was looking for the Spirit Ruins picture."

Tian Xiao pursed his lips, "It should be the ones we got before."

"Spirit Ruins picture? What does it mean? Is the blueprint related to Spirit Ruins?"

"en." Tian Xiao nodded again, "I heard that the star icon indicates that Spirit Ruins is hidden inside Bao’s position."

"Then they are too much, what about the people of the ten worlds? What about Heaven's Chosen, who allowed them to do this?" Jin Jin'er frowned.

"The ten worlds of the heavens!? It is this Heaven's Chosen united by the Great Desolate world and Celestial Demon World, led by the Celestial Demon World, the Blue Underworld, the Heavenly Demon World, the Suspended Sun World, the Purple Heaven World, and the Giant Mountain Jie also got involved. They occupied ten entrances of the sacred mountain and searched the storage ring of Heaven's Chosen. If they didn't hand it in, if they were found out, they said they would be severely punished." Tian Xiao snered.

"It's too much, it's too much, don't you care about those Guardians on the trial road here?"

Jin Jiner shook his head, also surprised and angry.

"In the mountain, there is no Guardian or Divine Race undead, so no one cares." Tian Xiao looked towards Ling Tian, ​​"big brother, what should we do now?"

"The entrance in front is from which world?" Ling Tian raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Hanging Sun World."

"hehe, trifling Hanging Sun World dare to stop me waiting? Go down, whoever blocks, kill who!" Ling Tian face turned cold.


After Tian Xiao heard it, his face was happy.

Is it so fun?

The sacred mountain is huge, with Formation on it, flying across is prohibited.

Below, there are a total of ten entrances. Celestial Demon World occupies three of them, Great Desolate world two, and the other five Immortal Worlds, each occupying one.

Before the entrance occupied by the Sunworld, there are already a lot of Heaven's Chosen blocked, there are hundreds of them.

Above the entrance, there are many Heaven's Chosen in the sun-hung world, suspended there, and they are enveloped in the Monster Race divine light, looking coldly at the Heaven's Chosen outside the entrance, in their eyes, All disdain and sneer.

And the Heaven's Chosen outside the entrance, although they are all leaders from the Great Immortal realm, they are still far behind compared to the Suspended Sun realm.

Not only that, the seven Great Immortal worlds have already joined forces to claim that anyone who enters the sacred mountain must check or submit the Spirit Ruins map.

If anyone dares to trespass, not only will the world be unacceptable, but it will also be besieged by other Immortal Worlds.

So, even Heaven's Chosen who is on the top of the emperor list, if they are not born within the realm, they must carefully consider if they want to enter it.

"Why! Why should we check our storage ring!? The Spirit Ruins picture is important to you, isn’t it important to us?"

"That’s right, you guys This road is closed, bully intolerably!"

"Is there any reason!"

Below there is Heaven's Chosen roaring in a low voice, eyes full of anger, although they are afraid of Great Immortal World, but it really couldn't swallow this breath.

"hmph, if you don't hand over the storage ring, just shut up for Lao Tzu!"

Above the entrance, an aquiline nose Monster Race Heaven's Chosen scolded him.

In my eyes, I am full of impatience.

"It’s just a bunch of ants, just checking your storage ring, and what if you have a Spirit Ruins picture!? That thing doesn’t belong to you!"

Another one Monster Race coldly said in golden clothes Battle Armor.

This kind of arrogant attitude makes Immortal World from all walks of life humiliated.

These seven Great Immortal realms are really shameless and overbearing.

Because people are weak, they have to submit to humiliation. Do they have to hand over the clues of chance?

"Let’s stop clamoring here. If you want to go in, just hand over the storage bag or Spirit Ruins picture, otherwise, you don’t want to enter the mountain. Then Spirit Ruins, you have no chance to go in!"

"The Heaven's Chosen from Immortal World is really incomprehensible, but to check their storage ring that's all, can we really look at the treasures and stars you are waiting for?"


"If you are not convinced, come up and try!"

Above the entrance, those Heaven's Chosen in the sun-hovering realm became more and more arrogant.

In the distance, everyone in Ling Tian has also come down, standing behind the crowd, because they have hidden their breath, so those people in the world of hanging sun have not been discovered.

However, looking at the arrogant behavior of those Emperors of the Xuanri Realm, Ling Tian's complexion was also indifferent to the extreme.

In the eyes of the Heaven's Chosen of the High Level Immortal World, they really did not put the Martial Artist of the inferior Immortal World in their eyes.

The latter, just like beasts and trivial ant.

These guys are really bully intolerably!


However, among the Heaven's Chosen below, there are not necessarily, there are weak ones.

After all, even on the Heaven Ranking, there are many powerhouses that have always hidden information. They may have a map of Spirit Ruins, and naturally they will not be so easily handed over.

Immediately after a coldly snorted, there are several figures that burst out.

An astonishing aura erupted from each of them, the will of various emperors bloomed, and the moved towards entrance was killed.

"hehe, I know that if you don’t show you some color, you won’t give up!"

"overestimate one's capabilities!"

Heaven's Chosen in the Japanese world sneered, and their face revealed disdain.

The former emperor of the aquiline nose Monster Race shot first, with a long whip in his hand, bursting out with shocking air.

Only for an instant, the void trembled crazily. It was the real Emperor Treasure, and in this Monster Race, there was Ancient Beast bloodline, and the blood was also in the body.

"Rong Sun Whip! This is the third emperor of the Suspended Sun Realm, after the ancient Red Melt Flame Peng Race, Chi Lao!"

Someone was surprised, look pale , This Suspended Sun Realm is one of the ten realms of the heavens. The third emperor Chi Lao owns the bloodline after Heavenly Peng, and his battle strength is extremely strong, ranking in the top 18 of the Heaven Ranking.

Sure enough, under the emperor’s long whip, those Heaven's Chosen who violently drew into fly ashes.

No body remains.

"hmph, ignorant thing, do you really think I dare not kill you?"


The emperor put away his whip and put a few Take the storage ring in your hand and check it.

"Put down their ring!"

A figure rose to the sky, trying to avenge the fallen Heaven's Chosen before. This figure is very strong, and the emperor cultivation The base bloomed, and the turbulent void was roaring, bursting out with an incomparable breath.

His movement method is extremely fast, and a tyrannical method of law took out, killing Chi Luo.

At this time, the divine ability is not bad, it should be the existence on the Heaven Ranking.


But at this moment, a coldly snorted sound rang, and behind my back, I thought I was wearing a Monster Race in golden clothes Battle Armor, and suddenly shot.


He took out a golden spear with the ancient Dragon Mark entrenched on it. At the moment of its release, horror flowed out of his body. Dragon Clan coercion.

This one turned out to be Dragon Clan of the Sunworld.

"I hate Dragon Spear, he is the second emperor of the Xuanri world, Grade 5 Dragon Clan Ao Xian!"

Someone's pupils shrank suddenly and couldn't help exclaiming .

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