It stands to reason that even if Ling Tian's mysterious sword is strong, it is impossible to cut such a deep rift.

Everyone in Ling Tian actually dropped a full time it takes to drink a cup of tea before it fell on the ground.

"It seems that Ling Tian, ​​your sword, by a blunder, has cut out the treasures of this Immortal Sect."

Lu Bu said with a smile.

"However, I have to say that the immortal Immortal Sect is hidden deep enough, I haven't noticed the slightest abnormality!"

Tianxiao and the others are scared .

If Ling Tian were not there, they might have fallen here.

"Spirit Ruins are really dangerous. Now, I just hope that we can all go out safely."

Lin Xi sighed.

"The secret treasure is just ahead."

And Ling Tian has now sensed the aura where the secret treasure is.

At this time, the place where they descended was directly below the Feather Immortal Sect, and there was a lot of space.

But it is also extremely dim here, Ling Tian relies on divine sense to sense, leading everyone moved towards the front to fumble. '

Only then found a treasure stone gate.

There are Formations everywhere, but because of Ling Tian's mysterious sword, it was too tyrannical, and most of the Formation was torn apart.

"There is still the last Formation left. I guess, none of the people who feathered Immortal Sect have come in."

Outside this hidden treasure room, you can see scattered Among the treasures on the ground, there are a lot of star coins.

If you put away all the stars here, I am afraid that he can sweep Ren He Tianjiao on the list.

"Wow, have we made a fortune." Tian Xiao was overjoyed.

"Don't think too much, the stars must be divided equally."

Yu Zifei said.

"Star coins are not important, what is important is the secret treasure, Ling Tian, ​​you said that the Formation here, have not even opened the Immortal Sect? They have been here for tens of thousands of years."


Lin Xi frowned, "Could it be that after so long, they haven't broken the Formation? Is it so scary?"

At this time, everyone was also surrounded.

Lu Shen looked at the door of the hidden treasure room for a while, but finally shook his head, "This Formation is extremely powerful, I have never seen it before."

"I'm afraid, no one It can be solved."

Everyone was heart shivered with cold. Lu Chen was once a Martial Emperor. Based on his knowledge, he said that no one could understand this Formation.

It can be seen how difficult this Formation is.

"Formation? It shouldn't help my big brother, right?"

Tian Xiao and the others, but they disagree. In these several decades, they have witnessed countless Second, any scene where Formation can be easily solved in front of Ling Tian.

"This time, I'm afraid I won't do it."

However, Ling Tian is already on Formation at this time, and has been touching for a long time.

Actually, Feather Immortal Sect has not solved Formation for thousands of years, which is enough to explain the problem.

This time, the Formation in front of me, even if his sword shadow penetrates into it, there is no way to crack it.

"Ling Tian, ​​this should be the Formation established by Jun Tian himself, in order to protect the things in the last layer of Spirit Ruins." Tao Yaoyao asked.

"Since you already know the details of this Formation, should you be able to crack it?" Ling Tian said.

Tao Yaoyao and Jun Tian have a very close relationship, if she has seen this Formation, then it will be easy.

"Yes, but yes, but your sword shadow is not good. You need Juntian's personal belongings to touch Formation and enter it."

Tao Yaoyao Shing Shrug.

"What!? Jun Tian's belongings? Where to find it!"

Hearing this, Ling Tian is also stupid.

It’s no wonder that Yao has been here for tens of thousands of years without opening Formation.

How difficult it is to get Juntian's belongings.

I'm afraid it's under the entire heavens.

"I don't know this anymore. Anyway, without Juntian's belongings, no one can enter it, even if Luo Xuan comes by himself, it won't work."

Tao Yaoyao helplessly said.

Outside, everyone looked at Ling Tian and sighed in front of the secret room, looking at each other in blank dismay.

For the first time they saw Ling Tian facing Formation, so embarrassed.

"husband, this time, is it really bad?"

Qin Mingyue came over and asked.

"I'm afraid it won't work."

Ling Tian is still thinking hard, he now knows that the relationship between himself and Jun Tian is special, and he can walk here, everything is also It was all arranged by Juntian.

So, Juntian shouldn't block him here.

Something must have been forgotten by him.

Ling Tian hid his steps back and forth, and everyone else did not disturb Ling Tian with fascination.

Here, I am afraid that only Ling Tian can solve the predicament.

"Can Stellar Sword work?"

Ling Tian muttered suddenly, the hilt of Yunxing Sword used to be Stellar Sword, and Stellar Sword should have belonged to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi before Sabre, I don't know if he has anything to do with Jun Tian.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian put the Yunxing Sword on it, but unfortunately, Formation didn't react at all.

It seems that it still doesn't work.

"hmph hum, can't it be done?"

At this moment, in the Peach Garden, the God World Princess suddenly spoke.

"Why, senior has a way?"

Ling Tian eyes shined, this God World Princess is the great character of God World back then.

Maybe, she has something from Juntian?

"Naturally, but you don't seem to beg me!"

God World Princess said with a smile.

Ling Tian curled his lips. Although he was impatient in his heart, he still respectfully sound transmission said: "Junior urges Her Highness the Princess to enlighten me. If Junior can successfully enter the formation method, I am grateful!"


"hmph, the attitude is barely okay, I don’t know if it counts as Juntian’s belongings."

A stream of light, from the holy source stone It shot out and fell into Ling Tian's hands.

That is a dark green jade pendant. It seems that the material is very ordinary, not even ordinary fairy materials.

The carving on the jade pendant is also very ordinary, like a clumsy work by children.

Carved on it are two dolls close to each other, a man and a woman, in ragged clothes, nestled in the snow.

If this thing did not come from the hands of God World Princess, Ling Tian would never believe that this is Jun Tian's personal belongings.

"Senior, did you take it wrong?"

Ling Tian frowned.

“Of course it can’t be wrong. This thing was given to me by the Great God Juntian before I left God World. She said that this thing is very important to her, let me keep it first.”

"After that, I failed to return to God World. I kept this jade pendant until now."

"As for what the jade pendant actually means, she didn’t Say."

God World Princess said.

"Okay, then I will try."

Ling Tian takes the jade pendant in his hand and presses it on Formation.

What Ling Tian didn't expect was that the door of the secret room in front of him opened almost instantly without any effort.

"This...this is going on? Boss, you were fooling us just now?"

Tian Xiao and the others were also dumbfounded.

Just now they saw Ling Tian's frown, now this Formation has been broken?

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