Then everything they experienced on Yellow Springs Road before was a nightmare god, in fact, they have been witnessing, even participating!

Before, Jialuo used Soul Evocation building to absorb that many army of ghosts to save, but in fact, it did not succeed!

In other words, in the Soul Evocation building, there were already a large army of ghosts, but now it was only released by the nightmare god Summon.

At this time, the main body of Nightmare God manifested, and its aura was indeed stronger than the Torch Dragon he had encountered before.

Although the current Nightmare God has not recovered to the previous battle strength of the Divine Grade.

But within this Yellow Springs, it is still invincible.

even more how, he still has so many hordes of ghosts, providing her with almost endless energy.

"hmph, the nightmare god, you are still with thirty thousand years ago, every time there is any change, trying to cling to the power of wielding Yellow Springs, you are wishful thinking."

"You, I failed Master’s painstaking efforts!" said Ji Nine Nether.


The nightmare god coldly shouted, "Take pains?"

"When I was in the underworld, the master preferred you and the devil, you have Resurrection Lily is in God, the devil has Six Paths of Samsara, what about me?"

"I defend Yellow Springs, after all, it is just the Guardian of Yellow Springs, and even worse than that!"

"When did Master consider me to be his discipline?"

"God Nightmare, you still blamed Master." However, Ji Nine Nether shook his head, "Master knows You are the only one of the three-life nightmare soul in the underworld. He allowed you to cultivation in Yellow Springs to suppress the hostility of the nightmare soul in your body."

"Waiting for you to truly enlighten the way. , Your achievements are far above us. At that time, you can truly wielding Yellow Springs."

"You don’t understand Master’s painstaking efforts at all."

" Don't say any more, what the Three-Life Nightmare Soul is pure nonsense!" The nightmare god was coldly snorted, and his face was full of impatience.

"Today, you don’t have to talk nonsense with me, I am a nightmare on my own, and can also hold wielding Yellow Springs. When the time comes, I will inherit Master’s Legacy!"

" From now on, I am the Lord of Yellow Springs!"

The nightmare god’s gaze fell on Donghuang Taiyi's body, "and you are a trash!"

"Dong The imperial clock failed to refining you, fortune your fate!"

"Nightmare, have you forgotten everything between us?" Donghuang frowned.

It seems to want to recall Luo Yan's memory.

"Shut up, between us and you, there is only hatred, and these two shameless things, you must die!"

"The old fart wants to trap me Soul Evocation has been in the building for a lifetime, and now I am not released?"

"All of this is fate!"

The voice fell, the nightmare god seemed to have lost everything Patiently, with both hands raised, no weapons were seen, but the round wheel full of sword intents was once again manifested.

But this round of rounds is far more tyrannical than before.

It has a spread of tens of thousands of feet, and the number of sword intents in it has even reached 200,000, which is almost twice that of Ling Tian!

Those countless ghosts, each one is a sword intent.

The Nightmare God used the power of Li Gui and was tyrannical to the extreme.

"Ling Tian, ​​Nightmare God is the sword dao Number One Person in the underworld. Although her soul sword is already not in, the two hundred thousand ghost sword intents are still there, and in Yellow In Springs, she is almost Undying and Inextinguishable, we have to be careful."

"This battle is extremely difficult!"

Ji Nine Nether reminded.

"hehe, if it is not difficult, there is no need to come, come on, everyone, the ultimate battle of Yellow Springs!"

Ling Tian chuckled, Yunxing Sword still came out The sheath, one hundred thousand sword intent manifested, and the soul guard of War God was killed.

Lao Hou Ye Donghuang Taiyi also shot at the same time.

Among these, Lao Hou has recovered and his battle strength is tyrannical.

The East Emperor also has the East Emperor Bell body, at least it can protect itself.

"He he he, it's useless, no one can defeat me in Yellow Springs!"

But the nightmare god has no look of dreading, her Thousands of sword intents directly blocked Ling Tian, ​​the endless Yellow Springs breath, turned into a big hand, and pressed firmly on Lao Hou's head.

The East Emperor Bell of the East Emperor Taiyi rushed forward with immense power, trying to crush the Nightmare God in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, the Nightmare God whispered, suppressing the Eastern Emperor Bell in place.

This nightmare god can even control the Eastern Emperor Bell!

At this time, Ling Tian and the others just remembered, didn’t the East Emperor Taiyi be suppressed by the East Emperor Bell before? Then the person who urged the East Emperor Bell at that time was the Nightmare God .

So, it's really a miscalculation!

"Hehe, you stupid things, in God World, no great god ever got the Eastern Emperor Bell. Master kept the Eastern Emperor Bell in Yellow Springs. She is mine!"

"You guys, still want to use the Eastern Bell to deal with me?"

"It's so funny!"

"You are just the Eastern Bell The master's Remnant Soul is reincarnated, so don't be ashamed and conspicuous!" The Nightmare God sneered, and with a palm, he fanned the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and flew out.


a mouthful of blood spurted.

Taiyi, the top quasi-emperor's cultivation base, was so badly injured by the palm of Nightmare God, almost fallen.

"Do you think that your name is Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and you are the master of Eastern Emperor Bell? It is ridiculous!"

"You will never be the real Eastern Emperor Taiyi!"

The Nightmare God was smiling, and Donghuang Taiyi passed out directly.

Now she, without the Donghuang Bell, battle strength is not the opponent of Nightmare God at all.


Jialuo and Ye Qingciao all rushed over to take Taiyi.

Looking at Taiyi's body being seriously injured, the hearts of the two women are like knives.

"God of Nightmare, have you forgotten everything? Over the years, how good is it for you to be too good for you?"

Yeqing cry moved towards the god of Nightmare roar.

"Hehe, it was good to me ten thousand years ago, isn't it better for you?"

The Nightmare God sneered, but he couldn't listen to half a sentence.

"Now, within this Yellow Springs, it can be regarded as fate. The entanglement between us can be resolved at one time."

"Die, in this world, there is only I am a nightmare god!"

The nightmare god made another shot. After Yellow Springs, it turned into a fist and fell like a mountain, trying to kill Taiyi and Ye Qingqi.


At this time, Ji Nine Nether suddenly made a move, and the shadow of Resurrection Lily bloomed in Yellow Springs. She stepped on the devil's sickle, and the ancient Emperor Treasure in her hand raised From the start, it is to cut off a sharp edge.

Block the fist of the nightmare god.

"You protect yourself!"

After that, Ji Nine Nether kills the Nightmare God.

"hehe, Yellow Springs Saintess, even though it was thirty thousand years ago, you are still not my opponent, let alone now!?"

"East Emperor Bell, suppress!"

The Nightmare God still sneered, and the Eastern Emperor Bell floated up and turned into a bell of ten thousand feet, covering Ji Nine Nether.

Now, even if Ji Nine Nether has awakened the memory of Yellow Springs Saintess and received the divine force blessing of Resurrection Lily, it is impossible to break the repression of the Donghuang Bell in a short time.

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