There is a ball of light floating above the Dao Foundation.

It is shining with the shadow of Heaven and Earth, the light of Sun, Moon and Stars.

Everything about Ling Tian seems to be there.

But Wei is alone, without Ling Tian.

This scene fell in everyone's eyes.

Qin Mingyue and Ji Nine Nether were stunned for a long time, but they didn't respond.

The breath of Ling Tian completely disappeared.

This time, it is really thorough.

Not an Avatar, not a sword intent illusion.

Even Heaven and Earth Source and Qise Dao Foundation are exposed.

So, that is to say, Ling Tian, ​​has fallen...

Living, it is Ling Tian, ​​the last two words left to them.

Ling Tian fell, and died under his mysterious sword.

At this moment, above the Seven Great Immortal State, Hao Heavenly Emperor Palace.

The Haotian Martial Emperor sitting in the temple suddenly opened his eyes and blurted out, "No, this is impossible!"

Under the throne, Tianfei looked towards her face changed drastically. Haotian, such a surprised expression, she has never seen Haotian reveal it.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?"

"Ling Tian, ​​it seems to have fallen!" Haotian Martial Emperor said in a deep voice, his face full of unbelief and unwillingness .

"What!? Ling Tian has fallen? How is this possible? He is so strong now, under these heavens, who can kill Ling Tian?"

After that, it was the Concubine Tian, ​​who did not believe that Ling Tian would fall, which was really too unexpected.

"Your Majesty, did you lose his breath, that's why you feel that Ling Tian has fallen!? Have you said that Ling Tian is a Juntian lineage person, Juntian is so strong, How could Ling Tian fall?"

However, the Haotian Martial Emperor shook his head, "No, it is not a simple breath disappearing, but I sensed that Heaven and Earth Source became a masterless object, his energy Harmony, I will never feel wrong."

"Heaven and Earth Source and Ling Tian are coexistent and symbiotic, unless Ling Tian falls, otherwise, it will not be so!"

The Haotian Martial Emperor stood up and appeared outside the temple.

He looked in the direction of Dahan Xianchao, and frowned, "The breath of Dahan Xianchao is sinking, this Ling Tian, ​​something really happened."

"Heaven and Earth Source left the body ahead of time, and if it fell into the hands of other mysterious powerhouses, my plan fell short of success!"

Haotian's chest rises and falls, his fists clenched tightly.

Great Han Dynasty, the capital of Jingluo.

The Pagoda of Wandao outside the city is in a flash, disappearing all rays of light.

The sky above the entire East City dimmed in an instant.

Ling Xiaoer, who is dealing with government affairs, is disturbed, and the imprint of the longevity world above her eyebrows is constantly flickering.

Before her Qi Sea, a sword intent left by Ling Tian was also shaking.

Walking out of the great hall, looking at the human race officials rushing in from outside the palace gate, and then looking at the purple Qi that is gradually thinning above the head.

Ling Xiaoer suddenly took a deep breath.

"Big brother, something has happened."

"His Royal Highness, what is going on!? Great Han Dynasty, the fortune of the country has changed!" The patriarch of the Eight Great Masters rushed up. .

They all felt the mutation.

The national fortune of the Great Han Dynasty has fallen. This is related to Ling Tian.

"Don't panic!"

However, Ling Xiao'er screamed, full of majesty.

"My brother is okay, he just encountered some troubles. I passed the imperial order, Dahanxian Chaoxianzun and above the powerhouse of the cultivation base, all went to the nine imperial gates on the border, ready to resist the dark Demon Race Impact!"

The great Hanxian Dynasty fell so fast, that the dark Demon Race that had just ceded the 30 Six Paths Xiongguan, will definitely not be unnoticeable.

They will inevitably take advantage of the situation to counterattack.

When Ling Tian never returned from the underworld, Dahan Xianchao was going to face an unprecedented impact again.

This time, it is likely to be another decisive battle between Human Race and Dark Demon Race for thousands of years!

Within Yellow Springs.

After a long while, when Nightmare God’s gloomy laughter sounded, everyone spirit slowly recovered.

They are very uncomfortable, there is no Ling Tian breath in the air.

He disappeared.

It disappeared completely.

One hundred thousand sword intents, like one hundred thousand orphans, surround Heaven and Earth Source and Dao Foundation, as if crying and calling Ling Tian's name.

"No, no!"

Qin Mingyue suddenly let out a stern roar.

Shock in the entire Yellow Springs.

At this time, her eyes are blood-red, like a bright moon, she is like a lioness with crazy hair at this time.

"Nightmare God, I want you to die!"

The Moon Sword in Qin Mingyue's hand is blooming with brilliance, wanting to smash Formation.

But now Qin Mingyue's battle strength is still weak.

A sword shook above the rune, and failed to shake the Formation.

"Nine Nether!"

Na Ji Nine Nether and Lao Hou and the others also attacked Rune madly. They couldn’t wait for the nightmare god directly, Thousands of corpses!

But, as the Nightmare God said, she is Sovereign in Yellow Springs.

The energy of Laohou and the others has been absorbed.

Not to mention revenge for Ling Tian.

You can't even resist.


"Be angry, resent!"

"In this way, after you die, you will become ghosts!"


The Nightmare God laughed wildly.

In spite of the anger of everyone, she came directly to the Dao Foundation surrounded by a hundred thousand sword shadows.

"Don't touch Ling Tian's things!"

Qin Mingyue is still on roar.

She does not believe that Ling Tian will fall.

These things belong to Ling Tian.

No one can take it away!

However, the Nightmare God has no beginning. She descended before the Dao Foundation, looking at the Heaven and Earth Source floating above it, "tsk tsk, is this the legendary Heaven and Earth Source? Sure enough, it is beautiful and flawless."

"Heaven and Earth Sun, Moon, and Stars, this Heaven and Earth Source actually activated you."

"So much more Okay, then my nightmare god, you can use the power of Yellow Springs to reopen the era!"

The nightmare god's gaze suddenly fell on the seven-color Dao Foundation, looking at it like a lotus flower. The mysterious Dao Foundation, she frowned suddenly.

"The Dao Foundation of Seven Colors?"

"What's going on!?"

"If I remember correctly, Master Dao Foundation back then , It’s just six colors."

The nightmare god’s face was puzzled, but soon he was overwhelmed with a smile, "Whatever it is, this Dao Foundation is absolutely comparable to Heaven and Earth Source. The opportunity of the nightmare really helped me, is it to make me become the Divine King as soon as possible?"

Amidst the laughter, the nightmare god directly stretched out his hand and grasped the Heaven and Earth Source and the Seven-color Dao Foundation. .

Ling Tian fell, and the surprise of the opportunity left was still beyond her expectations.

She can foresee that after today, she will become the strongest existence under the heavens.

"I advise you, it is better not to touch Ling Tian's things."

However, at this moment, in the void, a cold voice suddenly remembered.

This voice is very strange to the Nightmare God.

Does not belong to anyone in Yellow Springs today.

This voice is very familiar. She seems to have heard it in thirty thousand years ago.

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