However, other people don't understand how amazing this rays of light is.

They were just surprised to see that in the rays of light, there was a figure of a little girl.

It is exactly similar to that carved on the jade pendant.

"Big brother, big brother, wake up, I am a 囡囡"

The little girl held Ling Tian's big astral hand and began to call.

"Big brother, have you forgotten your nanny? I am your favorite younger sister. Wake up soon. Sister-in-laws are waiting for you to go home."

"Big brother, as long as you can wake up, my daughter is willing to do anything."

"Even if I will fall asleep forever for me."

After that, the little one The girl stretched out her hand and fell on Ling Tian's eyebrows, and then collapsed within the Xuanhuang rays of light.

"That's the one just now, could it be... the Great God of Juntian?"

Ji Nine Nether frowned.

"It should be the memory of Master Juntian when he was a child."

"Sure enough, the Great God Juntian has already reached one step!"

Emperor Zhou E sighed in his heart I also have to admire that the various methods of the Great God Juntian are indeed comparable to Heavenly Dao. No wonder Heavenly Dao will kill Juntian even if he does not hesitate to destroy the entire God World.

Wait for the rays of light of the jade pendant to disperse, Ling Tian's soul body opened his eyes.

At this moment, Ling Tian finally woke up!


"Ling Tian!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was overjoyed and rushed over uncontrollably.

But Ling Tian is just the body of the soul at this time, unable to be embraced by everyone at all.

"Am I not dead?"

Ling Tian looked at his soul body.

Then, his gaze fell on Zhou Ehuang, who was wearing a golden armor and carrying a golden club. If this were not a woman, Ling Tian would definitely think it was Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong.

It looks so alike.

"This is?"

"hmph, Ling Tian, ​​your life, but this Princess saved it, why don't you kneel down to thank you?" Zhou Ehuang said proudly.

"Damn, you are the God World Princess Zhou Ehuang, you are finally willing to jump out of the rock, will you not be the reincarnation of Monkey Sun?" Ling Tian was shocked.

This turned out to be Emperor Zhou'e, which is completely different from what you imagined!

"Fart, my master and his Senior can be slandered by you too? Believing or not I will kill you!"

Emperor Zhou E pointed at Ling Tian with the Ruyi Divine Item.

"husband, thanks to Her Highness the Princess, we reunited your soul. She is not a monkey reincarnation, but the West Heavenly Saint Emperor, Victorious Battle Buddha disciple."

Qin Mingyue quickly said.

"Victorious Battle Buddha, Saint Sovereign?"

Ling Tian frowned, it seems that the origin of the emperor this week is really not as simple as God World Princess.


Suddenly, Ling Tian complexion changed, "My memory seems to have increased."

"That should be Juntian Part of your memory, that memory, belongs only to you and Jun Tian when they were young, but these are not important, now, you have to resurrect."

Emperor Zhou E stretched out his hand and called the Peach Garden back to his own Hands.

"What do I need to do?"

Ling Tian frowned.

He also knows that with his current astral body, nothing can be done.

"Simple, you only need to use the blood of Torch Dragon, supplemented by the nine changes of True Dragon, to reshape the fleshy body."

"But under this piece of Heavenly Dao , You still fell, so you can't be reborn under this sky."

But Ling Tian can't understand, "Not under this sky, where is that?"

"In your own world."

"Go to Peach Garden and reshape the fleshy body."

Zhou Ehuang raised his hand and involved Ling Tian Within Peach Garden.

At this time, under the peach tree, Heaven and Earth Source, Seven-Color Dao Foundation, One Hundred Thousand Sword Shadow, and the soul of War God are floating.

"Ling Tian, ​​do you know what Heavenly Dao is?"

Under the peach tree, Zhou Ehuang asked suddenly.

"I don't know."

Ling Tian shook his head.

He never thought about this problem.

Moreover, with his current realm, he is not qualified to think about it.

"Heavenly Dao, is the law of the heavens."

"Everything is under the operation of Heavenly Dao, although what Heavenly Dao is, no one can say clearly , But I can tell you that the original Heavenly Dao was transformed by Heaven and Earth Source."

"That's it."

Emperor Zhou E picked up the Heaven and Earth Source. .

"This is the most primordial power of the heavens. Although it is only in its infancy now, it is still extremely expensive in the world. Only when you become a great god will you understand a little bit of Power of Heaven and Earth."


"And you now have Heaven and Earth Source."

"This source, put in the Peach Garden, plus the power of Yellow Springs outside, can rebuild the era , Similar to a small God World, or the heavens."

"You are reborn here, and you will no longer be affected by the Heavenly Dao outside. Perhaps this is your chance to come to the underworld. ."

"Otherwise, no matter how strong the battle strength is, no matter how powerful the Great God Juntian is, it is absolutely impossible for you to become a Martial Emperor under that piece of Heavenly Dao."

"Heavenly Dao, will kill you at all costs, as long as you appear under the heavens."

Ling Tian hearing this, took a deep breath.

Sure enough, things are far from simple.

If he really becomes the Martial Emperor, under this Heavenly Dao, it is tantamount to suicide.

"So, rest assured to reshape your Fleshy body. When you are reborn under this piece of Heavenly Dao, you will be Heavenly Dao."

"You will become stronger."

After all, Zhou Ehuang withdrew from Peach Garden.

"Let Ling Tian reshape the fleshy body with peace of mind."

Return to Yellow Springs.

Emperor Zhou E handed the Eastern Emperor Bell to the Nightmare God, "Now, you are the Lord of Yellow Springs. This Eastern Emperor Bell is also something of the One and belongs to you."

"I hope that Yellow Springs is in your hands and can make the most correct decision to protect the races under the heavens."

"Her Highness the Princess, rest assured."

The Nightmare God received the Eastern Emperor Bell, and then called Lu Bu over, "Now, I am no longer the Asura Race Martial Emperor, but the Asura ancestor, I can’t be without an owner."

"This is The sacred relic of my Asura Race, the blood of Asura, you have awakened the soul of Asura. With this blood, you can quickly become the Asura Martial Emperor. By then, the Asura clan will depend on you."

"Your Highness, don't worry, Lu Bu, you will definitely live up to your Highness's request!"

Lu Bu respectfully took the blood of Asura.

This is his chance.

Then, Nightmare God looked at Rose again, "You are a devil, now, I will give you the real Six Paths Samsara Power, will you be in charge of the ghost clan?"

However, this time Rose hesitated.

He never thought about this.

"Rose, don’t worry, you have the divine force of Six Paths of Samsara, and you will soon become the Martial Emperor. When the time comes, you can travel between the Seven States and the Underworld without delay. You and the Dragon Clan woman!"

"If not, you will rely on your Divine Force in the Divine Realm, and you will not be able to prove that you become the Martial Emperor. Only when you are in charge of the ghost clan, you can help in the future. To Ling Tian."

Zhou Ehuang said with a smile.

"So, Rose will!"

Rose nodded.

"Huh, so, it's perfection, everyone, let's go and go home!"

Emperor Zhou E took a sigh of relief and took everyone away.

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