"Ling Tian, ​​you dare to kill me, Demon Race!"

"Wait, wait for my true body to pass, no matter how you are reborn, I will let You pay!"

Above the firmament, there was the resentful voice of the mysterious demon, and then, the incomparable gigantic dying dharma wheel tore through the void and disappeared before the Yutian Pass.

"hehe, Avatar is dead, you run very fast."

"However, if you want to threaten me, you can't do it!"

Ling Tian coldly Snorted, the figure disappeared directly before Yutianguan.

Today’s Ling Tian Avatar, although not a Martial Emperor yet.

But because Ling Tian has comprehended ten thousand ways and mastered the laws, he is comparable to the Martial Emperor.

Crossing the void, the speed is extremely fast.

In just one day, Ling Tian Avatar crossed millions li before the first Nine Cauldrons imperial formation.

At this time, the dozens of heroes of the dark Demon Race still stand.

On top of it, there is also the Martial Artist of the Dark Demon Race stationed there.

They don't know yet, at this time the tens of millions of dark Demon Race troops have all been wiped out in front of Luoyang City.

Ling Tian stepped out of the void in one step, tens of thousands of feet, manifested in between Heaven and Earth.

Those dark Demon Race above Xiongguan watched Ling Tian's figure suddenly manifested, and for a while, they were all dumbfounded.

Many of them are juniors. I don't know who this figure is.

But the coercion seen by this ten thousand-foot figure makes it difficult for them to breathe.

"Wu, Martial Emperor? Human Race Martial Emperor?"

Ling Tian's breath now is too much like Martial Emperor, and it's not an ordinary Martial Emperor powerhouse.

These Martial Artists of the Dark Demon Race can't believe why such a powerful Human Race appeared in the territory controlled by the Dark Demon Race.

Ling Tian floats above the sky, looking down at these male gates below.

The line of sight, gradually looked into the depths of Nahua-Xia Xianzhou.

His gaze method seems to be able to traverse millions of li and land directly in the palace of the mysterious Demon Emperor.

The Yunxing Sword is raised high, the mysterious sword intent, begins to condense.

"Xuanmo, this sword is the last battle book for you!"

"Next time, I don’t need you to come to my Dahanxian Dynasty, my Dahan Human Race , Will personally break the barrier and recover the Hua-Xia mountains and rivers that my Human Race lost!"

Ling Tian's figure fell, and the sword that poured into splitting heaven and earth apart swept out.

The sword qi is unmatched, rolling like a tide.

The sword qi swept along the ground, constantly skyrocketing.

Wherever you pass, those male gates collapsed one after another, and everything on it turned into powder.

After more than a dozen breaths, Ling Tian’s mysterious sword turned into a sword qi, and it fell into a giant of a thousand miles.

Moreover, it is still rising continuously, the formidable power is not reduced, and the moved towards sweeps forward.

On this day, the dark Demon Race stationed above these gates all discovered the billowing peak of Qilang, and when the peak of Qilang reached their eyes, they discovered that, This is not a mountain, but a sword qi.

A sword qi with no end, like a sword cut by Heavenly God, there is no escape, but perish.

Dahan Capital City, Luoyang.

Ling Tian returned without disturbing others.

In the Imperial Palace, there are only Ling Xiao'er, Qin Mingyue and other close people.

"Big brother, do you mean that you have actually fallen?"

Ling Xiaoer knew what happened in Yellow Springs and couldn’t believe it Own ears.

"Yes, now, my breath, already not in this piece of Heavenly Dao, can be reborn in another way."

"However, you can rest assured. Yes, with me, Human Race will still regain Hua-Xia Xianzhou, no one wants to bully us."

"My sword on the border of the Dark Demon Race should make the mysterious demon honest For a long time, but I smelled the breath of Demon Venerable. There must be a connection between this dark Demon Race and Demon Venerable, and the Haotian Martial Emperor of the Celestial Clan killed Taiyi ten thousand years ago. He wanted to get Heaven and Earth Source. Now Knowing that I’m coming back, he will never stand by."

"Now I’m still retreating and refining the fire to break through the Martial Emperor Realm."

"Wait for me to become the Martial Emperor, this In Clear Sky World, there will be no existence of any fear of my Ling Tian."

"My Avatar will not leave Luoyang easily during this period. Everything outside depends on you."


"Xiao'er, your innate talent is the most terrifying of all Human Races I have ever seen. I hope that you can preach before me and become the Martial Emperor."

"Dayan Tianxuan is good, I can help you melt it and use it to prove Dao."

All the girls heard that they were all slightly discolored, didn't expect, Ling Tian told Ling Xiaoer The evaluation is so high.

"I will try my best."

Ling Xiaoer nodded.

"Well, you don’t have to be surprised. This time I return to Clear Sky World in this body. I can feel that the luck under these heavens has changed. Within ten years, the seven states There will be many new Martial Emperors. You all have the opportunity. You must not slack off and underestimate it."

Ling Tian stood in front of the Imperial Palace, looking at the Pagoda of Wandao outside Luoyang City, "Recover China-Xia, maybe just the beginning, even if I unified Clear Sky World, what we are about to face is the battle between the heavens and the thousand realms."

"God World should be broken for thirty thousand years. Rebuilt!"

Ling Tian bowed his head, suddenly took a deep breath.

It is true that as Zhou Ehuang said before, becoming a Martial Emperor is the beginning of Juntian's plan.

God World will be rebuilt, Demon Venerable will be beheaded, and the identity of the owner of Mysterious Sword will be investigated.

Where is Jun Tian and the others now, Ling Tian will also look for it.

In all this, the bottom line is Martial Emperor!

If he fails to become the Martial Emperor, he will not leave the customs!

The Martial Artists of the entire seven states were also in the Yutianguan decisive battle 1 month later, only to learn about Ling Tian's sword light Cold Fifty City on the border.

It is said that that sword swept through seven days and seven nights.

Only the millions li in the depths of the dark Demon Race hinterland gradually disappeared.

On the ground that this sword swept across, all the dark Demon Race city and passes were all shattered, and even the mountains were wiped out.

The real raze to the ground.

The tyranny of this sword, unprecedented, completely shocked the Martial Artists of all races in the seven states.

Previously, it was rumored that Human Race Ling Tian had fallen.

But Ling Tian returned when the Great Han Dynasty was about to collapse, and with a powerful sword, swept the Demon Race million li.

Countless dark Demon Races died in the hands of Ling Tian.

Even the Martial Emperor holding Divine Item cannot resist Ling Tian.

This shocked the existence of the Seven States decades ago, and is still writing Legendary today.

However, after the Great Han Dynasty was rebuilt, Human Race Ling Tian has yet to show up.

In a blink of an eye, another decade has passed.

The Great Han Dynasty not only regained all the previously lost territories, but also advanced into the China-Xia Xianzhou million li where the Dark Demon Race is located.

Recovered the mountains and rivers that Human Race lost thousands of years ago.

However, these are not the most talked about.

The major event that really happened in these ten years was the descendants of Heaven's Chosen who succeeded in proving the Dao and became the Martial Emperor.

Among them, the first Martial Emperor of the Human Race for thousands of years is the most amazing.

Because, this Martial Emperor is not Ling Tian who name shakes the whole world, nor is it Qin Mingyue, nor is it the Ji Nine Nether who is carrying flowers on the other shore, nor is it the god empress Jiuge.

It's Ling Xiaoer, the supervising country of the Han Dynasty.

In the seventh year of her return from Ling Tian, ​​she used the Profound Sky Emperor Sword to prove the way, and the tribulation thunder of the nine thousand miles of emperors came.

A sword is like an emperor's presence, and the ten thousand li is pressed horizontally to cast the emperor's golden body.

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