The Haotian Martial Emperor in front of me looks no different from a mortal.

However, Ling Xiaoer and the others could not see through.

Such breath is very similar to Ling Tian before.

The more ordinary it looks, the more terrifying it is.

The moment the Haotian Martial Emperor appeared, it was the aura of the powerful Martial Emperor on the Human Race side that was suppressed.

At this moment, Human Race really can no longer lift the head.

Moreover, all the spectators on the scene can be sure that even if Ling Tian really appeared a month ago, it might be terrifying to the Martial Emperor that Haotian brought with him. aura.

The gap is still a bit big.

Facing the question of Haotian Martial Emperor, Ling Xiaoer and the others did not speak.

Because, Ling Tian just said that he is about to leave.

But they don't know whether it will be the time or not.

Because, even if Transcending Tribulation becomes Martial Emperor, Ling Tian is not in this Clear Sky World.

Instead, in Peach Garden.

In Peach Garden.

The Pagoda of Ten Thousand Dao, Holy Splendor Responsively.

The Peach Garden world at this time has become more vast than it was decades ago.

Even Qin Mingyue, who was able to enter it freely, could not walk the entire Peach Garden in a short period of time.

According to Qin Mingyue's estimation, the Peach Garden today is so huge that it may already have the size of Clear Sky World one third.

Not only that, the creatures in Peach Garden are now more abundant, and even among them, the Human Race Martial Artist, the highest cultivation base has reached the Martial Sovereign Realm.

Although Martial Sovereign is in Clear Sky World, it really can't be considered.

But in this Peach Garden, it is unprecedented.

At this time, the breath of the Pagoda of Wandao skyrocketed, and the cremation of the extinguishing soul of the embers was forced to sink into the western sky.

Because, the aura above the Ten Thousand Dao Pagoda at this time is really too terrifying.

Ling Tian, ​​who has spent thousands of years refining Torch Dragon's Fire in retreat in the Tower of Wandao, is finally going to be promoted to Martial Emperor today.

Actually, ten years ago, Ling Tian had already refining Torch Dragon's Fire.

The reason why there has been a retreat in the Wandao Tower for more than a thousand years is because Ling Tian is comprehending the meaning of Wandao.

Because Ling Tian cultivation is Myriad Dao Laws.

It is much more difficult to become a Martial Emperor than other quasi emperors.

So, Ling Tian wants to cultivation these laws to the level of entry and exit, and then he introduces Heavenly Tribulation.

This undoubtedly takes a long time.

Finally, after a thousand years, Ling Tian brought all Myriad Dao Laws into the country by comprehend, and the breath reached bottleneck, Myriad Dao Laws, turned into Holy Splendor, and filled the Peach Garden space.

The calamity of the Martial Emperor is finally here!

Ling Tian walked out of the Ten Thousand Dao Pagoda, Liuyao and Tao Yaoyao in the peach forest all stood there and waited.

"hehe, Ling Tian, ​​didn't expect, one day, you will be Transcending Tribulation in your own world, how do you feel!?"

Six Yao said with a smile .

"It's not bad, but it's not challenging!"

Ling Tian shrugged, if the emperor's calamity is in Clear Sky World, I don't know how tyrannical it should be.

Furthermore, Ling Tian is not embraced by Heavenly Dao. If Thunder Tribulation is attracted, it is definitely irreconcilable.

But within Peach Garden, everything is just where water flows, a canal is formed that's all.

Heavenly Dao, who can't be your own, spray yourself to death! ?

Furthermore, Ling Tian’s Myriad Dao Laws Holy Splendor has to deny Peach Garden world.

Make this World more stable, and the species within it will become more diverse.

So, it is not so much Ling Tian transforming in Transcending Tribulation, but Peach Garden is sublimating.

Of course, the stronger Peach Garden is, the more terrifying the energy that Ling Tian gets as the lord of Heavenly Dao here.

Compared with other Transcending Tribulation Martial Emperors, everything is safer.

Of course, if you want to preach to become a Martial Emperor, you don’t just have to spend Heavenly Tribulation.

You also have to make the Transcending Tribulation connected to your bloodline become the Emperor Treasure.

This is the rule under Heavenly Dao, and Ling Tian is no exception.

And the Martial Emperor he wants to prove the Dao is the Yunxing Sword.

Moreover, for so many years, Ling Tian has been collecting materials to upgrade Yunxing Sword.

Actually, the main material is no longer used. After all, Yunxing Sword originally refers to the fragments of Heavenly Sword. The material is of high grade, almost invincible in the world.

But a lot of auxiliary materials are needed. In the end, Ling Tian just found a star and in the entire Clear Sky World, plus some from the trial road to obtain the various heavens and thousands of realms divine gold, and then gathered the materials to turn Yunxing Sword into Emperor Treasure.

Xiao Lei's Power of Stars has also been absorbed to the top.

Everything is in place.

It's just about Transcending Tribulation.

Ling Tian trembles under his feet, flying up.

The Yunxing Sword was unsheathed and reached directly above the zenith.

Ling Tian is the master of Heavenly Dao, no need to go through Thunder Tribulation.

But Xiao Lei is a sword body.

Need to lead heavenly thunder body tempering, so that he can become a real Emperor Treasure.

The higher the rank of the heavenly thunder drawn down, the more powerful Xiao Lei will become in the future.

All of this, Ling Tian still cannot control. He doesn't know how Xiaolei will let Myriad Dao Laws interweave and what kind of heavenly thunder will be produced;


The Yunxing Sword is suspended under the sky and becomes the direct protagonist of the entire Peach Garden.

He really wants Transcending Tribulation this time.

The terrifying vortex begins to manifest.

The vortex formed with the Pagoda of Wandao as its core has a radius of hundreds of thousands li.

Compared to the tribulation thunder after Ling Xiaoer Transcending Tribulation, it is much more terrifying!


There is almost no preparation time. A scarlet's thunder, from the vortex's usefulness, turns into a Divine Dragon, and kills the star sword.


And Xiaolei naturally not to be outdone, he is the body of Thunder Dragon, how can he let Thunder Dragon Clan suppress himself.

Two Thunder Dragons are fighting on the sky.

But in the end, Xiao Lei was stronger and tore the blood-colored Thunder Dragon to pieces.

But even if it was the first Dao Tribulation thunder, Xiao Lei still got thunder and slurry flowing all over his body, and the injury was not light.

It can be seen that this Force of Myriad Daos is very fond of Xiao Lei.

Such a tyrannical Thunder, once Xiao Lei can persist in the past, it will inevitably become a tyrannical Emperor Treasure that will shock the world.

At least, not under that ancient Emperor Treasure.

"Come again!"

Xiao Lei Human Transformation, roaring up to the sky.

Vortex seems to be irritated by Xiao Lei.

Thunder Tribulation was condensed in an instant. This time, Thunder Tribulation turned into a purple thunder tiger, rushing down from the vortex.

Finally, after Xiao Lei fought fiercely for 5 minutes, Thunder Tiger was destroyed.

Followingly, the elephants of Divine Beast such as Thunder Black Tortoise, Vermilion Bird, Qilin, etc., successively culled Xiang Xiaolei in the form of Thunder Tribulation.

Ling Tian also didn't expect, and what these Thunder Tribulation has now turned out to be the image of Divine Beast.

Don’t know, what kind of thunder is this.

However, after successive Six Paths Thunder Tribulation, Xiao Lei's breath seems to have run out.

However, the Thunder Tribulation vortex of the sky did not dissipate.

Looks like, there is one last Thunder Tribulation!

"Xiao Lei, if it doesn't work, don't insist, I will stop it."

Ling Tian, ​​who was guarding the road, spoke.

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