The Ling Tian world is just right now, the Great Desolate Alliance cannot collapse yet, but in this first battle, the Ling Tian world must also play an imposing manner!


And Ling Tian also waited for thousands of battleships and dozens Martial Emperor, it was such a day.

After Ling Tian’s order, tens of thousands of Star Domain battleships were led by a group of Martial Emperors. The charge Formation was fully opened and turned into one after another meteor, moved towards the battle group. Kill it.

The starship 艨艟starship never left.

Above this flagship is all the elites of Ling Tian world. No matter it is the Formation cannon used for attack and the charge tactics, they are all powerful.

You can enter the battlefield at any time.

"Hehe, really an old friend, in that fleet, I sensed the breath of the sword emperor Lu Chen and Tian Xiao. They have also become Martial Emperors."

Ling Behind Tian, ​​Qin Mingyue said with a smile.

"Well, there is no Immortal World in the war that has swept through the heavens and thousands of realms. This is also the reason why I went to win other Immortal Worlds when I was on the road of trial. It is absolutely impossible for us in the Ling Tian world."

Ling Tian faintly smiled.

How many years of hard work, for this day.

It's also time to harvest.

On the battlefield.

The coalition forces of Wu Shijie and Mortal World have assembled tens of thousands of Star Domain battleships and joined forces to fight together.

Originally, the Great Desolate Alliance had threatened and lured them, but Lu Chen and Tian Xiao were at odds with the Great Desolate world because of their relationship with Ling Tian on the trial road, so naturally they did not agree.

But in the Star Domain battles of the past century, because there is no alliance to help, the two Great Immortal realms on the God World battlefield have been suppressed.

This time, it is no exception. Originally, Lu Chen and Tian Xiao opposed the Emperor Monarch Eastflower's general offensive at this point in time.

However, because they are not the Immortal World army of the Great Desolate Alliance, the two are also the words of the lowly carry little weight, so they cannot control the situation.

Even now they can see that the Foreign Domain Demon Race side definitely has a secret trick, but they still can't do anything about the overall situation.

They can only send news to Yu Zifei and Fu Heaven Realm Lin Xi, while organizing a large fleet to break through.

Now, they can no longer control the life and death of the Great Desolate Alliance army. The survival of the main force of their Immortal World is the kingly way.

Fortunately, because it is not the Immortal World in the Great Desolate Alliance, their large fleet has always been on the edge. It is relatively simple to break through.

However, as soon as the fleet shook off the entanglement of the foreign Domain Demon Race, Lu Chen discovered that behind the Alliance Army, the stars dimmed, and bursts of strange Star Domain wind swept over him.

The speed of the entire fleet is drastically reduced.

This is definitely not a normal phenomenon.

"Lord Landshen, do you feel it!"

Tian Xiao descended from another flagship, and looked ahead, the Darkness Dao that became deeper and deeper.

"Well, it seems that, as we guessed, the army of Foreign Domain Demon Race has arrived behind us, and we seem to be a step too late!"

Lu Shen gloomy face.

Now, the fleets of the two Great Immortal realms are at the back of the battlefield. If the guess is true and the Foreign Domain Demon Race flanks back and forth, they will bear the brunt instead.

Facing the army of Foreign Domain Demon Race, two Immortal Worlds, tens of thousands of battleships, maybe mantis trying to stop a chariot.

"That's it, our two sides combined total less than 10 million troops, and the Martial Emperor only has six."

"Without the Divine Item in hand, we I'm afraid it won't last long."

Tian Xiao frowned.

"There is no other way. In order to survive, we can only charge ahead."

"Tian Xiao, we have waited for Ling Tian for a hundred years. This time, it is estimated to be waiting Not anymore."

"Kill out. If it succeeds, I will leave God World and not participate in this battle again!"

Sword Emperor Lu Shen said.

"Okay, Brother Lu Chen, just listen to you."

Tian Xiao nodded and returned to his flagship.

"The army of the endless world listens to the order, the fleet advances at full speed and kills!"

"Mortal World, charge!"

The coalition forces of the two Great Immortal worlds , Almost at the same time, Formation is fully open.

Countless Formation cannons roared, bombing into the darkness ahead.

The entire fleet also seems to have turned into a flood dragon-like star, the speed is fast to the extreme.

Like a sharp knife, plunged into the dark sky.

However, what the Martial Artists of the two Great Immortal worlds did not expect was that the energy of these Formation cannons that could destroy the stars disappeared into the darkness silently.

It's like, it's usually swallowed.

This also made the martial artists of the two Great Immortal circles understand that there really is something in the darkness ahead!

Soon, the fleet rushed into the darkness, the wind whistling, becoming more violent.

Waiting for them soon, they all got silly eyes.

Because, after the darkness, the dark giant beast wrapped in the wind of Star Domain is surprisingly densely packed.

Each of these giant beasts is about the same size as the Star Domain battleship.

It is shaped like a black whale, but it can float above the stars.

Not only that, after the appearance of these giant beasts, the densely packed dark monsters emerged from the giant beast's body, like a swarm of boundless bees, and slew towards the fleet.

These things are not unfamiliar to the Martial Artists of the two realms who have been fighting for a century on the battlefield of God World.

This is the matrix of Foreign Domain Demon Race!

However, they have never seen so many Foreign Domain Demon Races.

Moreover, some of the matrices are huge, which seems to surpass the flagship of the Star Domain where the sword emperor Lu Chen is located.

These Foreign Domain Demon Races, hidden in the wind of Star Domain, stretch for an unknown number of ten thousand li, and almost surround the entire battlefield.

At this time, they realized that the Great Desolate Alliance had already entered the trap and could not look back.

bang bang bang!

Even if the fleets of the two Great Immortal realms were prepared for a long time, they were still horribly beaten in front of absolute forces.

There is almost no resistance. The Foreign Domain Demon Race has crushed the two Great Immortal realms, both in terms of battle strength and quantity.

Even if there are tyrannical Martial Emperors such as the sword emperor Lu Chen and Tian Xiao, it is an utterly inadequate measure after all.

It’s just 5 minutes, and the two major fleets have suffered heavy losses. If this continues, it will not take long for the entire army to be wiped out.

"Lu Shen, it seems that I, Tian Xiao, can only fight here with you!"

On the flagship in the distance, Tian Xiao is holding the Emperor Treasure and the image of Sage behind it. Surging, great shout resounded across the starry sky.

"It's just a pity that I haven't married my concubine yet!"

"He he he, it's okay, brother Lu Chen, accompany you to die once!" Lu Chen smiled. It is still one sword at a time, cutting horizontally.

But every sword can smash the body of a Foreign Domain Demon Race.

If given a fair fight, Lu Shen is definitely the ultimate weapon on the battlefield.

At this time, the two world masters knew that their fleet had no hope of breaking through, and in their hearts, they were only unwilling.

Foreign Domain Demon Race The desolate horn sounded, starting a full impact.

The army on other fronts finally discovered the appearance of Foreign Domain Demon Race in the rear at this time.

They are equally frightened.

Also understand that what awaits them will be death.

"hehe, Lu Chen, Tian Xiao, we just arrived, don’t give up like this!"

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