Compared to the Great Desolate alliance, it seems that the coalition forces in the Ling Tian world are more at risk.

"His, Ling Tian, ​​it seems that our coalition forces are going to be unable to hold on anymore."

Lin Xi frowned.

The battlefront simply hasn't stabilized for long.

As there are more and more Foreign Domain Demon Races around, the alliance of Ling Tian will collapse sooner or later.

There is no other way, indeed, it is still a dead end.

"Big brother, what should I do now!"

Tian Xiao is also in a hurry.

"Not many choices..."

Ling Tian sighed and looked towards the distance, under the God World, the Great Desolate Alliance army surrounded by front and back.

"Emperor Monarch Eastflower, Ling Tian is here!"

"Now, if you can lead the alliance army and join me, maybe you can break through!"

This is an opportunity Ling Tian gave the Great Desolate Alliance.

It is also a step in the plan.

"Big brother, give up this one. The guy from the East Emperor Jun is impossible to join us."

Yu Zifei said.

Moreover, the truth is also true.

Ling Tian's voice spread over.

But I never got an answer.

The army of the Great Desolate Alliance did not react at all.

"Emperor, there is some truth to what Ling Tian said."

Among the Great Desolate Alliance army, Martial Emperor spoke.

However, the voice of the Martial Emperor fell, and the cold gaze of the Emperor Monarch Eastflower came over.

Suddenly, the Martial Emperor trembled all over, stepped back, and did not dare to make a sound anymore.

On the flagship of the alliance, hundreds of Immortal World Martial Emperors are also under the pressure of the Emperor Monarch Eastflower.

Emperor Monarch Eastflower does not speak, no one can mobilize the alliance army.

"The trifling Ling Tian world is really ridiculous."

"The army listens to the order, does not move, waits for the opportunity to break through when the Foreign Domain Demon Race besieges the Ling Tian world army!"

The voice rolled away, and the entire alliance army was as quiet as a mountain.

And then, indeed, as Emperor Monarch Eastflower said, Foreign Domain Demon Race seemed to want to break this plan, and more and more Demon Races turned their heads and besieged to the Ling Tian world army.

It's just a blink of an eye.

The direction of Ling Tian world was swallowed.

Disappeared in the sight of the Great Desolate Alliance army.

Seeing this scene, many Martial Emperors on the flagship sighed.

The opportunity was still missed.

"Hehe, big brother, you have also seen it. If the Emperor Monarch Eastflower really had that temperament and mind, it wouldn't be so."

Tian Xiao sneered.

"However, now we are afraid that we are more passive. Foreign Domain Demon Race's offense is skyrocketing." Lin Xi frowned.

At this time, more and more Foreign Domain Demon Race powerhouses have joined the front, and the Ling Tian world coalition forces are struggling to support it.

"hehe, beating somebody at their own game that's all."

However, Ling Tian sneered.

This is exactly what he wants.

Everything, but in Ling Tian's plan.

"You Martial Emperors, all join the battle line, you can drag it for a moment, count it for a moment!"

"Disciples, it's time to use you, ten unique!"

Ling Tian gave an order, and all Martial Emperors were embedded in the line of defense.

Especially the ten sons of Ling Tian, ​​even occupy the position of the formation eye of Ten Absolute Great Formation.

Ling Tian sits in the army and urges the Tiangang formation to resist the impact of Foreign Domain Demon Race.

In the faintness, Ling Tian also controlled the tens of thousands of Star Domain battleships in the Ling Tian world, and began to move on the battlefront.

Outside Ling Tian, ​​who is in the Central Army, no one can tell that he is arranging Formation.

Furthermore, Ten Absolute Great Formation is one of the Four Great Formations of the Ancients.

Before, Ling Tian had prepared two plans.

First, that is, with the Emperor Monarch Eastflower, the inside should be combined with the outside.

In this way, you can definitely ensure a successful breakthrough.

However, he also knows that this is basically impossible.

As long as he says it, no matter what Emperor Monarch Eastflower does or not, the commander of the Foreign Domain Demon Race will order a frantic siege of the defense line of the Ling Tian world.

And this is exactly what Ling Tian wants.

Ten Absolute Great Formation Such a tyrannical Killing Formation, of course, must kill the most foreign domain monsters in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, there would be no such perfect opportunity for the second time.

So, Ling Tian uses this line of defense as a bait to attract more and stronger Foreign Domain Demon Races.

the more the better!

Ling Tian sits on the ground and almost urges the battle strength of his body to the extreme, and strongly supports the Tiangang Formation.

And this also allowed the entire front to last for a full 5 minutes.

In the Foreign Domain Demon Race, a horn of desolation suddenly sounded.

Countless Demon Race roars again and again.

It seems that there is a great character in it.

"Look, what is that!?"

Suddenly, someone shouted.

They suddenly discovered that a huge monster appeared above their heads.

That volume is like a hundred times the size of Foreign Domain Demon Race.

The terrifying pressure on it makes the entire Tiangang Formation almost instantaneous, there are signs of cracking.

"It's a demon ancestor in Foreign Domain Demon Race!"

Lin Xi and the others exclaimed.

They naturally know what this demon ancestor means.

The existence of the demon ancestor level, but the leader of the monster army, even if it is not as good as the Emperor Monarch Eastflower and the heavenly demon emperor, but it is also the second in command of the Equivalent to Demon Race front.

And with the arrival of the Demon Ancestor, there is also the densely packed Demon Race matrix.

Obviously, the commander on this line has personally come.

He wants to use the power of Thunder Wanjun to kill the coalition forces in the Ling Tian world.

hong long long!

The demon ancestor was shaped like a giant kun, and let out a low roar of thunder.

Tiangang Formation, cracks spread instantly.

The crash is imminent.

"hehe, it is you who are waiting"

However, on the starship, Ling Tian sneered.

A Ten Absolute Great Formation is worth a demon ancestor, is that worth it!

"Listen, fellow members of the Thousand Worlds of the Great Desolate Alliance, I, Ling Tian, ​​now give you a chance to break through the siege!"

"The opportunity is rare, you have to grasp it Well, your lives are in your own hands!"

"Don't be sold by a certain emperor!"

Ling Tian battle strength is fully open, all around you Above, there is the shadow of Torch Dragon manifesting the heavens.

Samadhi True Fire, the candle of entering the world, rises to the sky.

"Ling Tian world!"

"Ten Absolute Great Formation, get up!"

Ling Tian sits at the core of the formation eye, Samadhi True Fire, directly ignited Ten Absolute Great Formation.

Above the ten directions, Shen Lian and the others have already opened the major formation eyes.

The tens of thousands of starships in Ling Tian's world instantly turned into an ancient formation mark, turning the entire Ling Tian world's line into an unprecedented Heavenspan array!

The turbulent Force of Great Formation is like an open sky.

Swept directly.

The horror of the big formation's prestige made Lin Xi and other world masters dumbfounded. It is really, too horrible!

The Great Desolate Alliance, which is far away at the core of the battlefield, was even dumbfounded at the fire that exploded under the distant Dark Starry Sky.

At this moment, they seem to be able to feel the God World Divine Province behind them, all roaring.

It can be seen that this great array of terrifying formidable power.

And the Emperor Monarch Eastflower, who was in the middle of the army, sat up in shock.

"Ten Absolute Great Formation!"

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