Who would have thought that at this time, Ling Tian would directly take out the Divine Item Mountains and Rivers State Chart! ?

Everyone knows that with an emperor in charge of the ancient Ten Great Divine Artifacts, it is almost invincible.

Even more how, this Emperor Monarch Eastflower is already strong in battle strength. As long as Clear Sky Tower takes the shot, then even if Ling Tian can use the sword and fingers unrestrictedly, it will still be suppressed.

After all, the real gap in cultivation realm lies there.

However, they just couldn't believe that Ling Tian was actually real, and it also had an ancient god weapon.

Not only that, this Divine Item is also a highly ranked Mountains and Rivers State Chart among the top ten ancient gods.

At the very least, it is necessary to force Clear Sky Tower.

However, compared to the surprises and doubts of other Martial Emperors, Emperor Monarch Eastflower is surprised and angry.

Because, he got the news about the Mountains and Rivers State Chart before.

Furthermore, for this Divine Item, he has sent dozens Martial Emperors including Yunlin Palace Lord, to Dark Star, and retrieve the Mountains and Rivers State Chart.

But, after so long, Yunlin Palace Lord Lu Gan has never returned, but this Mountains and Rivers State Chart has already been in Ling Tian's hands.

What the hell is going on! ?

He can't accept it!

"No, this is impossible!"

"Where is Lu Gan, why did he let you take the Mountains and Rivers State Chart!?"

Emperor Monarch Eastflower roared.

Now, if Ling Tian holds the Mountains and Rivers State Chart in his hand, then he is invincible.

And his Qi Sea has been hollowed out, and Clear Sky Tower has lost to Mountains and Rivers State Chart. The result is self-evident.

What he faces will fail.

And if he loses, he will have nothing.

"hehe, Lu Gan?"

Ling Tian sneered.

At this time, in the Mountains and Rivers State Chart overhead, the souls of that Lu Gan and the others manifested, and they moved towards Emperor Monarch Eastflower roar, seeming to want to break free.

But now they only have Remnant Soul left, and they can't even do reincarnation.

The reason why Ling Tian left Qing Xiao with their Remnant Soul is just to humiliate Emperor Monarch Eastflower that's all.



"Ling Tian, ​​you have ruined everything about this emperor!"

Emperor Monarch Eastflower said angrily.

'Oh, I ruined everything about you! ? It's better to say that it is you who ruined everything about you! "

"Emperor Monarch Eastflower, it's all you having only oneself to blame! "

"If you still have a little bit of justice, it won't be the case. "

"So, do you admit that you have lost now?" "

Ling Tian sneered.

"No, my Emperor Monarch Eastflower, how can I be defeated in your hands!" "

"This emperor will never give up!" "

Emperor Monarch Eastflower knows that he has no hole cards and can defeat Ling Tian.

But I want him to lie down.

That is impossible.

He still urges the entire Clear Sky Tower to kill Ling Tian's Mountains and Rivers State Chart.

He wants to and Ling Tian, ​​come to either the fish dies or the net splits!

"Stubborn! "

"Emperor Monarch Eastflower, you are courting death! "

"Qingxiao senior, let him know what the Mountains and Rivers State Chart is! "

Ling Tian retreats directly.

Above his head, Mountains and Rivers State Chart divine light are used to instantly evolve Heaven and Earth, exclaiming from the Martial Emperor powerhouse In the sound, moved towards the Clear Sky Tower shrouded.

That posture, seems to want to swallow the entire Clear Sky Tower!?

This looks silly other people.

Mountains and Rivers State Chart, do you ignore Clear Sky Tower so much!?

However, at the next moment, everyone understands why Ling Tian is so confident.

The Heaven and Earth mountains and rivers derived from the Mountains and Rivers State Chart quickly exceeded one hundred thousand feet, like a side World, constantly moving towards the Clear Sky Tower falling down.

Clear Sky Tower shook wildly, but Perhaps Divine Item itself, or the Artifact Spirit in it, is still not comparable to the Great Emperor Qingxiao, but the divine light was instantly suppressed, and a little bit was swallowed into the Mountains and Rivers State Chart.

If this continues, Clear Sky Tower will sooner or later be swallowed by the Mountains and Rivers State Chart.

Once the Clear Sky Tower is gone, the Emperor Monarch Eastflower will undoubtedly die!

Mountains and Rivers State Chart, in Ling Tian's hands, is too powerful.

"It's over! "

On the Great Desolate Alliance side, a group of Martial Emperors, such as prepare for there funeral.

If the Emperor Monarch Eastflower perishes, they will all merge into the Ling Tian Alliance. From then on, Send it under the fence.

"Ah! ! "

The Emperor Monarch Eastflower frantically urged Clear Sky Tower to resist the divine force of the Mountains and Rivers State Chart.

However, everything seemed to be in vain.

Ling Tian can continuously inject divine force into the Mountains and Rivers State Chart.

But Emperor Monarch Eastflower can’t.

Quickly, but within 5 minutes, Clear Sky Tower It has already been swallowed by the Mountains and Rivers State Chart.

Seeing that, the Emperor Monarch Eastflower is about to fall.

But at this moment, the mutation emerges.

Above the dark sky, suddenly there was an extremely powerful Divine Item coercion, which came down.

It even affected the divine force of the Mountains and Rivers State Chart.

Before the army, Ling Tian's face turned cold, looked towards the direction of the starry sky.

coldly snorted, spit out from the mouth.

However, a huge cauldron still appeared in the sky. Above.

That is an extremely dark cauldron.

On top of it, there seems to be a heavenly demon Totem, which is full of ancient aura.

The boundless ocean tide god ring shrouded.

As soon as it appeared, it was suppressed on the Mountains and Rivers State Chart.

Ling Tian shook all over, already clearly feeling the pressure.

"It is one of the furnaces of ancient ancient god! "

At the moment when Cauldron appeared, on the battlefield, Qin Yao and other world masters were cry out in surprise.

They were no strangers to this furnace.

Because, a hundred years ago, the Heavenly Demon Emperor used it during the battle with the Emperor Monarch Eastflower.

This is the symbol of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Now that the Heavenly Refining Furnace is coming, it means that the heavenly demon emperor is here!

He has crossed the entire God World and came to the Great Desolate side.

Moreover, at this critical time, suppress the Mountains and Rivers State Chart.

Everyone can’t figure out what this heavenly demon monarch wants to do!

"hahaha, How could the two emperors’ gamble be without the emperor? "

Of course, a voice sounded, and the heavenly demon emperor appeared before the furnace.

He only came here alone, but suspended in front of the furnace, it seemed like nothing People can shake.

Even when the Mountains and Rivers State Chart suppressed Clear Sky Tower and couldn't Avatar, it was suppressed by this furnace.

Clear Sky Tower’s pressure plummeted, allowing the Emperor Monarch Eastflower under it to breathe.

"Heavenly demon, what do you mean!" ? "

Ling Tian's eyes are cold.

The sudden appearance of the heavenly demon emperor is indeed beyond Ling Tian's expectation.

Moreover, he was before, unexpectedly. There is no induction.

It shows that this heavenly demon has a lot of methods, and the battle strength, most likely, is above the Emperor Monarch Eastflower.

Dayuan Ancient God Device, even if the Mountains and Rivers State Chart is strong, it won’t work.

"It’s meaningless, the Emperor is also the Sovereign under the heavens. Now, I turn up without being invited, naturally. I want to defeat you all! "

"Under these heavens, it is time to unify. "

"And the lord of the heavens is my heavenly demon emperor! "

"Liantian furnace, suppress! "

The Divine Item cauldron divine might quake, Ling Tian had to let the Mountains and Rivers State Chart take it back.

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