"Vermilion Bird, now, let go, you have no chance."

Ling Tian descended from the sky.

This Vermilion Bird is the last level of the Forbidden Land of Hell Mountain.

Getting Splitting Heaven Ax, the battle of Divine Province, is considered half won.

"he he he......"

A sweet laugh, resounding through the Hell Mountain.

The Vermilion Bird did not turn around, but this figure is indeed full of charm in its majesty.

"Damn, this Vermilion Bird is really a girl!"

In the distance, Qin Shaoyang said dumbly.

"hmph, the ignorant junior, you are worthy of blaspheming the Vermilion Bird god!"

The Golden Crow was furious, and the golden spear was fierce, shaking Qin Shaoyang down.

"Damn, what are your bald chickens excited about!""

"Tell you, as long as you are a woman, there is no such thing as my brother-in-law. You are slaughtered! "

Qin Shaoyang yelled and killed him again.

The fight on the Hell Mountain, they couldn’t get in.

And at this time, Under Ling Tian's gaze, the Vermilion Bird above the altar also slowly got up and turned around.

"Are you the emperor of the Human Race, Ling Tian? "

This Vermilion Bird is dressed in a scarlet armor, and outlines the entire figure. It is lithe and graceful, and it is a peerless posture.

But when Ling Tian looks at it When he landed on the face of Vermilion Bird, his body shook and his heart shook wildly!

Because, this face is so familiar to him.

Master Li!


It turned out to be Master Li!

This is the only one of Ling Tian’s wives in the lower realm, and he did not reunite with Ling Tian.

And Ling Tian, ​​also I almost searched thousands of realms, but I didn’t find any news about Li Shishi.

I never thought that she is now an Ancient Divine Beast, Vermilion Bird!?

No This is impossible!

In any case, Master Li will not be Divine Beast Vermilion Bird.

The latter is Ancient Divine Beast, which is dedicated to the God Fire Palace.

Let's live with Heaven and Earth.

How could it be comparable to Master Li.

"You have transformed your appearance! ? "

"Want to mess up my mind, don't you? "

Ling Tian's complexion suddenly became cold.

This Vermilion Bird has already touched his bottom line.

"Transformed appearance! ? Do you think that in front of you, this great god is worth doing that? "

"Ling Tian Monarch, you are not immune, you have taken too much of yourself, right? "

Unexpectedly, the smile on Vermilion Bird's face also suddenly disappeared.

"It's not a transfiguration, then Master Li, what does it have to do with you!" ? "

Ling Tian's complexion changed, he wouldn't believe that things are such a coincidence.

"He he he, what you said, but my Vermilion Bird back then Plume? ? "

Vermilion Bird raised his hand, and a flame feather hovered above his palm.

The feather collapsed, and then turned into a small soul.

That is astonishingly, the innocent and innocent Master Li like a girl!

However, at this time, Master Li seems to be just a Dao Soul soul, his eyes closed tightly, as if fallen.

"Teacher? ! "

At this moment, Ling Tian finally couldn't control his expression.

He was shocked, and the next moment was furious.

Myriad Dao Laws surged, and the power of Samadhi True Fire skyrocketed.

"Give her back to me! "

Too Shang stretched out his hand and grabbed it directly at Vermilion Bird.

Regardless of the facts, Li Shishi is his woman!

"he he he, get angry in front of me, thinking that I will be afraid that you will not succeed? "

However, Vermilion Bird didn't seem to put Ling Tian's upper palm in his eyes at all.

The plain hand stretched out, and a scarlet battle axe fell down, which meant Ling Tian It’s too palm-printed and shattered.

"I have to admit that your own divine ability, even in God World back then, rarely has great divine ability.


"However, the great god is different from me. I am the ancient Vermilion Bird. Even if Juntian sees the deity, he must be courteous. "

Vermilion Bird, put away the feathers.

"Tell me, what is going on with all this!" "

"Master, where are you now!" ? "

Ling Tian's chest rises and falls, a pair of frightening eyes, staring coldly at the Vermilion Bird god.

"Hehe, tell you, it doesn't matter. "

"And, all of this, thanks to you. "

There was another weird smile on Vermilion Bird's face.

"The story starts with the collapse of God World. "

"I will not tell you the cause of the matter, and you will know the answer soon, without asking me. "

"In short, in that battle, apart from your younger sister Juntian, there was hardly any Divine Race that was spared. "

"Including the deity. "

"However, my Vermilion Bird is dedicated to the temple, how can I collapse with Divine Province? "

"I have an Undying Body, but I want to keep a feather. "

"And this feather, I erased the Vermilion Bird aura on it in advance, and put it into the lower realm. "

"I was the body of a catastrophe, your younger sister, didn't want me to live. "

"hehe, so, I am afraid that Jun Tian did not expect that this feather of mine would fall on your side of Ling Tian. "

"Didn't Juntian want to protect you?" My Ling Yu, as long as he follows you, he won't die! "

"So, my Dao Soul soul successfully ascended to Immortal World, and after ascending, I was taken to Divine Province, allowing me to be reborn smoothly, instead of turning into that hateful Heart Demon. "

"So, if you want to ask Lingyu, I can tell you that she is dead. "

"Fart! "However, how can Ling Tian's Li Shishi be used by Vermilion Bird in this way, even if Li Shishi is just a feather of Vermilion Bird, that is also his own woman.

He doesn't allow him, Li Shishi falls!


"Return me, Master! "

Ling Tian's big hands fell one after another, and under his anger, Ling Tian just wanted to take back and get Lingyu!

"hahaha, it looks like this Lingyu you are to me, Really have a soft spot! ""

"But, what's the use of this?"

Vermilion Bird's divine fire soars to the sky, dissolving Ling Tian's divine ability.

"Your battle strength is not my opponent at all. Now, this Splitting Heaven Ax, I am bound to win, and only me is worthy of this Divine Transformation device!"

"If you don't want to die, I can let you follow me, and it can be regarded as understanding the entanglement between you and me, how about it!?"

"Wishful thinking, you deserve it too!" But, Ling Tian Can be bewitched by Vermilion Bird! ?

"Mountains and Rivers State Chart!"

At this time, Ling Tian took out Divine Item directly.

He has not yet been promoted to the Great Emperor, and he really cannot compete with the Vermilion Bird body.

At the very least, Samadhi True Fire and Nine Heavens Xuanhuo are far worse than those of Nine Heavens.

"hahahaha, not bad, it really is Mountains and Rivers State Chart!"

"When I saw this Divine Item last time, I couldn't remember whose hands it was Now!"

"tsk tsk, the Artifact Spirit in it, has all changed."

"Shanhe Sheji, can you stop me Nine Heavens Vermilion Bird?"

The Great God of Vermilion Bird seemed to get excited. She stretched out her bare hand, and Nine Heavens burst into the sky, transforming into an incomparable gigantic Vermilion Bird, marveling at the coverage of the Mountains and Rivers State Chart of Great Britain.

Above, the divine fire surging, the fiery strength of Raging Flames, even suppressing the divine force of the Mountains and Rivers State Chart, all faded!

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