However, the more complete the world of Peach Garden, the stronger the Heavenly Tribulation that Ling Tian will face.

When Transcending Tribulation became the Martial Emperor before, Ling Tian could even order Heavenly Tribulation to go through smoothly.

But this time, it is different.

Furthermore, the Taixing Sword, which incorporates a complete Stellar Sword blade, will face the terrifying Thunder Tribulation in order to be promoted to the Great Emperor Divine Item.

By then, Taixingjian will become Divine Sword.

At this moment, above the Peach Garden, the robbery is rolling, and the entire world is already covered.

Any creature in Peach Garden hides in horror at this time.

The Heavenly Tribulation in Ling Tian's eyes, in their eyes, is a disaster that can destroy the world.

Today's Ling Tian, ​​Qingyi hunts and hunts, with silver hair flying.

The Taixing Sword is suspended in front of you, and it becomes Heaven and Earth. The stars, the sun and the moon, shine in the sky.

"Yaoyao, it's okay, come on!"

Ling Tian leaned over and looked towards Tao Yaoyao below.

Today, it is Tao Yaoyao who controls Heavenly Tribulation.

"Okay, tell you, I won't have any reservations. The stronger Heavenly Tribulation, the stronger your Transcending Tribulation succeeds, and the stronger Peach Garden!"

"You are dead!"

Tao Yaoyao still reminded.

"hahaha, don't worry, it will kill me, it will never be Heavenly Tribulation!"

Ling Tian laughed.

"Come, get ready, you and Xiao Lei's Heavenly Tribulation, come together, let the formidable power be stronger!"

Ling Tian: "You play me?"



However, the first Dao Tribulation thunder has come down.

The real thunder from the sky, after the Lei Mang wandered through the heavens, it came down.

At this time, the thunder has turned into a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, dressed in thunder armor, armed with thunder guns, and charged.

Ling Tian raises his eyes, directly with a palm print, blasting away.


magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, thunder burst.

The first Dao Tribulation Lei, just like this, was shattered by Ling Tian's punch.

However, it is not over yet, Ling Tian stands up, One Foot Treading Heaven, so that 2nd Heavenly Tribulation, which has not had time to come down, is also dead.

"Hey, Ling Tian, ​​are you still enthusiastic!?"

"Hey, Heavenly Dao of this Miss is a bully!?"

Below Taoyao pinched her waist, adjusted the animation heavenly thunder cloud again, and gathered into a 100,000-square-meter purple thunder divine spear, moving towards Ling Tian and slashed down.

"You come for real!?"

This 3rd tribulation thunder is extraordinary, Ling Tian loudly shouts, grabbing Taixing Sword and greeted him.

Under the infinite sword, sword light and spear glow shattered at the same time.

3rd Heavenly Tribulation, Ling Tian’s Promise Sword Art has been forced out.

"Hehe, go on!"

Tao Yaoyao became very interested, and 4th Heavenly Tribulation turned into a giant cauldron, and moved towards Ling Tian smashed it down.

giant cauldron ten thousand ways are intertwined, it is like a distant ancient god!

This Heavenly Tribulation must be played out by Tao Yaoyao!

This time, Ling Tian was violently shocked by Divine Item, and the three Wuji Sword Art shattered the thunder giant cauldron.

However, the fifth Heavenly Dao Tribulation, follow closely from behind.

But this time, Thunder turned into a Heavenly God carrying a stick!

That look, how can it look like Emperor Zhou'e! ?

"Yaoyao, what are you doing!?"

Ling Tian frowned, this Tao Yaoyao is really too foolish.

Furthermore, this Heavenly Tribulation has not only transformed into the appearance of Emperor Zhou'e, but the auras in it are all very similar.

"hehe, see who is great between you and Ehuang's elder sister!"

Under Tao Yaoyao's control, Heavenly Tribulation wielded a stick Divine Item and smashed it down.

The formidable power is so strong that it is not much worse than the real Emperor Zhou'e.

In Peach Garden, Ling Tian cannot use the mysterious sword, so he can only use the Taixing sword and his own fleshy body to fight hard.

This time, Ling Tian was beaten by Heavenly Tribulation all over his body with cuts and bruises before blasting that Heavenly Tribulation to pieces.

And the sixth Heavenly Dao Tribulation, appeared in the sky full of vortex, it was once again Emperor Zhou'e, but above the head of Emperor Zhou'e at this time, the giant cauldron before was suspended!

The stick in his hand has also been replaced with the previous thunder gun.

"Yaoyao, is it over!?"

Ling Tian is going to curse.

"It's too early!"

"It's not that easy to want Transcending Tribulation, come!"

Yaoyao controlled the arrival of Emperor Zhou'e.

This time, Ling Tian was directly knocked off the dust.


a mouthful of blood spurted, Ling Tian's entire arm was shattered.

Because the opponent is Heavenly Dao, this time, Ling Tian cannot use Heavenly Dao Strength to restore his fleshy body in a short time.

"Yaoyao, is it too late."

Under the peach tree, Li Shishi and Qin Mingyue frowned.

Looking at Ling Tian's injury, they felt so distressed.

"Aiya, what are you worried about? This injury is nothing to him. He can't die."

"Don't worry, I just want to let him know , What is the opponent he will face.'

"Only know the gap, can you become stronger! "

However, Tao Yaoyao didn't mean to stop, and the last Heavenly Dao Tribulation was condensed.

This time, it is no longer in the form of Emperor Zhou'e.

It’s a seemingly burly Heavenly God, with the crown and the scepter of God’s power, he manifested from Thunder Tribulation.

"God, this what the hell is that. "

Qin Shaoyang is dumbfounded.

This tribulation thunder Wan Daoguang is slippery, covering the entire sky.

It can be seen by naked eye, and the entire Peach Garden is shaking.

It even made them feel that this Dao Tribulation Lei Zhiqiang might ruin the Peach Garden!

"This...maybe the Divine King you are going to face, I only He can raise his battle strength to this point, but I can tell you that the real Divine King is more terrifying than this! "

"If you can't handle the Heavenly Dao Tribulation, then even if you become the Great Emperor, you still won't be the opponent of the Divine King. "

"Our final ending is also death! "

Tao Yaoyao's face suddenly became cold.

"he he he, very good! "

"It's rare to meet such a powerful opponent. "

"Heavenly Tribulation, just let me kill it!" "

Ling Tian stood up from the dust, held the sword with one hand, and shot it at that god King-like Heavenly Tribulation.

After a cup of tea.

The thundercloud dissipates.

The light of the big sun shines on the entire Peach Garden world.

The rumbling sound dissipates, and gradually, the creatures in the world are trembling with fear Stepped out of the hiding place.

They looked at the world around in astonishment, but discovered that after the natural disaster, the entire world was not destroyed, but the immortal spiritual qi breath in the space became more pure Get up.

Countless exotic flowers and rare herbs, taking root and sprout, the entire world, are full of life.

Under the peach forest.

Qin Shaoyang blurred his flesh and blood, leaving only Ling Tian with a breath of breath, and entered the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Paths on his back.

Heavenly Tribulation still passed without risk.

But Ling Tian, It's just a breath.

"Not bad, this time Peach Garden has absorbed a lot of energy! "

"Ling Tian still has a red lotus industry fire, don't worry about him. "

Tao Yaoyao clapped her hands with joy on her face.

"Hey. "

Qin Mingyue and Li Shishi looked at each other, but they both sighed.

If it were not helpless, they did not want Ling Tian to be so painful.

But Fortunately, Heavenly Tribulation has passed.

The recovered Ling Tian will become the Great Emperor.

True, Divine Province God.

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