Immediately, the entire divine ability shattered.

There is a fire without space, which turns into a pillar of Heavenly Fire, like a chaotic candle, lighting up the entire wilderness.

Ling Tian, ​​standing among the pillars of fire, looking down at Jiuying.

"This is the divine ability that you carefully prepared?"

"Also, only this!"

Ling Tian is suspended in the fire of no room.

The flames began to spread in the wilderness.

This is the first time for Ling Tian, ​​above the Great Wilderness, to display all his aura, truly using the formidable power of Infinite Fire.

The infinite fire, pale color, but surging with extreme heat.

Even the Golden Crow fire displayed by the nine infants, under this flame, all dissipated.

Only acknowledge allegiance.

"This, is this the flame that is not within Five Elements?"

At this time, on the head of Jiuying, the hideousness finally ceased.

His face changed dramatically.

He just realized that Ling Tian actually has a flame like this fire.

The flames that are not in Five Elements can only be contended with the quintessential Golden Crow fire.

At least, his can't work.

"I know, but it's too late."

Ling Tian laughed and raised the Fuxi sword in his hand. Back then, Da Yi shot you with the power of the divine bow. Today, I I won't let you live in the world again! "

Ling Tian said, suddenly raised his hand, the chaotic clock manifested on the top of his head.

The bell rang and shook the sky, and descended on the top of the Jiuying.

"Supreme Divine Item, Chaos Clock? "

Jiuying was shocked.

Ling Tian, ​​as one of the Three Purities, has the Supreme Divine Item that was born out of chaos.

This etc. Divine Item represents the mighty power of Heaven and Earth.

How tyrannical.

Supreme divine light is suppressed.

Thousands of miles of pressure permeate, like a great mountain, Nine Infant Suppression.


Nine Infant roars.

She is a Three Realms alien, Monster Race Supreme.

Back then, even the god Da Yi failed to kill her. This time, how could she willingly die at the hands of Ling Tian.

Amidst the screaming screams, Nine Infants manifested enormously The body.

Similar to Jiulong's body, but the head looks like a hideous human face.

The body is huge, even surpassing Xiangliu.

Nine heads soaring to the sky, withstood the fallen chaos clock.

She actually wanted to use the fleshy body to block the Supreme Divine Item?

"a mantis trying to stop a chariot! "

But Ling Tian gave a sneer, and suddenly fell on the Chaos Clock.


The sound of the Chaos Bell shook the wild, shaking the Golden Mother God World. .

Supreme Divine Item, originally Ling Tian’s Life Source Supreme Treasure.

Under his shaking, how can it be Jiuying that can resist?

"ao! "

The nine infants wailed, and fell straight under the chaotic clock like a sacred mountain.

Crushed to the ground and was crushed on the wilderness.


A wave of air swept away, shaking Athena and the others back out.

Above the chaotic clock, thousands of runes surround, and simple divine light lingers.

He fell there, like an Ancestral Item of Chaos, immutable.

Jiuying was suppressed by the Chaos Clock. No matter how hard he struggles, he can’t get rid of the chaos. Zhong’s suppression.

"No, impossible! "

Jiuying is still roar.

He cannot understand why Ling Tian was able to suppress it like this.

Could it be that this person is better than Da Yi of the year , Is it better?

"You are just a rat. "

"Where is the nine spirit essence?" "

At this time, Ling Tian fell in front of the Chaos Clock.

His eyes were looked towards the depths of the Great Wilderness.

These nine infants have three different heads.

The beast was not placed in Ling Tian's eyes.

He wanted to look for immortal elixir and nine spirit essence sages.

"Bah! "

"Just you, also worthy of the name of the grandfather? ”

Jiuying surprised and angry.

The spirit essence of the nine spirits is extremely high in Monster Race.

Even if it is the overlord of the nine spirits, It must be commensurate with the grandfather.

The sage of the nine spirit essence is extremely high, and it is the true post-Heavenly God only. Ling Tian is the reincarnated Three Purities Supreme, so in their opinion, its I don’t know how much it is lower than the sage of the nine spirit essence.

"Noisy, since the sage of the nine spirit essence does not come out, then I will kill you all. "

Ling Tian screamed, and the Fuxi sword fell, and one of Jiuying’s head was cut off.


The Jiuying cry was extremely miserable. The wailing.

This is not only pain, but also humiliation.

As Ling Tian’s sword fell, Jiuying’s head was chopped off one after another.

Until the last sword disappeared, under the chaotic clock, blood was already flowing into a river.

The monstrous blood, with the Supreme divine force of Jiuying, spread over the strange rocks.

This is the Supreme Overlord, the alien beast of Saint Sovereign Level, but in front of Ling Tian, ​​it looks like fish on the chopping board, let it be slaughtered.

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and took the Divine of the nine infants Pick up the Spark soul.

This is Ranked 3rd’s nine monster souls, the Great Demon of the Ancient Boundary period, and the Divine Spark of the nine babies.

Rare Supreme Treasure, value Very high.

"Nine spirit essence saints, you are also a post-Heavenly God, a side Supreme, don’t you show up now? "

Ling Tian's voice spreads in the Great Wilderness.

In the Great Wilderness at this time, the strange aura that enveloped all has disappeared.

"hehe, nameless junior, even with the good luck of Three Purities, what can he do? "

"You don't deserve to be seen by the old man. "

"I advise you to leave quickly!" "

In the depths of the great wilderness, there was not completely dispelled by Ling Tian's sword intent.

At this time, a voice finally sounded.

"Grandpa , Please avenge Jiuying! "

The enlightened beast knelt and wailed.

He has been terrified.

"Don't worry, no one can let it go when I leave. "

The spirit essence of the nine indifferently said.

Its voice fell, and there was a large black tide in the depths of the wilderness.

It seems that I want to make the core The land is again banned, so that Ling Tian cannot enter it.

"Nine spirit essence saints, these things can't stop the deity! "

After that, Ling Tian lifted up and down between the ups and downs.

"Zhan, holy, sword! "


The shocking sword finally fell.

This holy sword, even now, is still Ling Tian's most powerful There is no divine ability.

This time, I just lift the sword at will.

That terrifying sword intent rages across the heavens.

In this sword Under the intent, even Athena and the Enlightened Beast retreated in horror.

Athena stared wide-eyed.

Apparently she was frightened by Ling Tian's holy sword. .

This is too strong!

Sword intent splits the sky, as if to split the entire wilderness in half.

That's it. The surging Kuroshio was even more split from it by this sword.

sword qi three thousand miles, straight into the core of the great wilderness.

Ling Tian’s chaotic clock above his head, follow After sword qi.

"Today, the deity, you must see the nine spirit essence sages. "

"The gods of ten thousand laws, can't resist! "

Before the voice was over, Ling Tian had already arrived at the core of the great wasteland.

There is a storm here, and the breath that can swallow life force comes from this storm. Amidst it.

On Ling Tian’s eyebrows, there is a mark of Heaven and Earth flickering, his eyes condensed slightly.

At this moment, he finally saw the true body of the Nine Spirit Essence Saints .

I also know the meaning of nine and ten.

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