"What's the matter?"

"How could they come out of the wilderness."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Among the nine cities, that many Heaven's Chosen.

In any case, it is not their turn.

Moreover, these four people are not after the City Lord of Jiucheng.

It is really unimaginable.

Not only that, behind Ling Tian, ​​some figures appeared.

"There are still people, so many people came out of the wilderness this time?"

"Nine cities Heaven's Chosen, behind?"

Those The City Lords of Jiucheng looked around.

They really can't believe that their descendants will always stay in the wilderness.

"No, it's not right, this is not Heaven's Chosen, it's all Li Family powerhouse!"

"Only they came out!"

But when After seeing those Martial Artists clearly, the City Lord of Jiucheng all exploded.

Because these are not only Martial Artists of Li Family.

Moreover, the Great Desolate Gate above the sky has been completely destroyed at this time.

The passage of the Great Wilderness has disappeared above the Golden Mother God World.

In other words, all Heaven's Chosen in the other nine cities have all been buried in them.


"Impossible like this!"

Su Family patriarch shook his head, his face suddenly grim.

"Where did Su Family come from?"

"Dead." Li Feier looked down.

"And you, Heaven's Chosen of Nine Cities, all died in the great wilderness."

She looked towards other City Lords again.

"No, impossible!"

"Why are you still alive?"

"Immortal elixir! Maybe they have immortal elixir!"



But obviously, they don't care much about the life and death of their descendants.

Suddenly the City Lord thought of immortal elixir.

Since someone has walked out of the wilderness, it is possible to get immortal elixir.

For a time, the complexion of all City Lords suddenly changed, suddenly blooming with the breath of Saint Sovereign, killing the four Ling Tian.

Compared with the descendants of Saint Sovereign Heaven's Chosen, immortal elixir is obviously much more expensive.

Nine City Lords, the cultivation base is above Saint Sovereign, and the battle strength is good.

How terrifying the breath is under the cooperation.

However, neither Ling Tian nor Athena ever did it.

Instead, Nalan Xing'er and Li Fei'er stood up at the same time.

The two divine abilities arose at once, condensed into a light shield and stood in front of you.

This time in the Great Wilderness, they can say that they are paddling the whole process.

Failed to have a chance to true battle.

In Ling Tian, ​​kill the nine spirit essence saints and return to the Golden Mother God World.

The two have also received many cultivation resources and Power of Time blessings. Today, the realm of Saint Sovereign Early-Stage is quite solid.

So at this time, I couldn't help but want to give it a try.

After all, these Nine City City Lords are far less powerful than the nine beasts in the Great Wilderness.

"Hehe, the praying man arm is blocked!"

"Overestimate one's capabilities!"

However, when I saw the trifling two juniors, I wanted to block them.

The City Lord of Nine Towns laughed.


However, when the divine ability shook each other suddenly.

Among the City Lords of Jiucheng, someone complexion changed.

Because the divine ability of these two women actually blocked them in a short time.

"Saint Sovereign?'

"Such a solid Saint Sovereign breath? "

At this time, they discovered that both Li Fei'er and Nalan Xing'er had reached Saint Sovereign.

Moreover, they were not new to Saint Sovereign.


The thickness of this divine ability is clearly like Saint Sovereign who has been immersed for many years.

It's really weird.

ka-cha !

But, after all, the two women are still juniors, and the opposite is the nine City Lords.

Three breaths.

The divine ability of the two women just persisted for three breaths, and they all fell apart. .

This is already their limit.


The nine City Lords are coldly snorted.

Although The battle strength of Li Fei'er and Nalan Xing'er has far surpassed their descendants.

But they are still not in their eyes.

As long as you get immortal elixir, The life and death of these people, they will not take seriously.

"Okay! "

Seeing that the figures of the two girls of Nalan are about to be swallowed by the divine ability.

Athena finally speaks.

Her bare hands are raised, the sky is The shield light is to wrap the two women.


Another huge shock.

But this time, the divine of the nine city Lords The ability seems to have fallen on the invulnerable Formation.

After the loud noise, all the divine abilities dissipated.

But the two women behind the light shield were unharmed.


Even, even a single hair has not been lifted.


Above the light shield in front of the two women, rays of still flow light and rune.

Solid as a rock.

"What Divine Item is this? "

"No, she, her cultivation base? "

"Saint Sovereign! ? "

Someone suddenly looked towards Athena.

It was only then that they could not see the depth of Athena.

This guy’s cultivation base, absolutely It’s the realm of killing two corpses.

Then this realm definitely surpasses the other City Lords of Nine Cities.

Only the light shield, they can’t break through.

"Get out! "


next moment, the light shield is a sudden, sweeping wave swept away, overturning all the nine City Lords.

They can't even hold on to a breath.


"Who are they? ”

Nine City Lords looked at each other in blank dismay.

They already understood at this time that they could not stop these people.

These powerhouses, It's definitely not from God World.

"Let's go. "

Ling Tian also spoke.

Soon Tsing Yi white hair slowly, moved towards that holy palace descends.

Now, the matter of the Great Wilderness has been resolved, He, is going to see the Golden Mother and the Holy Empress.

I want to come, the Golden Mother and the Holy Empress should also be waiting for him.

The nine City Lords suppressed the shock in their hearts, I can only follow from a distance.

I don’t know what these other powerhouses where God World descends on want to do.

But God World, there is still a queen.

However, when everyone came to the outside of the Holy Palace, they suddenly realized that the Formation, the guardian of the Holy Palace, not only did not rise.

Instead, they were all removed.

Even the closed palace doors are all open at this time.

This, in the eyes of the City Lord of Jiucheng, is still unimaginable.

"hehe. "

Ling Tian chuckled when he saw this scene.

It seemed that it was similar to what he had thought before.

This golden mother and queen , I was already waiting for him.

"Ling Tian Lord of Divine World Ling Tian. "

"I have come to visit the Queen Mother of Gold! ”

Ling Tian, ​​moved towards the holy palace, arched her hands far away.

Anyway, the holy queen of the golden mother is also regarded as the post-Heavenly God only, the descendant of Doumu.

Respect for status.

"Having heard the name of Ling Tian Saint Sovereign for a long time, it is worthy of the reincarnation of Three Purities. "

"Hurry in! "

When Ling Tian's voice fell, in the holy palace, there was a golden light suddenly rising.

Condensed into a Heavenly Saint emperor's face.

It was a hazy figure of a woman, sit cross-legged on the ancient lotus, surrounded by nine stars, divine might flourish, and instantly enveloped the entire holy kingdom.

"Meet the Holy Queen ! '

All the Martial Artists outside the holy palace knelt down in the void.

The Queen of Saint hasn't been manifested for many years.

Even Nalan and Li Fei'er are no exception.

At least for now, they are still the subjects of God World.


Ling Tian nodded, and together with Athena, landed outside the gate of the holy palace, and then slowly moved towards the holy palace.

Although Ling Tian can feel that within the powerful aura of the Saint Empress, it is actually an arrow at the end of its flight.

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