sword qi three thousand miles, Yu Yan’s sword seems to be trying to tear the entire Giant Deer City apart.

In just less than half a year, this Yu Yan's battle strength has soared again.

"hehe, only this!"

However, in the eyes of Shen Xiaoyao, he doesn't care about the same realm.

The big hand shook, and the Great Destruction Zhuxian Blade swept out.

This Divine Weapon is made by mixing Purple Heaven Divine Thunder refining with Zhuxian Remnant Sword and Great Extinction, which is comparable to Supreme Divine Item.

Shen Xiaoyao doesn't need to use Brahma's image at all. A single blow at the extreme state is enough to no stronghold one cannot overcome.


The sharp blade transforms gas for five thousand miles.

The sword qi of Yuyan only persisted for a moment, and then they collapsed one after another.


sword intent backlash, that Yuyan retreated wildly.

The pictures of Saint Sovereign behind him began to tremble.

a mouthful of blood spurted, Yu Yan's eyes were filled with surprise.

This Shen Xiaoyao is even more terrifying than before!

Is it true that what this guy said is true, he didn't try his best in the previous fight?

"This is impossible!"

Yu Yan couldn't believe everything he saw.

He is the emperor of Human Sovereign and the strongest Heaven's Chosen of the ancient Human Race.

How can you lose to Outland Human Race?

"I'll try it!"

At this time, Ji Chun, the emperor of the week, also came down, and the emperor's gun divine glow in his hand was like a thousand miles of white training.

"Ji Chun, your opponent is me!"

However, it was Ling Hanxun who shot this time.

She stepped on the eternal Golden Lotus, and the sword in her hand was like the sun and the moon, and the sword collapsed, and the void cracked a pitch-black gap.


The same.

Ji Chun's spear glow was also smashed.

Flying upside down.

So far, the two Human Sovereign emperors have just taken action and they have declared defeat.

This gives absolute silence within the Xia Zhou coalition camp.

All Saint Sovereign looked at each other in blank dismay.

Unable to accept this fact.

Yu Yan and Ji Chun are the emperor.

After Yanhuang Human Sovereign, it is the Human Race with the most innate talent in this God World.

Why are you all invincible now?

"Who are you guys anyway!?"

Yu Yan grinned.

The battle strength of Shen Xiaoyao and Ling Hanxun is so strong that he can't see through.

This is definitely not a simple Outland Human Race, they are all underestimated.

"Hehe, don't you know?"

However, the ancestor witch spoke.

"He is the reincarnation of Three Purities, Heavenspan Cult Lord!"

"What!? Three Purities Heavenspan?!" Now, Yu Yan and Ji Chun cry out in surprise at the same time .

This Shen Xiaoyao has been concealed to the present.

Furthermore, Tian Wu and Hephaes did not talk to them either.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Yu Yan frowned.

"Hehe, I said, you are afraid you have been subdued long ago!"

Hephaes sneered.


Yu Yan and Ji Chun looked at each other.

Indeed, if they had known that Shen Xiaoyao was the reincarnation of Three Purities, perhaps the situation would not develop into such a bad situation.

"But now it’s up to you. Three Purities Heavenspan is useless. Today, I will die!"

Hephaes looked towards Tianwu, "I destroyed the Heavenspan, you Kill the daughter of the Supreme!"

The voice fell, and Hephaes took the lead.

The fire of melting the sky swept across the sky, and the fiery atmosphere of Severing The Three Corpses swept across, causing the Xia Zhou coalition forces to begin to flee.

The flames shook the waves, like a tsunami, pressing towards Shen Xiaoyao.

Hephaes is an ancient mysterious, comparable to the Heavenly God of Ancient Boundary. The battle strength of Severing The Three Corpses is released again, how terrifying.

The pressure of this flame seems to melt a world.

Shen Xiaoyao's Immortal Qi breath also faded under the flame.

"Then, let's fight!"

Shen Xiaoyao's mouth curled up.

Since the Battle of West Heaven Realm, he has indeed not experienced any challenges.

next moment, Shen Xiaoyao rises from the sky.

Brahma Dharma took out.

The image of Four Heads Eight Arms, able to support both heaven and earth.

Shen Xiaoyao's breath, also in the breath, skyrocketed again.

He stretched out his eight arms, using the power of moving the universe to build a great wall.

Block the fire.


The horrible flame hit, Shen Xiaoyao groaned, and stepped back again and again.

A terrifying ravine and canyon split in front of Giant Deer City.

The Saint Sovereign on both sides of the battle is already stupid.

Is this the strength of Three Purities Heavenspan?

The power of slashing two corpses, resisting Hephaes, one of Oss Twelve Main Gods?

"hehe, Suwen Three Purities Heavenspan reincarnated with eight arms in the reincarnation. It is really name is not in vain when I saw it today!"

"But unfortunately, there is still my god today. Wu is here!"

Zu Wutian Wu sneered, his body roared, boundless flood, torrential down.

Since the power of fire is nothing, try Power of Water!

Ling Hanxun came before Shen Xiaoyao's Dharma, and the power of the Golden Lotus of the eternal age had been mobilized to the extreme, trying to resist the water of Tianwu.

However, Ling Hanxun has the Heavenspan sword intent, but after all, there is too much difference in the cultivation base, and there is no secret technique like Brahma to skyrocket battle strength.

She only resisted three breaths before she was pressed down into the sky.


Water and fire blend together, and space is boiling at this moment.

The violent breath rushed into the sky, making Shen Xiaoyao unable to hold on anymore.


Shen Xiaoyao tried his best to tear apart the fire and water with eight arms holding the Da Mie Zhu Xian.


The fire and water are rolling, going from both sides of Giant Deer City.

Shen Xiaoyao used his ultimate blade to save Giant Deer City. ,

Otherwise, under this blow, Giant Deer City will be completely swallowed.

"Shen Xiaoyao, I have to admit that you still have some abilities when you reincarnated as Heavenspan, but your cultivation base has not been fully restored. Now you are not worthy of being called Three Purities."

"Yanhuang God World, you guys don't want to get involved."


Hephaes grinned.

Raise your hands, and the fire of Rongxiao condenses into a battle axe.

Suddenly cut down.

Hephaes is Oss Twelve Main Gods, ruling fire axe, and his Life Source Divine Ability.

I don't know how many gods of God World died under his axe.

The flame wings behind Hephaes bloomed, and half of the sky turned into a scarlet red flame-like world.

Even Tian Wu frowned slightly.

Hefeis, the god of fire, with full aura, even he may not be able to block it safely.

This axe is enough to smash the image of Brahma.


In Giant Deer City, all the great masters of Qin Dynasty are looking up to the sky.

Shen Xiaoyao loves people like children, if they fall, they will only have a dead end.

"Damn it!"

Ling Hanxun also has eye socket cracked.

But she was entangled in Tianwu's Power of Water and couldn't get out.

Shen Xiaoyao can only hold the Great Destruction Zhuxian, trying to resist this axe.

"Hehe, don't struggle, this...is fate!"

Hephaes sneered.


But at this moment, there was a cry from outside the sky.

There is Saint Sovereign that splits the sky, transforming into a giant sword and descending, blocking the battle axe.


The holy sword is unmatched, and the power of the sword of the Great Destruction Zhuxian is combined, and the battle axe is directly split.

"This is...the sword of judgment!?"

Hephaes stepped back and looked up towards Tianwai.

"Victory of Goddess Athena?"

Everyone was surprised by the sudden change.

They looked towards the sky one after another, and they saw a Heavenly God with golden holy light wings slowly coming down.

"Hepheus, the god of fire, long time no see."

The figure is beautiful, and the golden hair slowly flutters.

It is the one who followed Ling Tian, ​​War God Athena!

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