Shen Xiaoyao and the others were hidden in the sky by Ling Tian with Power of Primal Chaos.

Those Dragon Clan powerhouses can’t be found.

Shen Xiaoyao couldn't help but take the initiative to teach this wild and frivolous Dragon Clan, but was stopped by Ling Tian.

"Don't worry, it's not time for us to take action. I believe Xun'er and the others can handle it."

Ling Tian sneered with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then he held his hand and wrote a piece of work. The look on the wall.

Dragon Clan Saint Sovereign on that platform is not the strongest in Dragon Valley.

It seems that it is also a Saint Sovereign Peak.

The real Severing The Three Corpses Saint Sovereign did not appear.

Ling Tian's eyes swept across the huge Dragon Valley and the abyss, only to feel a trace of Dragon Profound aura.

It seems that this in-law is really trapped.

Even with his ability, it is impossible to determine where it really is.

"Together? You deserve it too!?"

On the platform, Ling Hanxun let out a cry.

"Senior, I'll come first!"

She glanced at Athena, and then lifted the Divine Sword from the platform.

Ling Hanxun stepped on the eternal Golden Lotus, and the breath of Saint Sovereign turned into a hundred thousand golden-bright and dazzling sword intents, sweeping away.

The sword intent is so sharp that Dragon Clan who watched the battle around the platform retreated one after another.

looked at each other in blank dismay, I was also quite surprised.

Ling Hanxun’s sword dao also inherits Ling Tian, ​​and even today’s attainments are much stronger than his big brother Ling Fan.

“weng! ”

Thousands of golden swords are condensed into a golden Heavenspan sword, starting from the Golden Lotus, slashing towards the Dragon Clan Saint Sovereign.

Although Ling Hanxun does not have the Supreme Divine Item in his hand, he has previously refined some of the energy of immortal elixir, which has greatly increased Ling Hanxun's cultivation base.

This sword shot is already Ling Hanxun’s strongest divine ability.


Dragon Clan Saint Sovereign on the platform was shocked, but there was no fear.

He lifted the Dragon Spear on his shoulders, his feet shook, and the golden-bright and dazzling dragon scales all over his body manifested, the extremely exuberant Dragon Clan breath rushed into the sky, and the tens of thousands of feet of Golden Dragon screamed from the sky. .

With one shot, the entire Golden Dragon evolved into a long spear.


Golden's spear glow and golden's sword light are on the platform.

The sound of explosion is accompanied by strong light.

Most of the Dragon Valley is illuminated, as if the golden sun is rising.

The breath is so strong, the platform has been shaken out of densely packed cracks.

Fortunately, the rock material in Dragon Valley seems to be extremely tenacious, plus many Dragon Clan shots, so that these breaths are blocked.


But within the strong light of the platform, there was a muffled hum.

The rays of light dispersed, and everyone suddenly discovered that Ling Hanxun was shocked by a shot!

With such a tyrannical sword just now, Ling Hanxun is still invincible?

Ling Hanxun’s talent and battle strength are obvious to all.

Anyone that Ling Hanxun lost before was far beyond her in realm.

Within the same realm, Ling Hanxun is invincible.

But Dragon Clan Saint Sovereign, but he did not reach the realm of Severing The Three Corpses.

"This guy can use some Essence of Metal power!"

In the void, Shen Xiaoyao frowned.

He has now comprehended thunder Source Power, and he is particularly sensitive to the amount of this source power.

In the shot that Dragon Clan Saint Sovereign took out just now, there was a hint of golden power.

It was because of the power of the golden source that Ling Hanxun was invincible.

Although that trace of the golden source of power has just been comprehended, but the increase in battle strength is still extremely strong.

"Long Jin deserves to be the number one among the younger generation. If he waits for the third corpse to be cut, he will be the number one in the Yanhuang Dragon Clan!"

"Yes, after all, Long Jin is back. An ancestor has a dragon ancestor bloodline, comprehended Essence of Metal, in the future, I will definitely enter the Reincarnation Realm!"

"My Yanhuang Dragon Clan, I am finally going to reproduce the glory of the ancestor of the year!"

The old dragon kings laughed so hard.

"hehe, Human Race Goddess, my Dragon King admits that your battle strength is good, but you are not my opponent."

"Let’s go together!"

The Dragon Clan Saint Sovereign still said.

"I can still fight!"

Ling Hanxun still wants to fight again.

But she was stopped by Athena, "Girl, you suffer too much. If it were not for the amount of source power, he might not be your opponent."

Immediately, she too Stood up.

"The God is coming to fight him."

The Dragon King shook his head, "You are still too confident with yourself."

"Try Try it."

Athena sneered. How can I say that she was also one of the Twelve Main Gods of Divine Race.

Ling Hanxun is a younger god, she is not.

Furthermore, although Athena has not cut off the third corpse, she is now the second corpse Peak.

Holding the shield of the sky in his hand, he suddenly fisted and fell, shocking Heavenly God to emerge mightily.

"Not bad!"

That dragon gold sneaked, Dragon Spear rises again.


Essence of Metal is just the foundation of Five Elements.

But for Saint Sovereign, who has not yet understood Source Power, it is still too strong.

Athena's Judgment Fist was shattered by a single shot.

Dragon Spear is still there.

Athena pupil suddenly shrink, blocking the shield of the sky in front of her.


It shook and buzzed endlessly.

One after another tide, also filled.

Athena was shaken back three steps, and finally she carried it down with the strength of the shield of the sky.

But Athena’s Divine Weapon has not yet been refined with suitable materials, so she has more than enough defense, but her divine ability is not strong.


That Longjin also frowned, and didn't expect Athena to be safe and sound under his origin.

"Come again!"

Longjin spear glow will rise again.

But after a dozen times in a row, Athena still insisted, although she had retreated to the edge.

But it still made Long Jin's face more and more embarrassing.

He boasted about one against two before.

But now, he can't even help Athena.

"Dragon Gold, that's all!"

At this time, in the depths of Dragon Valley, an old voice suddenly sounded.

in the sky Ling Tian and Shen Xiaoyao looked at each other.

It's the Severing The Three Corpses hidden in it!


"It's a felony to trespass into the Dragon Valley!"

But that Longjin's face became more and more ferocious.

He stood on the sky, the Dragon Spear in his hand suddenly disappeared, and at the next moment, a huge Golden Dragon appeared.

At this moment, he actually directly manifested the ontology!

Not only that, but above the golden dragon scales armor, a raging golden flame is burning.

This guy is actually going to burn Dragon Clan’s Life Source Fire?

That is where the essence of Dragon Clan lies. For every point burned, it takes a lot of time to cultivate and recover.

In order to defeat Athena, this guy went crazy.

"Longjin stop!"

"The Great Elder is here!"

The other old Saint Sovereign were also shocked.

"I only need one chance!"

"You guys, go together!"

The giant dragon roar formed by the dragon gold roars, the huge dragon tail Suddenly swept across.

With the help of the Strength of Source of Gold, this dragon-gold strike is comparable to Severing The Three Corpses Saint Sovereign.

"senior, be careful!"

Ling Hanxun was shocked, and came to Athena's side, Golden Lotus bloomed, to help resolve this divine ability.

Athena also knows that this crazy strike from Longjin is not trivial.

The shield of the firmament stands in front of her, but she has only consumed a lot.

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