Obviously, he is not very happy with these three Supreme Supremes.

"Buddha Maitreya?"

Shen Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows.

I thought this Buddhism aura came from the Tathagata, but didn't expect it turned out to be the Buddha of Namile.

Furthermore, the emperor Saint Sovereign is faintly stronger than Maitreya!

Not only that, but what happened to Saint Sovereign?

He has just returned from Yanhuang God World. In the ancient Human Race of Yanhuang God World, there is a Human Sovereign named Di Yu.

Ancient god, It shouldn't be the same name, right?

Although he was puzzled in his heart, the emperor spoke, Ling Tian and Shen Xiaoyao, also brought everyone, to the top of the Tianxu.

On both sides of the Tianxu are the Celestial Courts of Mount Meru and Ling Tian God World.

And above the Tianxu, there are many great halls at this time.

Only one God World Supreme or Severing The Three Corpses can sit in it.

That is the symbol of the top Saint Sovereign.

Di Yu Tianyi waited behind Supreme, followed by many Saint Sovereign.

This represents their respective God World power, panic pressure, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, rolling up the divine force wave, and even pervading the hundreds of thousands li, shaking two God Worlds.

On the Ling Tian side, everyone's expressions are very solemn.

Heavenly Venerable and Juntian are not here. During this time, it is indeed the emperor who is in charge of the Tianxu.

Now that it looks like this, it is obvious that Ling Tian and Shen Xiaoyao, who have just returned, will be disarmed.

After all, even if Shen Xiaoyao used Source Power, the cultivation base was still too low.

Especially that Ling Tian, ​​as a character in the third God World, has not yet reached the realm of Severing The Three Corpses?

This made many emperors and Saint Sovereign of Tianyi God World laugh secretly.

Ling Tian God World is indeed the God World formed later, too weak.

"Ling Tian of the Three Purities."

"Shen Xiaoyao."

"I have seen you Supreme."

Ling Tian and Shen Xiaoyao were slightly nodded and never gave up.

The expressions of the trio of Emperor Kuo, including Namile, remained unchanged, and looked at them lightly.

Until the monkey behind him showed impatience and couldn't bear it, the emperor didn't speak.

"Hehe, I have heard of the two Three Purities names for a long time."

"I saw it today, it really surprised me."

"The emperor Well."


"When we meet for the first time, in the future, we will join forces to defend against Blood Race and the Witch."

"But you can rest assured that there is a deity. As long as the two are matched, the Blood Race and the Witch Clan are not to be feared."

Di Yu finally faintly smiled.

The atmosphere is still quite solemn.

This guy clearly didn't put Ling Tian and Shen Xiaoyao in his eyes.

"hehe, Ling Tian donor, we haven’t seen it for a while."

"However, the cultivation base of Ling Tian donor is extremely diligent. Congratulations. "

The face of Buddha Maitreya is always looking up at the news.

But it makes people hate themselves.

At least the cultivation base shown by Ling Tian is not worthy of congratulations at all.

This guy is sarcasm and sarcasm.

"Heavenly Venerable and Jun Tian?"

Ling Tian did not answer either, but asked instead.

"Heavenly Venerable and Juntian senior were in the comprehend retreat half a month ago, and they should be out soon."

The monkey said.

"Oh, let's talk inside."

Ling Tian nodded.

Heavenly Venerable and younger sister are both in retreat, no wonder they can't feel their breath.

Everyone came forward and was about to enter the hall.

"Wait a minute!"

However, the emperor did not wait to get out of his body.

Rather: "If the deity remembers correctly, Brother Ling and your son-in-law should go to the Golden Mother God World and Yanhuang God World to lobby. Now, the two are back, but why not see the two? The powerhouse of the Great God World?"

The voice of Emperor Yu fell, and the sky fell silent for an instant.

Not only those Saint Sovereigns of God World of God World who discuss spiritedly, Qin Mingyue and the monkeys and the others are also puzzled in their hearts.

Because of this return, there seems to be only Ling Tian and Shen Xiaoyao?

No other powerhouse.

Above the Tianxu, there is no shortage of Severing The Three Corpses powerhouse today. In addition to the West Heaven Realm, Diju and Tianyi God World both have two or more Severing The Three Corpses powerhouses.

Even God World counts God as Saint Sovereign, Severing The Three Corpses realm has four!

This number is the strongest in Tianxu.

Because of this, Heavenly Venerable does not come out, and Emperor Ku is the god of ruling in Tianxu.

For a while, the scene was a bit awkward.

"The mission of the deity has been completed, and the two God Worlds will come soon."

After Ling Tian said, he was going to step forward.

But I still refuse to give up.

"Brother Ling, I'm really sorry, Tianxu has rules."

"Those temples are for Severing The Three Corpses powerhouse."

" Ling Tian God World, it seems that there is no one who meets the requirements. Please move. The gods of Ling Tian God World are all there for cultivation. You can go there to discuss matters."

Celestial Court on the side.

It turned out that before Ling Tian returned, Ling Tian God World, unexpectedly no, entered those temples and sat in town.

This is also until now, the shame in the heart of Ling Tian God World cultivator.

They are all waiting for Ling Tian to return.

But now, he was still blocked by this emperor.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think that the battle strength of the deity is under those Severing The Three Corpses Saint Sovereign?"

Shen Xiaoyao Unbearable, coldly said.

"Naturally not. You have Power of Thunder. The battle strength is indeed above Severing The Three Corpses, but the rules are rules."

"Only the cultivation base has reached Severing The Three. Corpses can step on the top of the Tianxu ruins and have an exclusive temple. Is it possible that you will break the rules made by the God World before?"

Tianyi Saint Sovereign said with a smile on the side.


Shen Xiaoyao stared, and his heart was furious.

This emperor and Tianyi are really bullying.

"Or, just make an exception for the two Three Purities. After all, this Tianxu is also built on the Ling Tian God World."

Di Yu suddenly Look at the mouth, looked towards both sides, "I don't know, what do you think?"

"It doesn't matter, since Ling Tian the donor wants a temple, it is naturally possible."

Maitreya Buddha nodded.

There was no objection that day, "Then make an exception."

The three Supreme faintly smiled, the figure gradually faded from the front of everyone, and turned into three shocking figures. Sitting peacefully on the Supreme Temple in the depths of the three directions of the Ruins of Heaven, overlooking the Ling Tian gods below.

Is this an exception?

Clearly mocking!

The Buddha and Saint Sovereign of Three Realms were all laughing secretly.

At this moment, many Saint Sovereign and cultivator from various Great Influences gathered inside and outside the Tianxu.

Ling Tian God World this time, no matter whether you enter the temple or not, I am afraid that you will be embarrassed.

"Father-in-law is nothing but Severing The Three Corpses Saint Sovereign, they, bully intolerably!"

Shen Xiaoyao frowned.

"Come out..."

Ling Tian sighed.

He didn't intend to fight for the front, but the opponent, overbearing.

Sure enough, after the voice fell.

From Ling Tian's side, a breath suddenly rose.

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