"Monkey, go, father-in-law naturally has his reason."

Shen Xiaoyao spoke.

"Then, okay."

The monkey nodded and turned around.


Qin Mingyue frowned, "Could it be that the fourth Severing The Three Corpses Saint Sovereign is coming?"

" Taishang Dao ancestor, could it be that dragon..." Feng Jiu rolled his eyes, as if thinking of something.

"hehe, you are afraid that you have forgotten, I am another Supreme of Ling Tian God World."

"Ling Nian, you don't even miss your father-in-law?"

Ling Tian looked towards Ling Nian.

"I, I haven't had time to ask yet!" Ling Nian scratched his head.

Long Meier is eyes shined, "Father-in-law, is it my father who is going to be promoted?"

"My family, since the time is just right, then it’s on this day. Come on, Transcending Tribulation!"

Ling Tian nodded, and immediately raised his hand to take out the Chaos Clock.

A Dragon Profound wearing a nine-color Battle Armor, this manifested from it.

"hahaha, don't I want to sell Guanzi, but that's all, since you want me to come out at this time, then I will Transcending Tribulation!"

Long Xuan laughed heartily, not at all the weakness and malaise of the previous time in the Dragon Valley Abyss.

The gods of God World in the great hall were all overjoyed.

If Long Xuan can also become Severing The Three Corpses Saint Sovereign, then the Ling Tian God World side, even if it has four Severing The Three Corpses battle strength, will be equal to God World.

When the time comes, who will be the God of Judgment, but it is not always certain.

At this time, the monkey has reached the temple of Heavenly Ruins Abyss.

At this time, Emperor Yu and Tianyi Maitreya are discussing matters.

"Emperor Saint Sovereign, now this Taishang Dao ancestor has returned, which proves that the plans of Blood Race and the Witch Clan have all been defeated."

Tianyi frowned.

"hmph, as expected, only with Blood Race and the twelve ancestor witch's mindless waste, how can we fight Three Purities."

The emperor coldly snorted "But I absolutely didn't expect that he could live and walk out of Yanhuang God World."

"Is it useless for all the methods I left?"

"Two According to the Buddha, let’s discuss how to deal with this person. Now Heavenly Venerable and Jun Tian are not there. It is the time when we wait and unify the four God Worlds in one fell swoop.” Maitreya Buddha said.

"This is not anxious, don't forget, you West Heaven Realm, and there is a Buddha who has not returned. In addition, I am not sure if this is a trap between Heavenly Venerable and Juntian." Was shaking his head, undecided.

"Why, do you suspect Heavenly Venerable......" Tianyi raised his eyebrows, "Your relationship is not......"

"Heavenly Venerable does have an old relationship with me, but our relationship , How can it compare to their Three Purities?"

Emperor Sneered, "There is also the reincarnation of Nuwa. He knows my identity, so he certainly won't for me to use."


"The Tathagata is there and when it will return is unknown. Reincarnation Realm is not so easy to cross." Maitreya Buddha said, "Except for the Tathagata, Dipankara and the Second Saints are not to be afraid of. As long as the West Heaven Realm is still there, they I won’t intervene."

"The top priority is to wait for the deity’s Divine Art Great Accomplishment. By then, the deity will be able to let the Space Source advance, and never enter the Reincarnation Realm."

"I am the body of reincarnation, as long as I transcend Saint Sovereign, I can become Reincarnation Realm, completely surpassing Saint Sovereign. This Three Realms belongs to the deity!" Di Yu coldly said.

"With the power of Saint Sovereign, the saint Sovereign will naturally enter the cycle of reincarnation smoothly. It is not a concern at all for the great Taoist ancestor and Heavenspan Cult Lord."

Tianyi Saint Sovereign Tao.

"hmph, Taishang Daozu, hehe, I simply didn't put it in my eyes." Diju sneered.

"By the way, Heavenly Venerable and Jun Tian, ​​are they really looking for the entrance to Ancient Boundary?" Maitreya Buddha suddenly asked.

"Yes, because they really don't know." Di Yu slightly narrows the eyes, "But they never want to find there in a short time."

"Maybe Di Yu Saint Sovereign You..." Tianyi Saint Sovereign and Maitreya looked at each other.

But don’t wait to ask again.

The voice of the monkey sounded outside the temple.

"Western Victorious Battle Buddha Sun Wukong, please see Saint Sovereign!"

The voice came into the great hall, and the three of Tianyi started led.

They all looked towards Maitreya, but the latter also shook his head, "What is he here for?"

"Come in!"

Di Yu spoke lightly and sat in a precarious manner .

The monkey stepped into the temple, but in an instant, it was suppressed in the temple by the turbulent divine might, which was impossible to move even a little bit.

Emperor Saint Sovereign owns the strength of Space Source. He doesn't want the monkey to move, and the monkey doesn't want to move anymore.

The monkey slowly raised his head, but saw three vortex hanging high in the great hall, and the three Saint Sovereign statues such as Di Yu, sitting upright like a sacred mountain, looking down at him.

"It turns out that Maitreya Buddha and Tianyi Saint Sovereign are also here, so that’s good, so that I don’t need to run away again."

"You monkey, why are you here?" Di Ku Zunwei, indifferently said.

"Lao Sun Bingtai means to go to the Taoist ancestors, please three gods, take all the Saint Sovereign under his command, to the temple to discuss matters!"

The monkey is replied with its wooden body.


The monkey voice fell.

In the temple, coercion revived.

The sound of ka-cha sounded in the monkey bones in an instant.

Under the pressure of three Saint Sovereign Prestige who have Source Power, he can't stand. It is already the tyrannical limit of the monkey's fleshy body.


But after a while, the emperor laughed loudly.

The sound of laughter permeated the entire Tianxu.

"Let the deity go to the discussion?"

"Didn't you tell him that the deity is the god of ruling in this day market. What qualifications does he have to let me discuss the matter?"

"If he has anything to discuss, come to the deity!"

Mille and Tianyi Motionless As Mountains, but they also sneered in their hearts.

Ling Tian?

What kind of thing is that, I really thought that if I brought three Saint Sovereign down, I would be able to sit on an equal footing with them?

"Regulations, Taishang Dao ancestors naturally understand."

"Emperor God World has four Saint Sovereign, and Ling Tian God World is now too!"

The monkey said.

"talk nonsense."

Tianyi Saint Sovereign shook his head.

Nadi Ku waved his hand and was already impatient, but before he used Power of Space to send the monkey out, his face changed slightly at the next moment.

The same goes for Maitreya and Tianyi on the left and right.

"The breath of Supreme Dragon Clan rises suddenly!"

"And the breath of Heavenly Tribulation is condensing, someone is going to cut three!?"

At this time, inside and outside the Tianxu Mountain, all the Saint Sovereigns were alarmed, and they walked out of the temple one after another, looking towards the top of their heads.

On the sky ruins, I saw a nine-colored Dragon Clan, soaring and roaring.

His body is huge, as huge as a thirty thousand zhang.

Not only that, this Dragon Clan is full of nine colors flashing, the rays of light become one after another halo, suspended above its dragon skull, Dragon's Might flourishes, so that Mount Meru and Celestial Court, all trembling.

"I heard that Ling Tian had a relative, Taishi Dragon Clan. Now it looks like it has swallowed the blood of the dragon ancestor, and the bloodline has been promoted again, thus entering the realm of Severing The Three Corpses!"

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