This voice cannot be questioned.

The defeat of Emperor Saint Sovereign means that Ling Tian has become the new ruling god of Tianxu.

No matter how they despised Ling Tian before.

But now, Ling Tian's battle strength is enough to crush them.

"Emperor Saint Sovereign!"

Tianyi Saint Sovereign and Maitreya Buddha came here.

They also never expected that Ling Tian could have two origins, and one of them is still chaos!

"That's all."

Di Yu shook his head, "Go and see him, what do you want to say."

Although he is in this battle In the game, he did not use his full strength and was not injured, but he also knew that without using Divine Item, he could not stop the holy sword blessed by Power of Primal Chaos.

Unless, he can also comprehend Source Power comparable to Chaos, or turn Power of Space into Space Source completely.

Both these are undoubtedly extremely difficult.

Ling Tian took everyone back to his temple.

But Ling Tian's figure suddenly stopped in front of the door.


Shen Xiaoyao complexion changed, calmly stepped forward, and helped Ling Tian down.


Qin Mingyue also changed color, she unexpectedly discovered that there was blood dripping from the corner of Ling Tian's mouth.

He was actually injured.

"It doesn't matter."

Ling Tian took a deep breath and pressed down the blood energy in the chest.

Just now, it was his first time that he combined Power of Time and Power of Primal Chaos into one, slashing the holy sword.

And this kind of Source Power harmony almost caused Ling Tian's fleshy body to burst.

He has not fully mastered both powers.

But, fortunately, he survived this level.

Ling Tian slowly turned around with the support of Shen Xiaoyao.

Looking at the many Saint Sovereign standing in front of the temple, he understood that this battle was worthwhile.

Between the two realms of Xitian and Ling Tian, ​​except Heavenly Venerable and Jun Tian, ​​no one should ever want to be above his head.

Not only the Saint Sovereign of Ling Tian, ​​but also Saint Sovereign rays of light, like a meteor, come from around the Tianxu, moved towards the temple where Ling Tian is located.

They landed on the square, standing respectfully.

This time, they witnessed the birth of the new God of Judgment.

Moreover, I have to come.

Ling Tian's sentence is not a joke.

But in a moment, with the arrival of the three Lord of Divine World, Tianyi and Maitreya.

All Saint Sovereign from all circles of the Tianxu, all gathered in front of the Ling Tian Temple.

This is the second time that Tianxu has gathered like this since its establishment.

"I don't know, Ling Tian Saint Sovereign, what do you want to discuss?"

Di Yu spoke.

"Naturally is the future of Tianxu."

Ling Tian's complexion is as usual, he raises his hand, and drops a God World star map in front of the temple.

"Today, at the border between West Heaven Realm and Ling Tian God World, there are already Blood Race and an army of Witch tribes. The deity predicts that they will launch an offensive soon."

"This time, I will gather all of you Saint Sovereign to discuss how to arrange troops to resist this shock."

The reason why they drew in the four God Worlds is to Resist the attack of the two God World armies. ,

Then the battle will begin, and it is time for all the God World armies to act together.

However, Ling Tian's voice fell, and the Saint Sovereigns in front of the palace looked at each other in blank dismay.

After all, they have only been here for a short time, and so far, they have not experienced a battle.

Now, do you have to be scheduled by Ling Tian?

"I don't know Ling Tian Saint Sovereign, how to schedule it? Before, the emperor Saint Sovereign had arranged a plan."

Tianyi Saint Sovereign said.

"Oh? Really?"

"Then I don't know, Saint Sovereign, how you want to schedule, now you can also say it, everyone, discuss it together."


Ling Tian spoke lightly.

"Cough cough..."

The emperor was lightly coughed, "The battle at the Tianxu market is big."

"The deity is also planning For a long time."

"From the point of view of the deity, the Blood Race on the West Heaven Realm side is the most threatened."

"There, Zeus has mobilized six masters of Saint of Divine Grade. Sovereign is coming, and the army several millions."

"So, God World will help the West Heaven Realm defend the border."

Imperial Saint Sovereign said.

"Yes, before, the deity also discussed with Maitreya Buddha, Tianyi God World will fight Blood Race together."

At this time, Saint Sovereign also Open up.

"In Tianxu Mountain, God World and Tianyi God World are now the strongest. You are all going to the border of West Heaven Realm, what shall I do with Ling Tian God World?"

Hearing this, Shen Xiaoyao couldn't bear it.

This is not bad at all what they expected before.

"This is the dispatch plan of Saint Sovereign?"

Qin Mingyue also questioned.

Since this, it is equivalent to all the elite forces of Tianxu have gone to the West Heaven Realm.

Ling Tian God World, do you have to rely on your own strength to resist the witch army?

“Don’t get angry with the Queen, there’s no way. After all, Blood Race is so powerful. If we divide up, I’m afraid that in the end, no God World will be able to resist.”

Tianyixiao laugh.

But in that smile, it was all indifferent.

"So, you have to sacrifice Ling Tian God World?"

Ling Fan slightly narrows the eyes.

"Ling Tian Saint Sovereign, in fact, we are not to blame?"

"According to the previous plan, Heavenly Venerable and Jun Tian also help Ling Tian God World to guard "

"But now, Heavenly Venerable and Jun Tian two Saint Sovereign retreat, their two God World powerhouses, will also help Ling Tian God World resist the Witch tribe."

"Moreover, doesn't Ling Tian God World now have four Severing The Three Corpses Saint Sovereign? It's not bad to come to battle strength, and I will definitely not be afraid of the Witch army."

Di Yu spoke again.

"Amitabha, Saint Sovereign was right. He did not expect that Ling Tian Saint Sovereign would come back so late, and besides the four Saint Sovereigns, he did not bring back anything. God World army."

"It's helpless."

Milley spoke.

Although his words seem to be explaining for the Emperor Saint Sovereign, they are full of doubts and ridicules about Ling Tian.

Indeed, even if it was Ling Tian's own battle strength Heavenspan, and there were four Saint Sovereigns who were in charge, they did not bring back any army.

This is incomparable with Diku and Tianyi God World.

Di Yu and Tianyi Saint Sovereign's faces both made no secret of smiles.

Obviously, even if Ling Tian has become the god of judgment, they still have to look at Ling Tian's jokes.

This is a mess.

"Want to come, Ling Tian Saint Sovereign will not separate the power of Tianxu, and I have already sent the army of the two God Worlds to the Western Tian border in advance."

Di Yu said again.


Now, the complexions of everyone in Ling Tian God World are all changed.

This emperor has already mobilized his army.

So so, even if Ling Tian ordered the withdrawal, it would not look good for West Heaven Realm.

This seems to have indeed become Ling Tian's most difficult battle.

They don't know how many Saint Sovereign will be coming from the Witch Clan.

But it is conceivable that Ling Tian God World alone cannot compete with the Witch Clan.

After all, within the God World where Heavenly Venerable and Juntian are, there are not many Saint Sovereigns.

Even, not as good as Ling Tian God World.

The power of Tianxu has completely lost its balance.

For a time, on the square in front of the temple, everyone discussed spiritedly.

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